Thursday, December 10, 2009

35 Weeks Pregnant My Lower Back Is So Sore



is true that in the animal kingdom, as far as we know, only humans laugh and cry. Crying and laughter are healthy, says science, because the tears lubricate, disinfect and nourish the body, and Laughter oxygenates the blood and serves as a whole body workout. By the way, is amusing to think that it is impossible to tickle yourself provoked, unlike other animals, that is common to see a cat, a dog or a chimpanzee super busy playing with themselves, happy. The superb writer Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) said that laughter was invented by humans and retains its exclusivity because only we suffer in this land of the most exquisite torments. The child cries at birth, six days smiles and laughs at twelve weeks, when he begins to understand the world they joined. The monopoly of laughter in line with our exclusive possession of language privileges in biological evolution appeared simultaneously, with explanation of laughter as a verbal expression of euphoria, perhaps the first secret voice broke the sound barrier and we started in the handling of words and symbols. Something that coated much value in the natural selection of species to be as common to the human race. Nothing unites more than laughter because we can understand the neighbor in a moment, opening relations with others in the society that prefers and emphasizes that individuals encouraged and optimistic tone, individually impregnating the body of a sense of well being makes illuminating heavy loads tolerable expectations. Laughter involves the whole body by the action that moves the diaphragm and chest muscles that play a bellows manner, speeding up the entry and exit of air, oxygenating blood, making it more efficient circulation, cooling, similar to the effect of voluntary exercise gym, shedding the nervous excitement triggers muscle reflexes, glandular and other fields, coming to make you cry and, at the height of the seizure, the nasal flow. Sonically, the laughter catches our attention on only comparable with tears.
is said that very few people can resume their normal duties to laugh or cry as background sound. Other mammals, under the rule of emotion, can cry and scream in pain, but no one makes a sound similar to laughter or tears or produce tears. Some say that the hyena laughs, but as the joke says, "with the life he leads" is not to laugh: his is only a grunt not related to laughter, a hallmark of the human, as it tears produce from birth and five or six weeks of life, of course, more abundant and larger drops in women, with production in both sexes reaches its peak between six and nine years later fading. The more intense the crying spells, more strongly tighten the eyelid, thus facing the pressure of deeper blood vessels of the eye: if it were not so may break, as such in the coughing, the sneezing and even yawning. Through the tears drain down the tear ducts, we prevent them from drying out the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages and respiratory tract, mucous membranes directly exposed to the environment, wind, cold or heat, germs, particles and gases, which defends us by his glands secretions form a protective sheet, which would dry up in the absence of the relief of tears, as fundamental as a stream of air. In addition to facilitating the movement of the eye to provide lubrication and nutrition proteins, salts and sugars dissolved, tears as mucous membranes have antibacterial properties that stop the growth and destroy microbes that come under one item called lysozyme, which we found in greater abundance than any other higher mammal, the wise Alexander Fleming was studying this substance when he discovered and prepared penicillin. It is obvious that laughter and tears, especially in children, improve our chances of survival.
In any case, differently from the tears that can result from a pain-revealing, there is no key or knows the origin of laughter: the Latin philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero was amazed at its power and questioned before Jesus Christ: "What There is laughter, how it arises, where is, how it exists and how it breaks that we can not restrain lust, and how at the same time takes over the lungs, mouth, veins, face ... ? "The British GK Chesterton (1874-1936), who admired the master Borges, claimed to feel that someone is laughing at us while lower and stronger than one, it's awful. The politician Winston Churchill (1874-1965) stated that the consoles imagination of what men can not be, the laughter comforts them as they are. The Dutch humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), one of the most acute and software writers of his time, author of "In Praise of Folly" held that laugh of all is proper for fools, but not to laugh at nothing is stupid. For the witty Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), as he thought his contemporary Nietzsche, the world has always laughed at its own tragedies, such as sole means of support. Pitigrilli Italian writer (1893-1975), said that making people laugh is an art: it is a science. Comedians write their best stuff when they are no longer young, when the weighting replaces the momentum. There are many kinds of humor, as the caustic of the French writer Voltaire (1694-1778): "Under the generic title of priest is appointed to every Christian who devotes the service of God and feel called to live without working at the expense of the poor people who work for a living. " There is humor skeptical critic André Maurois (1885-1967): "Laughter is a mask for tragedy. All great comedians are their own heroes and their victims. The most severe judge of good humor is the same: can not find what you want and suffering. Making Sense of humor is a spiritual being against oneself, is a mask to hide the pain and, above all, to hide the deep cynicism that life communicated to all men. " There is the mocking humor of English Jacinto Benavente (1866-1954): When someone asked why qualified "extraordinary" a certain lady very rude, said: "For the same reason that you call your clock 'extra-plane'." There is a critical humor that brought the great American Mark Twain (1835-1910), who said: "Good breeding consists in concealing how much we care about ourselves and how little we care about others", and the cynical humor of that Oscar Wilde: "It's very dangerous to have a husband care for his wife in public: it always makes people think that hits when they are alone." To the memory of illustrious Chinese sage Lyn Yutang (1895-1976), the chemical function of humor is this: change the character of our thoughts. But the truth is that nobody has explained logically why the man laughs. The English writer Jardiel Ponce (1901-1952) stated that trying to define the product of humor laughter is like trying to punch a butterfly with a telegraph pole. Some philosophers have concluded definitions for laughter as the New Zealander David Hector Monro, in his study "Theories of Humor" published in late 1970: "Fun is something that we laugh. We laughed because we've seen or heard fun. It seems that's all I can say. "And make a list of ten conditions that are fun to be human means any alteration or disruption of the usual things (eat soup with a fork), acts or actions prohibited by the rules of politeness accepted (burp in public) any indecent act (in Chile to make a "Pato Yáñez" gesture with both hands to offer the genitals to the respectable age, lol), bring to a situation which corresponds to another (many examples of great cinema buffs as Buster Keaton), any costume or behavior and what is not ( men covered with a canvas resembling a horse that never fails in a circus) puns (not the same one meter black lace ...); the absurdities or follies (the comedian asserted in the wall of a building, someone to tease you ask, are you holding up the building?, man ceases to assert, withdrawing a few steps and the building falls to the ground) Unfortunately any minor (a person slips on the banana peel), any lack of knowledge or ability (to see someone hit your thumb with a hammer), and insults or attacks ironic wit. It also provides principles that can be applied to all forms of humor, such as freshness or surprise (repeated joke goes rotten) and the folly of a situation that placed in a context that belongs to another. The absence of laughter
reveals concerns, fatigue, distress, physical or emotional grief, his presence restores some balance of man in his passage through the tight rope of life, doomed to be a product of culture, but not entirely cultural; to be a product of nature, but not completely natural. It is difficult to define a laugh with obvious words, again because we have between their lips at any time, without fear that the fish heads, when we speak here of human expressions that have to do with what we bring to forever, no way around it , and the ability to circumvent all efforts impertinent air of philosophical challenge that also aroused the curiosity of the great Aristotle, who could only conclude that the ridiculous is an element of comedy. Dr. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) argued that laughter is a relief from the strictness of the censorship setting, the father of psychoanalysis carried the basic contradiction of life in the depths of the human psyche, arguing that there the conflict between demands strong animal nature and the civilizing instructions ego and super ego, before Freud called conscious and subconscious, these conflicts emerge disguised as humor banned jokes about sex and hostility, as well, for it is life a struggle between repression imposed by the environment and the natural desires of the unconscious: we laugh to avoid getting the censor and the simple relief that causes the release of the huge pent-up energy within us. For the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), laughter is the man brave ally in the battle against the ruling strict, relentless, disruptive, which is the "reason" in an excerpt of his "Theory of Laughter" writes: "The cause of the laughable is always paradoxical subsumption or inclusion, and therefore unexpected, of something on a concept that does not apply, and laughter indicates that suddenly notice the incongruity between the concept and the thing thought, ie, between abstraction and intuition. The higher the incompatibility and most unexpected in the concept of laughing, the more violent will be the laughter. Therefore, to produce laughter always needed a concept and a single object, an object or act that could be included in it and represented by him, but under another aspect important not to enter it and differs strikingly from all what is ordinarily included in that concept. "
recognized several rules to get to laugh, but the main one: smile, even in the midst of the storm suggest a smile, which is a powerful means to irradiate the magnificence of God in man. The look, the expression of the face are nothing but our dynamic energy flows which immediately reaches those around us, because our face expresses the individual soul. The smile is a psychic energy in action. That is why a smile is infallible tool in its power to enter into the hearts of individuals. The smile is the border between friendship and rejection, and an expression that is believed to be perceived in general all animals below man, because naturally occurring energy that sprouted know a gesture of our body, and some relate to heart energy (which feeds our thoughts) is the quality that is, with the power to enter into contact with the psychic energy of other people's hearts. At last it is through the attitude of heart we express to others the quality of our thinking and mood. Through the heart is how we receive and feel what others transmit, at a meeting of hearts are contacted through the gaze, facial expression and body gestures, including the most laughter is universal: the rest comes later. Laughter is true, there is no fake laugh, because it raises a barrier immediately perceptible to the human spirit, especially in childhood and at the end of life. The man-child and the old man are never intimidated by a false smile. Magically, it said that a person who laughs at the heart's desire, may cure anyone of any wrongdoing by the simple act of presence. Because laughter displays the power of love (that is his secret).
© Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes.
(Excerpt from "Our Site" written loose) Links

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Racquel Darrian On Dock

A solution in search of a problem

The fundamental characteristic of a modern market price is Not, But
innovation ... .... ... ... The Technological superiority
best technology wins, the second best Loses.

The key feature of the modern market is not price but innovation
... technological superiority ...
the best technology wins, the second lost.

Innovation is as much an attitude of mind as a scientific or
Exercise Practical Innovation is both a mental attitude as a practical or scientific

(Sir Paul Girolami, Chairman, Glaxo)

The technology usually is linked to human intervention to transform their environment and how desirable improvement. This involves the analysis of needs or problems in a company or firm and the search for the best alternative, which may be a product, process or infrastructure. Likewise, innovation is linked with technology as providing new ideas and innovative approaches necessary for technological advancement in the progress of a society.

Normally, when development activities are advanced technology or innovation is common to think of solving a problem or need and how technological advances will solve the problem. However, this process does not always come on with that order and sometimes the first is the "solution" without knowing its implementation immediately.

The classic example is the laser. When it was developed in 1960 was named as a "solution in search of a problem." Wikipedia defines the laser as follows:

A laser (acronym for LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulate Emission of Radiation, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device that uses an effect of quantum mechanics, induced or stimulated emission, to generate a coherent beam of a suitable medium and the size, shape and purity control. Honestly, the definition does not say much, but the truth is that applications ranging from medicine (many surgeries) to entertainment (DVD, lights, etc.), passing many manufacturing processes that use this technology. This case dramatically illustrates how sometimes technological developments are held back or are underestimated because they are far ahead of its time or simply there is no one visionary who can find a practical application.

Currently, Microsoft developed a technology called Microsoft Surface computer is defined as a 'multi-touch' that responds to hand gestures and helps people to interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive. Definitely seeing it is best understood by describing and to know exactly who is best visit (

The thing about this technology is that costs 10,000 pounds (about 35 million pesos approx.), Which motivates us to think that could have applications or "needs" could cover for someone willing to buy it. For now applications you have are the same computer can provide a normal or an Iphone, so an investment of this magnitude is not fully justified. So if anyone knows of any 'problem' that can be solved with this technology can present it to Microsoft, and who knows, maybe they could partner with Bill Gates and enter through the front door in the computer world.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How Long Is Opalescence Good For?

The Fun Theory or "how to do things we should and have fun in the process"

recently saw a Youtube video in which it was intended to test a hypothesis. In the underground exit of a European city (honestly do not know which) there are two alternatives: an escalator and a traditional. The video shows that the ostensibly people prefer to use escalators. Not that I have nothing wrong with using them, but if you stick to the advice and medical advice some exercise climbing the stairs we do not do anything wrong. In this regard, conventional steps modified to make them look like a piano in that each step has the sound of a note (including sharps and flats).

The result as seen in the video is that the flow of people using the stairs increases markedly. The hypothesis being tested in this and other videos created at the initiative of Volkswagen, is that you can make a difference for good in the behavior of people, making certain activities are fun or exciting. In another video, a trash can in a park was added a device with a sensor to simulate a very deep well when people littering. The result is that the average weight of trash dumped in one day was 72 kgs., 48 kgs. more than the usual average.

few years ago in the 90's, former Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus, devised strategies to generate what he called Civic Culture. For example, so that cars will not stop at the traffic lights on pedestrian crossings (known in Colombia as a zebra), used to some pampering so sly and pestle reproached drivers and urged them to respect the crosses. Result: a very good time for drivers stopped their cars without stepping on the zebras. Unfortunately, This behavior is lost and now the crosses are not observed, which leads to think that not enough short-term policy to modify the behavior of individuals but also transforming the institutional policies that include cultural, behavioral and idiosyncrasy .

Although the proposed video can not be regarded as conclusive and can not confirm the hypothesis stated bluntly, do not deny it was fun to watch them and indeed there is an incentive to keep thinking of new ways to modify the behavior of citizens using humor and fun. The company offers a prize of € 2500 to those who can find new ways to change for good behavior of individuals using educational tools like the videos. The link is:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Starting Exercise Affect Your Period



By Waldemar Verdugo.

Non-violence is a force charged with positive energy. Revalued force in the twentieth century the hand of people like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King expressed in a concrete way to act out the way across positions that appeared insurmountable, initiating a common way to address the acute problem of violence in our society really installed. We have inherited a world of violence. The natural condition appears to require this legacy, as anything is possible at any level of life without stress and struggle. Our survival instinct usually leads us to peace, but history is a chain of violence that contradicts the vital spirit, which has been threaded through the economic, social and political marked by violence. For a Christian mentality, the incongruity is obvious. However, the thesis of violence are seductive, especially for the youth, who then warns that the achievements products have been valuable in times of peace negotiations, because the weapons are held by the most powerful, they are not, precisely, workers and our men every day. Transforming violent methods of struggle is nonviolent transformation of man in, because it means destroying the primitive model of conduct based on answering violence with violence, which is an instinctive model should become a logical model with its roots in history evolution of man, from which sprout more and more. The nonviolent struggle requires a metaphysical foundation, because it requires a provision of complete conviction that the results will be better if we do not answer evil with evil, position oriented as personal expression of belief in a transcendent truth.
The roots of non-violence are installed far back in history. From Athenian society to medieval society structured according to Christian principles, one can recognize a singing career to non-violence, and the law of universal love the rationale of the classical world around the world, according to the books sacred knowledge of the various religions, which, for example, Hinduism based full force search for truth through non-violence claimed more and more now as we begin a new millennium and maturity that we see with us disasters caused shudders the immediate past, for example, considering the results of two world wars whose echoes still dragging. Now when we are witnessing a transformation in by the great mix that brings the network to weave Internet statement virtually everyone in the crowd while it was human sometimes precipitated by violence repugnant ways, in itself unnecessary and therefore, illegitimate, naturally appears headed toward their own spiritual resources to rescue the living above all things, which is more attractive according to what we see after we open window on the virtual screen.
So far, human societies were closed, fighting each for their livelihood and extend its domination over others. Now, the increasingly widespread downing of borders and free trade treaties pioneers among regions, we are getting closer to find common solutions that will one day be universal. In this sense, for example, the violence of war will cease to be "natural" by the need to protect territory or possession of property of others. The great human miscegenation we will become more civilized, to create the conditions for ending violence in our society. For many scholars, the war has been a normal phenomenon in the relations between peoples, but the truth is that were the result of the desire of the rulers (kings, dictators, democratic governments of the left or right) to increase their political power and wealth, inspired by the call temptation of power, often subject to bad politicians, and that practice has caused disasters and deaths of entire peoples. Precipitate violence that has been used not only between nations, because the same bad politicians, sometimes unlawful, they used their weapons against his own people, by the same desire for power or because it corresponded to the customs, which smooths the current communication increasingly Moreover, when we know exactly where in the planet can produce a massacre intervene when connected human society today. What seemed naturally in certain parts of the world in the early twentieth century now seem a lot, in a hundred years things changed dramatically. This is the case of the death penalty, for example, for those considered criminal punishment was considered a natural and necessary, and is now repudiated as unworthy of a civilized society. Of course, the achievements of civilization change, evolve, and that the fight against violence is always and every time. Modern totalitarian regimes have introduced new methods of cruelty more refined than those of the past and at least as inhumane and unjust enrichment at the expense of the needs of the people, evil will persist until we have not grown in such a way that we can achieve a more radical transformation, announcing the virtual network.
far "domination" has meant exploitation and violence, resulting cruelty of the strongest against the weakest on a scale ranging from slavery to feudalism and the traditional bourgeoisie and economic regimes perhaps inevitable in the history of social evolution , which also were masters, kings and patterns his subjects were treated humanely, so we can quote him now. But vestiges of institutionalized violence are still alive. Admittedly there are still states or social structures that do not correspond to the changing needs of social forces and act only perpetuating oligarchic minority privileges, that exploit the dominated groups, which, seen from certain points of view, is still the dominant global tonic, it is unthinkable that the expression independent political religion, because if a politician is portrayed as an atheist is appealing to the religious aspect of society. All the great religious thinkers have also had a clear political idea. If we think of such enormous figures of humanity as Jesus Christ, seems inseparable from politics to religion. His political philosophy was: "Love your neighbor as yourself" sublime inspiration: why say more now? Close to our time, another great revolutionary as was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (the Mahatma in India appointed, meaning Great Soul, as was in world history) led his life in the Hindu religion and politically expressed non-violence as a destination his work, magnificent fusion. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) in his book "Story of my experiments with truth" which is also expressed love ("ahimsa") its a political weapon, and appears to us totally dominated by the feeling of loving kindness and gentleness which is the keynote of his thought. Gandhi's father was an official state high-grade and his mother kept a passionate and active religious faith dating back to ancient and sacred Brahmanical and Hindu traditions. After following in his homeland a regular course of studies and when I was about twenty years, he moved to London for three years where he perfected legal studies. Moved in 1893 to southern Africa, was dedicated to the work of redemption and moral and social elevation of many thousands of Indians living there. Many and varied were his works, established agricultural colonies and hospitals, and especially since, tried to eliminate the caste and religion that divided his people. In their relationships and their inevitable clashes with the government authorities of South Africa opened a method of struggle, resistance or better maintaining respect for the human person and avoided the armed revolt, and now in Africa, in 1906, implemented the "satyagraha" ("obstinacy the truth "), known by the name of" passive resistance "and part of the political ideas of the current nonviolent movements today. Returned in late 1914 to India, and from that year, Gandhi was practically the head of the nationalist movement, peaking at first mere "autonomy", which takes its basis of "economic autonomy" to which comes through "non-cooperation" and then with "civil disobedience", which finally becomes the symbol of "national independence" ("svaraj"). Acted politically following media that was in sharp contrast with the prevailing practice, considered negligible the principle that the end justifies the means, a principle that many centuries earlier exalted and put into common practice. In an attempt to achieve religious peace in India throughout the life of Gandhi in your country displays an uninterrupted series of episodes during which he continued his political activity, with longer or shorter breaks passed in harsh prisons. His repeated and painful fasting (made sixteen, the last of them a few days before its end) were proof of a complete dedication to his cause, and eventually the devotion of the workers, their word passionate enthusiasm, prayers and invocations recited in public, moved and snatched the audience. Mahatma Gandhi was
religiously close to Christianity, because he felt it was natural to the supernatural order, and considers it necessary based on fundamental beliefs even to the man who acts formally correct. As suggested by Dr. Jesus Ginés Ortega: "Have God is the great concern of Gandhi, who understands that" possession "as something individual but also social. If Gandhi prays, it does not just thinking of contemplative intimacy that limits on personal enjoyment. On the contrary, his prayer is communication with the world through God. It is, as he himself acknowledges, his own breathing. Not conceive that someone truly wise and balanced willing to live by their own risk without regard to God. That one is like a ship adrift without rudder, is a man who lives without principle. When Gandhi referred to religion, in general terms, it refers to a particular religion. For him religion transcends any particular dispute. Well, religion does not mean sectarianism, but belief in a moral order that governs the universe, which transcends Hinduism, Islam, the Christianity, which has no possible substitute. She harmonizes and gives them real life, concluding that a religion that is in conflict with the fundamental laws of the economy is bad. A religion that takes no account of practical reasons and does not help solve them, not a religion. " This fundamental sense of Mahatma Gandhi takes to build a foundation of peaceful coexistence among all those men of good will, without forcing them to participate in the same religion. Principle of tolerance that Gandhi was born to the same religion: "If you obey the law of love, I will hate or irreligious brother ... If I were asked to define the dogma of Hinduism, I would say simply that it is seeking the truth through non-violent, a faith open to all metaphysical and ethical possibilities of man. " Realizing this principle the words of Jesus to the Samaritan woman, when he says the time comes that God is worshiped in a temple, but in "spirit and truth." Say it was great the admiration of Gandhi through Jesus Christ, who comes to regard as a supreme model, the prince of politicians, the greatest economist of his time, a non-collaborator, the most active non-violent resistance of mankind.
"What is truth?" Asks Gandhi to answer to himself: "It's a question difficult. I've decided to say that is what the inner voice tells us. " For him, every man is himself and his inner life, which reveals an aspect of the overall mystery of the truth. So nobody should be the total performer, because we are all stakeholders, protagonists and antagonists at the same time. So announces golden rule of "mutual tolerance" because the ultimate truth is shared by all, as in all religions is a sincere search for and awareness of true revelation, that only in the convergent union springs the whole being, human real substance, it is not an abstract thought, uprooted from the reality, however, is the reincarnation where the concrete man acquires its importance and value of behavior and action made of flesh and spirit. The cornerstone of Gandhi, of course, comes from ancient Hinduism, one of whose main principles is called "Ahimsa", which is deprived of doing wrong, not harm any life, not using violence, particularly principle is also stated Buddha. For Gandhi: "Nonviolence is my first article of faith is also the last article of my creed. That freedom of the world, is certainly part of the search for truth. " In that faith is a bedrock which are rooted all the thoughts and actions of non-violent man. For what is impossible or unreasonably difficult for man, faith in God makes it possible, and to maintain a close relationship with God, prayer is necessary, it is not a simple request: "It is an aspiration of the soul", so it is to practice this faith of heart, even without words. Because silence is not empty but full pure revolutionary strategic hints when words speak only as sweet as silence, urging its partners to seek for itself the right response at its own reflection. The work of social, political and economical and Gandhi also presented as a work of spiritual relationship with God through a respectful relationship with the similar.
many years ago in Buenos Aires accompanied the master Jorge Luis Borges to charge a royalty owed in an editorial. They paid with a check that went to change the bank and then returned to his apartment in the Calle Maipu, he had a habit of leaving money in the pages of his books carefully placed in the library, it was not a special room in your home, but shelves on the walls, where a simple table in a corner daily in the dining room served, because he lived very soberly. Then his mother was still alive, Leonor Acevedo de Borges, whom I met two years before they return to the distance and was a very sweet old woman, both were served by Mrs. Epiphany Uveda Robledo, whom Borges called "Fanny" of affection, then if any served more than thirty years, was also relatives who attended the lunch, when he visited Norah Borges, sister of the writer and his family, and was the one who cared for those, like this writer, came to see him. I must say that often took breakfast or lunch with the teacher Borges served with the excellent provision that Mrs. Fanny always had: go in thanking this memory. Borges The teacher made me better, I was twenty years old and a foreign student with whom he was essentially protective, gave me a pair of shoes and an electric shaver that was the most luxurious I had, too, when she realized that I was broke, sending me to open a specific book his library and told me to take something that I had left there and take it as an exchange of value for value, by reading that made him the things I needed to read or take some notes that I dictated. Sometimes packages gave me books that he sent and had not liked, they were wrapped with great care by Mrs. Fanny, telling him that selling the used bookstore and let me what you give, so I did and never kept one of those books. When we went, sometimes whole morning we were talking in the cafe Florida or the East Gallery in front of his apartment, or in Coffee Street Swan Ponds: whenever he was worried that with my coffee to eat a sandwich , although he rarely ate out of his house. At home the teacher Borges, was most severe, had no television, no jukebox, no radio, only very specific books, just living with what he and his mother and no longer needed. Ever heard him say it was a despicable living with the luxury some do, there are people without what to eat.
In my opinion, Jorge Luis Borges was an ascetic, and a reading of his work from this point of view give unexpected concepts. In the manner that characterizes the work of Mahatma Gandhi rightly, that exalts the idea and practice of non-possession. For non-violent have more than what is needed is an affront to humanity, contrary to the true revolution in possession more than necessary for everyone distracted from the core activity that is spiritual. In all great men and women who have advocated non-violence is an example of austerity. When Gandhi wrote to his followers from prison, he notes emphatically, "It is a theft to take something belongs to others, even with the permission of the owner, when not really needed. Do not always know our real needs, and most of us multiply our needs without justification, in this way we become unconsciously thieves ... The rich have a lot of superfluous things do not need and, therefore, neglected and wasted, while millions of people starve from lack of food. If everyone keeps what you need, no one will want for nothing, content to each their own. If we are true followers of non-violence, we should not desire anything of this earth that can not be the most miserable of human beings. " For Gandhi, while property beyond what is necessary is a theft, no job is too, because the work justifies the responsibility of man in society. In this regard, it is recognized Gandhi debtor from Christian sources, recognizing that in his reading of Tolstoy Leon discovered the universal validity of the work, as a means of communication with God and men. Earn their bread by the sweat of the brow as a revelation understood as a basic principle of human consciousness. That is outside the stop work if necessary, because the "satyagraha" gives a right recognized since time immemorial, every individual can deny cooperation to the master who governs badly. Because nobody is must be sullied. The non-cooperation as proposed by Gandhi is more than a political movement is a purification behavior of the order of religious realities, is a spiritual weapon, it delete itself in the order of relationship with God through work, a way to express the passion for truth and trust in that man must understand it is prepared to be better.
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009. Chilean writer

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happily inspired Mahatma Gandhi world leaders such as black Christian pastor Martin Luther King (1929-1968), the black leader in America who successfully defended the same spirit that made possible the independence of India. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 as president of the United States largely has been possible thanks to the struggle that once held the pastor Luther King with racial equality movement, who in his book "Power of Love" states: "The whole concept of satyagraha Gandhi had deep meaning for me. To go in every time in the Gandhian philosophy, my skepticism about the power of love gradually diminished, I came to understand for the first time that the Christian doctrine love implemented by the method of Gandhi's nonviolence, is one of the most powerful weapons that can have an oppressed people in their struggle for freedom. The Bible and the teachings of Jesus have given me the meaning of passive resistance, techniques for putting them into practice has been taken from Gandhi. " The aim of his life was the liberation of blacks in American society through non-violence, much influenced policy Gandhi, whom the black pastor again cites in his book "Why We Can not Wait" stating that "the black religious tradition prepared us for nonviolent resistance similar to that of Christians primitive was a moral offense of a power so overwhelming that shook the Roman Empire. In his own century non-violent ethics of Mahatma Gandhi and his followers muzzled the guns of the British Empire and freedom from colonialism to more than three hundred fifty million people, where non-violence in the form of boycott and protest the monarchy broke British and thus prepared the platform for the further liberation of the colonies from unjust domination ". The nonviolent revolution Luther King Shepherd United States spent in sweet and sour. It was a tough road but fruitful. One of the darkest events for the black leader was he lived in 1936, when Good Friday went to the Birmingham jail, facing justify their non-violent actions against the superb Councillor Bull Connor, repressor of men of color, and black to friends fellow priests and other Christian leaders, who would have preferred more discreet, as he relates the situation in a memorable letter he wrote from prison on 16 April of that year (excerpts): "While I am detained here, I got the rating your my unskillful actions and inappropriate. There are few times when I pause to answer criticism against my work and ideas. If to answer all the criticisms, I would not stay even a moment to make a constructive task. But, as I think people fundamentally good intentions and that your criticisms are sincere, try to answer your statement with a few words ... I'm in jail in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eighth century BC left their villages and spread his divine message far from the limits of their originating cities, as well as the Apostle Paul left his village and spread the divine message of his people far more remote and I also see myself compelled to spread the gospel of Liberty, beyond the walls my hometown, I am aware of the interrelationship between all communities and states. I can not sit with folded arms in Atlanta and not be affected by what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is committed, constitutes a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in the inescapable network of mutuality, together with the same car of Fate. Anything that affects one of us directly, affects all indirectly. Anyone who lives within the borders of the United States has no right to reconsider any more alien in the territory of the nation. You deplore the demonstrations taking place here, but still is most unfortunate that the white power structure of the city did not leave the black community other way than this. All non-violent campaign has four basic phases: first, the gathering of data necessary to determine whether injustices exist, then bargaining, then self-purification, and, finally, direct action. We have been in Birmingham for all these phases. To seminars to instruct on non-violence, where we repeatedly ask: "Will you know accept blows without returning them? ... The non-violent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to deal with this problem, which can no longer ignore under any circumstances. It may seem strange that I cite the creation of a state of tension as part of the work rests with the non-violent resistance. But I'm not afraid of the word "tension." I always stop opposing violent tension, but there is classes of non-violent tension necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise reliance on myths and half truths to enter the premises free of creative analysis and objective appraisal, so we have to understand need nonviolent social tension that serves creative incentive for men to overcome the dark depths of prejudice and racism, rising to the heights of understanding and brotherhood. The goal of our direct-action program is to create a critical situation which necessarily leads to a negotiated solution. We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. For years now I have heard the word "Wait." Ringing in the ear of every black with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We have to agree with one of our distinguished jurists that "justice too long delayed is justice denied equal." I agree with St. Augustine that "an unjust law is no such law" ...
Pastor Luther King asks: How do you know if a law is just or not? And he says, from the Birmingham jail that "a just law is a mandate given by the man, that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a rule in conflict with the moral law. In the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: "An unjust law is a human law not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just; Any law that degrades human personality is unfair. " Segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality given to it secretes a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority also. Segregation people just relegated to the status of things. So segregation is both inadequate policy, economically and sociologically, morally wrong ... Sometimes a law is just on its face and unjust in its application. For example, I was arrested for demonstrating without permission. Now, there is nothing wrong in having an ordinance requiring a permit to demonstrate. But this rule becomes unjust when it is used to of segregation, because they just do not let blacks manifest, denying all citizens the right of assembly and peaceful protest ... Under no circumstances advocate the disobedience or defiance of the law, which would lead to anarchy. He who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and willing to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks an unjust law to his conscience, and willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment as to raise awareness of injustice in the community that suffers, is in fact expressing the highest respect for the law . Of course there is nothing new in this kind of civil disobedience ... practiced, so superb early Christians who were willing to face hungry lions and the excruciating pain of torture rather than submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire ... I have to confess two things honestly, my Christian and Jewish brothers, I have to confess, first, that in recent years have been deeply disappointed the white moderate. I've almost come to the sad condition of the wheel that has tied the black and hindering their passage to freedom, not of a member of White Citizens Council, or the Ku Klux Klan, but the white moderate who puts the "order" to justice, who prefers a negative peace which is no of tension to a positive peace which implies the presence of justice who always says: "I agree with the goal you are trying, but I can not approve their methods of direct action", he thinks he can fix a deadline to freedom of others ... It is much more bewildering lukewarm acceptance to rejection without limits ... Moreover, those who follow the path of nonviolent action are not who we stress. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that was dormant much earlier. Bring it to the light, because so it can see and act accordingly. " The struggles inspired by the black pastor began with negligible boycotts of stores that people treated rudely black neighbors who came to buy, but the first effort of the black pastor was to lead its members to "examine and honing basic weapons: his heart, his conscience, courage and their sense of justice. We can get ourselves free. " The first day of December 1955, the black employee Rosa Parks refuses to relinquish the seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery. Is arrested. The black rebel with fury, but Luther King convinces them to start a movement of passive resistance to injustice: the boycott of buses. Blacks began to get to work on foot or in cars of other blacks, who transport free. Authorities believe that the fact alone is a protest, but the fifty days of resistance, the buses run through empty streets and the company suffers losses in the millions. Thus, the authorities decide to act against Luther King, accused of driving the vehicle at 50 k / h on a street where the speed limit was 40 mph, was arrested and taken to jail, where he writes: "Never had trouble with the police, knew they wanted from me. When I stopped and quickly left the police van, I began to pray, knew they could take out of town and leaving me half dead on the edge of a road. Recovered mood when I saw the neon sign of the Prison of the city. Thank goodness. The prison does not scare me. " The news of his arrest roused blacks who were placed outside the prison, covering the surrounding streets, quiet but menacing, forcing the warden to release him. Authorities in Montgomery, then make use of a compliant judge, who stated that the transportation in private vehicles made by blacks in this campaign, is illegal. Quoted Luther King, who appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, which declared unconstitutional the racial segregation on buses, and in December 1956 the final decision takes effect: in the first integrated bus up the black pastor Luther King, a white pastor, and Rosa Parks, marking a notable non-violent action between that mark the beginning of the end of racial segregation in America. In 1962, in Alabama, the black pastor encouraged not to buy in the stores bearing emblems segregationist, and some business sales fell by forty percent.
In 1963, shocked the world free black. In the United States continued segregation despite being the centenary year of the termination of slavery in the country, signed by the legendary President Abraham Lincoln. But the reality was that segregation had reached a breaking point, the income of blacks was half of whites in the same job, the American black seen in other continents had black States reached political independence, United Nations and statesmen of color gave their vote on issues that had influence throughout the world while they still had no right to vote in many cities of the country, were excluded from many restaurants, transport lines, entertainment centers, universities were still segregated and humiliated them and that's when Martin Luther King stands as one of the strongest World leaders to symbolize the pure indignation of his race who understands that "the enemy that faced the black no longer the individual he had been holding to oppression, to become the flawed system that allowed this attitude of the individual. " Stifling other leaders of color who advocated violence because he was still clinging to the idea that violence can not be stopped with violence. So no doubt the action proposed, but not an action that is a copy of the action of dominant materialism, but an action inspired by the non-violence of love, the only possible to break the cycle of human violence. He said: "Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, a weapon is unparalleled in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles those who wields it. It is the sword that heals. Moral response practice while the black demand for justice, the non-violent direct action proved to win victories without losing wars. "
On 22 November 1963 the free world and especially the United States received with sadness the news of the assassination of President JF Kennedy in Dallas. The black pastor himself had received the most support in their struggle to end racial segregation, which would influence beyond: in early 1964 the U.S. Congress approved the "civil rights law" as a tribute to the memory of Kennedy. Also that year Martin Luther King receives the Nobel Peace Prize "for having consistently maintained and continuously beginning non-violence ", and receives strong support to their cause of Pope Paul VI, who committed since then as a position supported by all Catholics to the cause of ending racial segregation in the world, a fact that is still far from end, and makes these pioneering figures inspiring force. At a time when racial segregation is much that one begins to think that only one race where we find (or find us) alien beings and then move on to "us and them." .
The truth is that the structured application of violence in human history has led, inevitably, a backlash. Using terms political violence has led to reactionary revolutionary violence. The revolt of slaves against their masters is before Christ, when he came into the world with his message captured many of the violent anti-Roman rule, in the Middle Ages, peasant revolts against the masters or servants, are what they represent in the contemporary history of social revolutions against oppressive regimes or ruling classes, which arise as a reaction to some type of violence. History has taught us that violence begets more violence that cost thousands of lives so far, often covered by a misinterpretation of ideologies, as with the Marxist Communist ideologies or that make violence the primary means of action, such as anarchism.
"The history of all hitherto existing societies today is the history of class struggle, is one of the first sentences of the Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels published in 1848) and contains the main thesis of Marxist about class differences, one of the essential aspects of this social philosophy, which, although it has now obsolete formulations (such as that human societies are always divided into two classes: the oppressors, or ruling class, and of the oppressed, or dominated class, which is considered simplistic and overtaken by social and technological developments) also rescues perfect formulations (some twinned with Christianity, not because nothing was called communism in its infancy "new Christianity") as it states that the oppressed, the proletariat, has a messianic mission in a sense: the to achieve through their own emancipation, the ultimate freedom of the whole society around class antagonism. Unfortunately it has implemented this intention to use violence to accomplish what could be a final revolution to destroy the ruling class, to establish a new state and thus prepare the advent of a classless society. That is, those who have used Marxism immemorial the way politics have used the people as cannon fodder in several aspects, such as directly in the war or unprepared for the oppressed and demanding immediate results face an action for which there is the knowledge that others took years achieve.
At issue is a landmark case that we live in Chile since 1970, when he took office and Dr. Salvador Allende nationalized many industries left in the hands of the workers ended up broken because the worker was not prepared to take over the production, had no cultural training to assume the responsibility of owning the product of their work. What is left to abandonment their jobs, for both sides to attend the daily demonstrations that sparked the chaos of all basic supply, raising the black market, favoritism, sabotage, and culminated in 1973 when he took power Gen. Augusto Pinochet's military junta and government, using violence as rarely seen in the twentieth century. Those who live in that September 11 could not believe that nobody could leave their homes while being bombed the Palacio de La Moneda. Of course the failure of Marxism in Chile involving dark powers intervened, and after we have the knowledge, governments and foreign interests, their own private interests in the country, other ideologies and extremist, but it is true that if workers had been prepared to assume the historical moment that meant the rise to power as a landmark of a Marxist president elected by popular vote, if we had been prepared, perhaps today would be remembered this time as the most painful in our history.
not in Russia or China (considering the most important examples), there was a proletariat as Marx had predicted. Simply because, even today, there is no necessary and inevitable development of owning the revolutionary force that could carry out the communist revolutionary act. Then came what we have seen, Lenin, first, then Mao Tse Tung changed the original theory Communist Party and Lenin in giving the party leaders, to be replaced in some way to "the forces of production together and realize" necessary that there was in tsarist Russia, and Mao Tse Tung, in a country where the industrial proletariat was almost non-existent, and the peasant passive and highly dispersed, then replaced without even the proletariat, Marxist (the result of an economic process) by military force the Chinese People's Army, formed and led by political commissars, who play the role of revolutionary agents. This has happened in all communist countries, where has not been or is the proletariat which led or directed by revolution or Marxist state, but party leaders who arrogate to themselves (more or less force) representation of all workers. We must distinguish the philosophy of Marx and Engels of the practice that has been given, be it Marxism-Leninism, Mao militarism preached that "Marxism save China," Contemporary Castro or communism.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009. Chilean writer

Crab Mallets Engraved



essential tool of non-violence is education, and this literacy. In our countries of America alone has advanced to about the last fifty years is Cuba, which has the least number of illiterates (a rate of less than four percent consists of over sixty years). Fidel Castro has written more than any other Latin American politician, has been addressed in almost all common forms and used others beyond us. A few years ago, the project officer of one of the movie studios to soil type in North America who spoke to me telling me that would communicate with me some people who wanted to hire me to write a screenplay based on the life of Alina Fernandez, Fidel Castro's rebellious daughter, who lives in Miami, and whose history had for a film projected internationally. That's how I talked, and before deciding, I asked you to send me information material they had: I did get the published version of the memoirs of Alina, published by Plaza & Janes (1997, 258 pages), and a copy of original version the author had given, which were about a thousand pages in total. I read the material and I proposed a questionnaire that they make to Alina, stating some things that were related above all to reassert historical dates and events in which he starred. A few days later, I did get about eight hours of recording answering my questions, which could see her complete willingness to respond in the fullest way possible how many references we need to write the script.
Then I visited Cuba to walk the streets that portrays Alina. I applied a few days there on my free will, to try to stop any foreign power that would take away from my only wish to visit Havana to walk more than anything else, let me be in it beyond a couple of obligations to open my eyes to portray what closely as possible a corner a place, a plaza or the Malecon. I had the great honor to meet Natalia Revuelta, one of the queen mothers of the Cuban Revolution: I talked to her once, a couple of hours, more than enough to understand why this woman has been the most steadfast love in the life of Fidel Castro. The mother of Alina Fernandez, "Naty" as they say in Cuba, is exceptional and of course never sufficiently recognized: the end his family contacts being educated aristocratic ancestry, and jewels, shaped the first revolutionary acts. Not for nothing, multilingual lawyer by profession and it was she who provided food and books sent to Fidel few times this should escape Sierra o estuvo en la cárcel. Con una mirada penetrante de sus ojos verdes muy claros, perfectamente arreglada con sus labios de rojo carmesí, “parece una fuerza de la naturaleza” como la define Alina en sus Memorias, vestida de blanco impecable, Natalia Revuelta dijo: “A mi edad, he cumplido ochenta años, puedo decir que siempre he sido algo más que la amante de Fidel y la madre de su hija Alina. Para Fidel su proyecto revolucionario siempre estuvo sobre su vida personal. Y en cierta medida, para mi también ha sido así: me lo saqué del corazón y lo puse en mi cabeza; ahora lo veo como un ser de gran dimensión al que sigo respetando. Soy cubana, por eso soy una mujer resistente, porque los cubanos we have resisted it. I have worked as I could for my country's revolution, if born again, would do the same. And, as I'm concerned if we waited more than fifty years for us to lift the international blockade, well we can wait another fifty, which has prevented us from selling the fruit of our land and our work, denying supplies to decrease monetary and real wages, "to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government", which are official words that you recite an official document of 1960.
Natalia Revuelta referred to a memorandum from the U.S. government declassified
in 1991, and describes the objective Finally the embargo or blockade against the island. In the document, the April 6, 1960, a year before the invasion organized by the United States against Cuba, the then Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Lester DeWitt Mallory, wrote the following, discussed in a meeting chaired by then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower: "There is no effective political opposition in Cuba, so the only predictable measure we have today to alienate internal support for the Revolution is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. Any means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the life Cuba's economy. Denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government. " It was the same tactic to destroy the functions of the government of Salvador Allende used against Chile, where, for example, food shortages and black markets emerged immediately. It is under this policy of blockading the island they were born and have lived two-thirds of the Cuban population, who have had to suffer, survive and grow under particularly difficult conditions imposed by the superpowers seeking the annihilation of the resistance and that has to be an example of strength, dignity and sovereignty of the Cuban nation, and in November 2008, a resolution condemning the blockade, which since 1992 has Cuba to the United Nations General Assembly obtained an unprecedented vote: 185 votes in favor, with votes against U.S., Israel and Palau. But the UN is a legend, not an obligation.
For Natalia Revuelta, "in Cuba has developed the most violent ideological machinery of contemporary history, more than half a century of suffering and systematic killings of children and innocent people, by the deprivation of drugs, raw materials, technology and General conditions for international terrorism have been deployed in the territory Cuban other nations. But Cubans are the only Latin Americans who have no starving children, or living on the street, or eating from the garbage. We have about ninety-five percent of the literate population, with virtually 100 percent of children attending school, which is a Cuban achievement to the world, although my relations with the regime are not the best, with the educational revolution remain intact. I have told them that there is inability to solve problems, accept that we made mistakes. There are things that need improvement. Free education, free medicine, free housing, but how much does a Cuban national currency? Almost nothing. For example, a person with a university degree, a doctor, a specialist in treating very well prepared ... children, earns less than twenty dollars a month. It is true that the conditions in which we hope to prevent a better life. Any working person could aspire to a better life, with dedication and sacrifice, but in the hope of a better life. In fifty years of the Cuban people's revolutionary government has access to everything for free, in exchange for their work that is paid a paltry salary. No way out until we can sell and move freely with the world. Fidel told me it was a time of change, which could lift the borders and who wanted to leave or enter so, much has been done and it must recognize the world, but it would be nice to expand freedoms for private development, I told them exploit the tourism in our beautiful island, but they said they should remain faithful to his position and never doblegarían to capitalism. And he fell out with me. I had to laugh, never fear. In 1994 something happened that bothered me. As always Moncada fighter went to the acts of July 26 as such, but this year one person told me to wait in the chair while the other fighters appeared down the stairs. I asked why. "These are the instructions, mate," he said. But I had gone there to be with my mates and not just to sit in the chair, so I broke the invitation before his eyes and I was not more. I hardly go out, but I hear radio and watch TV. Still, at the bottom of my heart I feel that we fought alone, we are a people who sacrificed lives believing that the most valuable is human dignity above all things. But I also feel that our ash has to spring a possible idea for a new civilization, just and fair for everyone. "
I walked freely in the streets of Havana. I accompanied the last four days two friends who traveled from Mexico to look behind me, as I noticed when I told them the project considered not exactly an easy project to confront, and fear, then I would confess when they came to Havana, I was exposed to danger when alone. I must say that having friends is a priceless treasure, and to whom I refer are to me a gift of God on Earth. I could give them a taste of pleasure as healthy as you open wide the windows of the Hotel Ambos Mundos, for invading left early in the breeze from the bay, while climbing from the hazy silhouette of the Cathedral of Havana in the room 511 of the hotel on Obispo Street in the historic center, "that Ernest Hemingway himself had described as" a good place to write, "and then go walking around steps to El Floridita, to test the daiquiris Dad, and follow a pleasant stroll along the cobbled streets to the mojitos in La Bodeguita de Enmedio, and happy in the world out on the streets smelling of coffee and snuff, singing loudly. Nobody ever bothered us. Not a police or a neighbor approached if it was not required to answer our questions in an address or enter a site. I should note here that my affectionate disposition to the island came from before: two dear friends had taught me to love Cuba as a land of their own: the first actor Frank Moro, who made an important career in Mexico and the United States, who no longer is with us, and whose friendship I was honored, and Ninon Sevilla, which is, I believe, the highest star that brings Cuba to world cinema, and maintains a current career in telenovelas. With Ninon are friends many years ago when I came to live in Mexico hired by Vogue magazine, she found the apartment that would be my home for many years in the corners of London and Denmark in the Federal District, from the beginning was Ninon protective of my tale, and remains so until now. Then, when I visited Cuba as he trod the earth knowing they were born people whose proximity has been a blessing in my life.
confessed to friends that I complicated the writing of this script, despite I had two compelling reasons to accept: Alina Fernandez never referred evil Fidel Castro, who as far as I was concerned in the historical context was the main character of the script, and second, by itself, because I think Alina is a personality beyond being the daughter of Fidel, and rescuing the facts of his life in Cuba where he spent most of his life, his way did his best for his people, which was blocked twice: by the conditions embargoed the island and by the secret police that her father always imposed following their footsteps. But I knew I had to face my own conscience to portray to the world a critical historical period of our civilization. Following the wishes of my heart I decided to give the decision to God and put myself in His hands. It was then that agent studies in Hollywood called me quite disheartened to report that Alina Fernandez was finally ceded the rights of their reports to Artist Relations Group, a new set of films that began auditioning and public relations for film industry thanking my willingness to see the material and travel to the island, which for them meant a loss of investment and time, and for me it was a unique experience.
Anyway, I should say here that in any country I have met in classrooms with more communist academic in the United States. I have come to believe that if sometime in the future communism is reborn as a government system, perfected, including its Christian roots, that country is America, where today there are at least the most important thinkers in this regard. Of course more people are graded utopia possible classless society. But some people really believe it is possible a state of affairs and a means to live where there is no domination or exploitation or any form of violence, a society in which everyone is free to search and choose the full development of the person inspired by mutual respect . Of course, saying "violence is the motor of human history is a Marxist idea obsolete and could not reach the final state of non-violence desired by Marx, as his thesis of class struggle. It is clear that the current systems that rely on Marx and closely correspond to their own desires. Because the ultimate goal of Marx and Engels was non-violence as the only solution designed to achieve full development, a goal that excuse the violence to reach a state of non-violence which is the ultimate idea of \u200b\u200bman as the end of history This has always been a vague idea for those who have followed what inspired books like "The Communist Manifesto" and "The Capital", and now fighting a new dimension in the international level, by the opposition of "developing", considered to be exploited by the international capitalist bourgeoisie "developed."
In the nearest future that far, thanks to the global connectivity network which has enabled the Internet, without a doubt to be flourishing more strongly the ideal of a classless society, in the sense that, in the words of Engels, is to develop the productive forces "at its best" to make it possible to involve all members of human society in the production benefits of civilization and culture, with equal opportunities for all and adequate participation and fair to all in the social product and the direction (in the economic and political), which is not noble who inherits a title but he behaves as such. Led by what Marx explained as a state agency in a classless society, fully subordinated to all human society and its service and its common good. Something, of course, now more than ever, at least technically, we are prepared to understand when we are notified by the virtual network.
If the error of Marx and Engels was supporting violence if necessary to reach non-violence, so instead of bringing them closer to their desires away, it is said by Jesus that "he who uses the sword, dies by the sword " others are frankly violence as a means of action, citing, for example, anarchism, which is a group with a strict internal organization that proclaims itself to be an anarchist, and other groups considered revolutionary left or right as gentrified. " Thus, not lack of a public identity that have been posted to be anarchists almost all the revolutionary groups, left or right, who use violence to achieve their goals .. With previous thinkers and activists such as William Godwin and Gustavo de Molinari,
anarchism developed in the nineteenth century, first with the work of Pierre-Joseph Proudon, then reaching the expanded and strengthened Initial discussions at the First Communist International, especially with the militancy and the thought of Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921). The latter was a theorist who advocated a communist-style social organization, but no statewide organization. The inspiring true consideration of anarchism is Bakunin, who was later excluded from the Communist International by Marx himself, as opposed to violent action anarchist radicalism that has spread a little everywhere. In the Americas
anarchism has native precursors such as Henry David Thoreau (1817-1852) and others,
that form a market-individualist tradition will then contact European ideas, then and migration-related European socialist anarchist event in North America gives pioneer of May 1, 1886, which until now celebrated as Labor Day. Henry David Thoreau raises in 1848 in his "Civil Disobedience" a thesis that will take you to jail for inciting civil disobedience in an impassioned plea for individual rights against state power, arguing that "those who disapprove character and procedures of a government and yet they pay their membership and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious support and therefore the most serious obstacle to any reform. " Maintains a certain sense even in becoming imprisoned for challenging injustice: "there must be to stop the runaway slave, the Mexican prisoner on parole, and the Indian who comes to denounce abuses committed against his race and will be confined in a more free and honorable, where the state makes those who are not with him in jail is the only resort in a slave state where a free man can preserve his honor. If anyone thinks that their influence would be lost there and that his voice would not reach to reach the ears of the State or would not be considered an enemy within its walls, it is because there will come to see how far the truth is stronger than error, nor how much more capable of fighting injustice is one that has suffered in his own person. We must not settle to cast a ballot in the ballot box: we have to reinforce what we want with all our conviction. A minority is made to matter when the majority opinion (which is not even a minority), but it is irresistible when it loads all his weight on the scale. If you put the state in the dilemma of incarcerating all men of integrity, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to prefer. "
Anarchists have a strong influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1713-1788), when he says that the individual is good for nature and society (or the state and its institutions) who destroys his happiness. States that occur in society, the man begins to lose freedom and inequalities begin to gain ground in establishing the property right and authority to safeguard it. In that society is a hoax, supposedly men unite to defend the weak but in reality what they do, is to defend the interests of the wealthy. States that the first step is the transformation of the individual through education. He preaches a new kind of social contract to return to man his 'natural' state without implying cease to belong to a community social contract based on the establishment of "a form (...) partnership whereby each to join everyone, not follow, however, only himself and remains as free as before. " It is a covenant community with the individual and the individual and the community. Each partner is attached to everybody and nobody in particular. This agreement creates the "general will" that is neither arbitrary nor one with the sum of the selfish desires of the individual wills of individuals. Then comes the concept of sovereignty, which embodies the general will, which is inalienable, never delegated, and the government is merely an enforcer of law emanating from the general will, and can always be replaced. Rousseau understood to establish this same way, popular sovereignty and individual liberty. Because, when you contract with the community, each individual is also carrying out a contract with yourself, while bowing to the "general will" is following his own will. Rousseau was the most influential illustrated the ideals that ignited the French Revolution of 1789, and nineteenth-century communists and the anarchists who rescued him his belief that the greatest achievement of humanity is the individual's freedom to to speak and act without being able to prevent any form, whether earthly or supernatural, so call abate any type of government, fight against all organized religion or sect, as they represent the contempt for the autonomy of men and economic slavery. They point out that fighting the state as an entity that represses the real economic and personal freedom of all citizens becomes an immediate need and the disappearance of any government is considered a revolutionary goal in the short term. Original anarchist doctrine imposed to limit its action only forgotten by the self-proclaimed anarchist groups: the prohibition on causing harm to other human beings, and this limitation comes another basic ideological assumption is forgotten in the groups using the name of anarchists : if anyone tries to harm human others, all well-meaning individuals have the right to organize against him.
In South America Anarchism spread by European immigrants arrived in Buenos Aires, among those highlighted EricC Malatesta and Pietro Gori. In 1890, the English immigrant Manuel Chinchilla created the first anarchist organizations among the workers typographers of Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile. Initially the organization was not conceived as a mere tool in the fight against the bosses, but also as true people's university, where they studied, practiced and solidarity which prefigured the world we wanted to live. In Chile, in Santiago had an immediate apprehension, joining anarchists teachers speaking loudly talking with neighbors in the Plaza de Armas, located in the opposite direction occupied by chess players, customs hitherto kept extended to the first street to the corner Ahumada Orphans . In this context of organization and agitation, the first born anarchist activity centers, that encourage popular universities such as the Center of Studies 'Rebellion', the first Chilean newspaper editors openly anarchist, "The Rebel" in 1898, which begins publication Anarchist news pioneer, as the anarchist, The Campaign, Agitation, The Torch, The Dawn ... In 1908, in Antofagasta, is grouped Center Social Studies "Luz y Vida", which will publish its information with the same name until 1917. In 1911 appears the other half of anarchist influence in Valparaiso, called "The Battle." Later it appears "The Verba Roja" (1918), and countless newspapers anarchist influence unions, which some explain as being the pioneer printers guild anarchists in Chile, from the very influence of Friar Camilo Henríquez, editor of "The Aurora de Chile ", whose writings so far are historical readings anarchists.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

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In "Essay on the life and writings of Camilo Henríquez" authored by Luis Montt, is told from a child who showed Fray Camilo inclination to study, and a pensive and melancholy character, his parents took as a sign of religious vocation that is why at age 9 are admitted to study at school Karolinska Santiago. In 1784 when I was fifteen, a maternal uncle's religious order of St. Camillus, called the Good Death, managed to be sent to Lim
to: in the convent is instructed by Brother Ignacio Pinuer, theologian Chilean, who learned Latin grammar, psychology and logic. He completed his religious studies as the January 28, 1790. In a document signed by one of his teachers, Fray Luis Martínez de Morentin, this says Camilo Henríquez "had a distinguished capacity and not yield to any person in its contraction to the study. Made extraordinary progress and acquired credit and esteem for his knowledge, had given preference to political research, the examination of modern authors and the cultivation of liberal ideas. " View is reinforced by the historical reconstruction of Luis Montt, which states: "The instruction was then in the convents, as in most of the schools, was weak and poor to form a fairly enlightened man ... Geography, mathematics, history, belles-lettres, were completely unknown in the classroom convent. Such studies could therefore not be applied to satisfy the spirit and researcher as Camille, and worked hard to medicine, natural sciences and social philosophy, or rather, a political science. Doeth this latest study on the books of Jean Jacques Rousseau and other French authors who, while prohibited in the English dominions were the notions that could give more accurate and true. "
The stage starts between 1796 and 1809, is shaped by historical differences, which are due to the number of prosecutions to Camilo Henríquez is faced with the Court of the Inquisition, no clutch all agree that the reasons for the prosecution was due to have books banned and devote to his reading. Leading Chilean researcher Jose Toribio Medina, argues that the friar was tried three times, first in 1796, the second in 1802, which documented in the book "History of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Chile", from which Fray Camilo clear that he was persecuted for a cause that ended in 1803, becoming clear that the monk was reading the "Social Contract" of Rousseau. And the last in 1809, it was observed that some day he asked a person who perhaps was a spy of the Inquisition, a play by Voltaire to read. Fray Camilo denied it, saying it was incompatible with their knowledge. This person turned him to the court stating that it was still banned book reader. Was not long before the Holy Office to send their deputies to the monk's cell, where it is found effectively excommunicated some books. The story continues: "Camilo was imprisoned and alacrity as the prosecution was not one of the virtues of this pious court, spent some time in the terrible dungeons of Lima. Finally, accessing to repeated instances of the parents of the Good Death, the inquisitor general was coming from La Paz to fray Bustamante, a doctor of some fame, to consider to Camilo Henríquez. Said Dr. Fray Camilo Bustamante was a Catholic whose orthodoxy could not be questioned, and the studio that made the heretical books that had been struck was on politics. " According to historical work of Peru, Manuel Palma Soriano called "Annals of the Inquisition" stated: "An Inquisition was established in his cell ... He found that the bed mattresses were stuffed with books Henríquez, and illustrated Chile was driven at once to the dungeons the Holy Office ... is likely that in 1810, was ordered to pass banished to Quito. "
In 1811 he returned to Chile, their return policy is launched on January 6, when it starts to move the manuscript "Quirino Lemáchez Proclamation," a document of her own, which urges you to vote for men capable of fighting for ideas independistas in elections for the formation of a National Congress. The proclamation was re-published in The English, of London, and in the Gaceta de Buenos Aires, Argentina. On April of that year, participates in the suffocation of the "Mutiny Figueroa." Then, on July 4, becomes the first National Congress, where he participates as a deputy alternate for Puchacay. At the request of the opening of Congress, Fray Camilo delivers a sermon that shocked the public and devout monarchist who attended a Te Deum in the Cathedral of Santiago and was partially recorded in the minutes of the sections of legislative bodies. In November, Congress promotes a curriculum that sought to organize public education, which is recognized as the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of the National Institute.
On January 16, 1812 is appointed by José Miguel Carrera Verdugo and the First Government Junta in Santiago, as editor of La Aurora de Chile, the first national newspaper, where he begins to work. Facing the issue the first leaflet is different versions, as the majority posits that took place on February 12, however, there is evidence of different types of print culmination, suggesting that there were at least three printings of the prospectus. The first numbered copy circulated on 13 February and the chronicler of the era Fray Melchor Martinez says: "There can be more expensive in words the joy that caused his establishment. Men ran through the streets with an Aurora in hand, and arresting those who were, read and reread its contents, giving the congratulations of so much happiness, and promising that the artwork and culture to transform Chile into a realm of sages. "
in La Aurora de Chile participated as collaborators Antonio José de Iris, Bernardo de Vera y Pintado, Manuel de Salas, also under the pseudonyms of Cayo Horacio Roque Harismenlic, Handin and Patrick Curinancu Canuto, wrote Fray Camilo Henríquez. The immediate success of the paper raises interest in meeting their makers and cooling problems Fray Camilo had the Holy Inquisition in Lima and are shredded his writings, and August 18, 1812, the Board appointed by the Chilean government through a decree, a commission "to formulate a draft regulation of the press", which Fray Camilo, interpreted as an act of censorship of their ideas, that responds to two decisions, the first was not to publish the decree, although by definition of "Ministerial and political" should have published it, and the second step was the publication in the issue of October 3, 1812, an extract of the speech himself translated the English poet, Milton, about freedom of the press. The newspaper is censored and the number following "La Aurora de Chile", two months later published official government censorship, and Milton's entire speech in bold letters, reviving the sentence was announced: "Since you are saying that we return to be slaves, at least us take advantage of the short time that remains for us to say goodbye to freedom. "
Another important works in which he participated as an editor was the "Provisional Constitution Order" of 1812, first constitution, work was commissioned by José Miguel Carrera, who always supported him. At this stage gives life to his first play, which is titled "The procession of fools." On Thursday April 1, 1813 goes out of print La Aurora de Chile and was born the "Monitor Araucano." Waterfront Event Vicuña Cifuentes writes: "He published La Aurora without notice or posthumous statement with reference to the reasons for his permanent absence, which makes any assumptions risky today on this subject. The fact that five days appeared after the same press, under the same wording and also as the official organ, The Monitor Araucano away all suspicion of disagreements between the Board and Henríquez and suggests that perhaps the Government anxious that the newspaper had hereinafter representation is not the same as had provoked so much resistance, with its bold theories in the timorous of the population, decided, according to Henriquez, suspend publication of the former and immediately found another official sharper, as in effect it was the Monitor, which, by its meager proportions, lent little further to go in it's work revolutionary propaganda in a comprehensive and verbose that Henriquez had been raised in Aurora. "
While the "Monitor Araucano" circulated on 23 June 1813 provides for the freedom of the press in Chile. The following month the idea of \u200b\u200bFray Camilo against the formation of a school, is expressed on 27 July when it created the National Institute of Chile, which comes into operation on 10 August. That same year he wrote "Catechism of the Patriots" and see another of his ambitions be realized: the creation of the National Library José Miguel Carrera writes for a decree establishing the monasteries in Chilean territory had schools for men and women. During 1812-1814, Fray Camilo also served as secretary of the Senate. Activity that involves and encourages to propose the abolition of the death penalty, proposing life imprisonment. It also proposes to implement a system of protection for indigenous peoples. Then a great change takes place both in national history, as in the personal life of Fray Camilo, because after the disaster of Rancagua, José Miguel Carrera (as well as many patriots) must migrate and Fray Camilo self exile in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This period from 1814 to late 1821, in the words of Amunátegui: "Camilo Henríquez was not the same man in 1814 than in 1810. The mighty monk, who had made his pen a sword to take down the portrait of Ferdinand VII, had declined. The individual whom I have known Peter the Hermit of independence, retained the strength of his lungs, but had lost faith in the immediate triumph of their cause. "During his stay in Argentina, thanks to his friend Diego Antonio Barros, could help in the drafting of the Gazeta de Buenos Aires, where he published in 1815 "Observations on some useful issues" that came into circulation in four copies in May and September. In 1817 the Cabildo of Buenos Aires is appointed to draft the newspaper El Censor "position in which he remained until February 1819. At this stage translates the" Outline of democracy "by Robert Bisset. Also writes his second drama "Camila or South American patriot" which portrays the violet repression with which they acted realistic sectors of Quito in 1809, and was first printed in 1817. The third work of the monk was "Innocence in the asylum of virtue," which fails to see published. To Henríquez the theater should be a "school of politics", with the aspiration is that way in Argentina, the "Society of good taste of theater." His ties with Chile never cut, and by Manuel de Salas, according to a long list of book titles appropriate for the National Library. Hear of its existence in Argentina has become sad, entire squad Jose Miguel Carrera, has left the journalistic work for health reasons and alone. On November 15, 1821, being in government and Supreme Director Bernardo O'Higgins, he wrote a letter through which he was invited to return to their native land: "Although this last period of freedom of Chile saved you so quiet that neither of our soil nor me has agreed in significant productions, which are always known by the inimitable sweetness and distinguish trial, I want to be the first to renew a friendship that was so kind and can be useful to the country where both were born. Many times I wanted to write to you an invitation to return, but would not offer the that was not equivalent, or better, what you enjoyed, and still waiting for the end of the war so that neither this retrajese you to come. Now, therefore, that the freedom of Peru has assured ours, now that our republic should begin to aggrandize, is when I write this to propose that comes next to his friend, to help in the arduous task of government. Knowledge and talents are needed to Chile you and me, nothing should therefore delay their arrival when the claims of friendship .[...] Whatever comfort in that you provide, I would protest that they I will provide will not be unpleasant, and especially you should not wish for greater glory than to contribute with their lights on the direction of the republic of his birth. She did not draw the concern you or not bigotry: you must help me with skill and chance to overthrow him. "
On February 8, 1822 began its journey back to Chile, however, and in 1821, Bernardo O'Higgins, By decree states: "Attended the merits and services of the regular clergy Camilo Henríquez citizen, I hereby confer on the use of military chaplain of the General Staff, with the salary assigned by regulation." Because of this, there arose a controversy between Camillo and other religious fray, and who by reason of their position in the army, Fray Camilo since his arrival from Buenos Aires left the ecclesiastical dress and begins to wear through a military and civil, which made the others look religious and faithful as an apostate. He explained the abandonment of the robe fell, with the title of chaplain of the General Staff that he had conferred
Another vote of confidence that I hand O'Higgins, before his return, was to name him on the board that was responsible for implementing the system of Lancaster Chilean schools. Through a decree issued on April 27, 1822, was appointed librarian of the National Library. He is also responsible for drafting the "Ministerial Gazette" and the formation of a paper on statistics the country, which would be published every week or two, this second publication gave a character journal, which included original studies and translated and which he called "Mercurio of Chile," which runs from May 1822 to April 1823 . Also in June 1822 he was invited to be part of a Board of Health, whose aim was to study the necessary measures to improve the health of the population and prevent the spread of diseases, prompting the development of hospitals and the restoration of hospice for the homeless. In this same period, he was appointed secretary to draft the constitutional regulation, an activity that drives him to found the newspaper "Diario de Chile convention ", which records the minutes of meetings and official documents inserted. Its activities include work in driving the creation of the General Cemetery on the legal side thanks to their efforts is deleted whipping corporal punishment and stick in the military, visit the prisons to ensure the proper administration of justice and enforcement of the amnesty law for political reasons. Another periodical publications created in the period is "The new correspondent, also writes book "Observations church and other papers," composed of two sections, one "observer church" and another called "notice which gives the people of Chile a philosopher stale "compendium of explanations given Henríquez against earthquake November 19, 1822. This seismic activity caused the ancient inhabitants of Santiago carried out various expressions of faith, many of them bloody penance, thus began a lengthy debate through the press of the time between Fray Camilo, and other clergy as the Dominican priest Tadeo Silva. Fray Camilo, citing scientific, prison disapproved attitudes of some Christians, appealing to the natural origin phenomena such as earthquakes, "which felt unnecessary to provide such a disgusting spectacle." In 1823 he was elected alternate member of Chiloé and Copiapo, his health and was delicate, however, in November of that year the government appointed him as senior officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs, a position which failed to exercise due to deteriorating health becomes irreversible until his death on March 16, 1825, leaving the Chilean collective memory as one of its great minds, and among anarchists as an advance, as it quoted him today.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009

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to advance literacy Fray Camilo Henríquez, the first group of revolutionary anarchists in Chile was the Socialist Union, which was formed in 1897, but which was best expressed in the guilds especially graphics, where autonomous groups of workers so far are bastions of libertarian practices, as well as unionized workers plasterers, painters, shoemakers, bakers, stevedores, whose influence spreads to major industrial and production centers in the country. These core anarchists were a major spur to the visit to Chile's remarkable Italian anarchist Pietro Gori 1900, who gave lectures and conferences. Since then the anarchists favor the method of direct action, ie, the frontal carried out by the same workers against the employers and have as their main weapon to combat the strike, which often take a violent, given the harassment State and its repressive apparatus and employers and their powers against the demands of workers. In general, workers' protests were in response bullets police, military and bourgeois. Examples of this are emblematic killings occurred during the strike of the port of Valparaiso in 1903, which are killed fifty workers; Santiago Red Week in 1905, where the people are mobilized to protest the meat prices, falling 250 neighbors, and the infamous slaughter of Santa María de Iquique School in 1907.
By then, the anarchist Creoles see no need to establish an anarchist revolutionary political organization, and intend on the contrary, that trade unions take positions "party" characteristic of the revolutionary political organization. This conception anarcho-syndicalist, which combines the roles of the mass organization with political organization (which is not to say that mass organizations are not appropriate to assume a revolutionary role or positions such), it remains to this day, firmly rooted in the anarchist movement in Chile, which features one of its tasks has been the anti-militarist, in fact one of the first mass activities convened by the anarchists was popular protest against the establishment of compulsory military service in 1900. Played an important role in the formation in 1905 of the Federation of Chile, he faced strong resistance from the state and economic powers, but found strong support from Christian groups who, since then, and in some difficult times the country sets have acted decisively to support the people when it has been helpless. In Chile, the pioneer anarchist propaganda is starring local agitators, as Magno Espinosa, Luis Olea, Víctor Soto Román, Esteban Cavieres, Carmen Herrera, among those who left writings are studied today. However, it should include some foreign and Italian anarchists Lombardozzi, who supported the workers' organizations, and the crazed English stabbed Ramon Antonio (in 1914) to General Silva Renard, who had ordered the killing of the Santa Maria school seven years before he was murdered his half brother Mauricio Vaca, shot between the 3600 workers within the school in Iquique. One of the anarchists stabbed, forced the general to wear a patch over his eye until his death. On entering the decade of 1910, will hold a steady rise of the anarchists and their organizational activity. But most remarkable is that this time the anarchists extend their influence beyond the syndicalism. In 1914 he organized the "League of Tenants, an organization of character that will carry out protest the demands of tenants for tenements, on issues such as abusive lease payments, poor hygiene, overcrowding ... Even negative mass will be held to pay rent in protest against poor living conditions. Therefore, we consider the anarchists as a precursor not only of the union in our country but also of organizations "population." Also increase the influence of the anarchists in the student groups and by the end of this decade, the anarchist presence will be felt very strong on the date (Student Federation of Chile, an organization of college and high school students of the era, Only then will student organization at the University of Chile) as well as in organizing a number of anarchist groups of students, being perhaps one of the most important strongholds, the Faculty of Medicine, University Chile, where the group will act Lux. In turn, this time his appearance will be a number of groups that arise organically emancipation of women. Although this issue was not foreign to early-century anarchism, is at this time formed a series of "Women's Unions which are staffed by women in the struggle for equal rights with men.
When in 1909 he founded the United Federation, which will then be known as the Foch (Federación Obrera de Chile) anarchist influence many unions involved in it, but here are manifest differences between workers of the socialist influence of libertarians. This means that many anarchists take distance of the Foch and away forever when in 1912, with the formation of POS (Partido Obrero Socialista), the Foch union is like the face of this political group. The profound differences between the political expressions of the working class, have an impact on their unions. Anarchists seek their own path to the unity of the companies in resistance. Already in 1911 the area workers had formed the FOM Magallanes (Magallanes), where socialist and anarchist tendencies coexist, but where the influence of the latter will be progressively increased over the course of the decade to become a federation features definitely libertarian. In 1913 Forch is formed to bring together companies in the libertarian resistance. By late 1919, calling a great Labor Congress in Santiago, where delegates attending multiple cities (Talca, Concepción, Valparaíso, Corral, Antofagasta, Iquique, etc ....), apart from the capital, which give birth to the Chilean section of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World, Industrial Workers of the World), with solid principles class and come on very strong in all the popular movement of the time. Its mission statement began by saying "Among the working class and the capitalist class, there is nothing in common," to finish by stating that with the industrial organization of workers formed the structure of the new society within the shell of the old. Among its explicit purposes, was the struggle against the state, capitalism, the system of wage labor and to combat religious prejudice among the masses. Control methods were direct action, sabotage and strikes. Raised the need to take the fight head-on against the capitalist system. Among its media organs will be "Direct Action" (James), "The Proletariat" (Talca), "Mar y Tierra" (Valparaiso), among other minor or guilds. Among its most prominent leaders will Armando Trivedi, the "milico" who will be their first secretary general, Juan Onofre Chamorro, a prominent leader and activist Guild port stevedores, Juan Demarchi, carpenter workers of Italian origin and instructed in the "social question" to the teenager Dr. Salvador Allende, Augusto Pinto, and students Domingo Gómez Rojas and John Gandy. Can not think of any event, the creation of this agency association, said a mechanical copying of the experience of struggle by workers elsewhere in the world, not the creation of the IWW in Chile was the result of maturation organizational experience and struggle of the working class itself since the late Chilean century through the societies in resistance. He came to crown the process of union work begun by people like Magno Espinoza and Luis Olea begun the century. In addition, this organization in Chile, representing the necessary convergence of workers throughout the world on an international basis, to confront a global system such as capitalism. Consistent with internationalism, the organization participated in 1925 in the second congress in Amsterdam, the new International Court of anarcho syndicalist Workers, founded in Berlin in 1922.
While disputes between Foch and Wobblies and anarchists, often with foundations and others by pure sectarianism (with socialism historically attacked the anarchist communism) could hinder the progress of the movement, actually in practice and in many strikes, the requirements imposed by the action itself facilitated the effective coordination between the two worker groups. Similarly, there were social spaces in which anarchists and Foch had been able to work, as the House of Food Workers (1918), a body which raised urgent questions of the popular movement, as the cost of living. The anarchists also put in place strong worker-student unity. Thus, the secretary of the Congress of 1919 notes that result in the IWW, is the Domingo Gómez Rojas student, and as for the student strikes by the University Reform in 1922, the IWW movement folds. We can also see consistently score of "sympathy" in the assemblies of the date, to the IWW and the FOM. In 1926, there is a split in the libertarian movement with the founding of the Forch, at the initiative of the workers graphics and a small group of unions not represented on the IWW. This, of greater affinity with the model of federation of unions (model followed by the FORA in Argentina), and as a result of sectarian disputes with a minimum group of anarchists "principled" that pervade the discussion and kept in pure positions, which over time, produce a departure from the anarchists of his social base.
The strikes took place during this period, but the patterns were much softer than at the beginning of the century in its treatment of workers "rebels" pioneers: in 1913 occurs in the port of Valparaiso "strike the monkey" against the obligation to train workers to be photographed, and that aim was to crack down on activists, in 1917 declaring a general strike of dockers, in 1919 began a series of strike action by the eight hours of work, the same Puerto Natales year during the strike of workers in the fridge Bories, opens fire strikers causing death (the town of Puerto Natales "), in 1920 the IWW called for a General Strike in Santiago by the eight-hour day and against the high cost of living, in 1921 killed 130 workers in the office nitrate "San Gregorio" victims of repression to the strike, in 1925, produces striking workers killing in La Coruña, south of Iquique. But as a result of this strike activity, significant progress was achieved in the living conditions of workers are matched to the eight hours, Sunday rest is achieved, is achieved employers' liability for accidents at work, regulating the night work, among other achievements, but above all is achieved strengthen the awareness of workers, it can be shown that the unity, organization and control are the keys to success and is achieved by questioning the very capitalist system in the working world.
The anarchists of this period also made two international campaigns with deep repercussions for people of that period: the campaign to defend the Russian Revolution, which is enthusiastically greeted by Chilean anarchists. Even an owner of the "Verba Roja" goes on to say that the dictatorship of the proletariat is coming of anarchist communism. Unfortunately the subsequent course of events, will quickly dispel doubts about the bureaucratic nature who took the revolution, and how the power of the soviets, the genuine expression of the working class and the Russian peasantry, passed into the power of the Bolshevik party dictatorship over the masses. The other campaign, the release of the Italian anarchists in the U.S., Sacco and Vanzetti, which, despite widespread protests and campaigns for their freedom in the world, die in the electric chair in 1927. As it grows
anarchist influence, also began to grow repression revolutionary groups gained an increasing influence in the pop world. So in 1918 we drafted a law on residence that serves as an excuse to expel multiple agitators country's foreign-born anarchists, but of long residence in the country, like Achilles Lemire, Casimiro Barrios, etc. The same year he imprisoned the editor of the anarchist newspaper "The Red Verba, Rebosio July for refusing to do military service, which is subjected to horrific abuse and torture themselves for times of the Inquisition. We also see many raids on local workers and unfounded accusations of "bomb" to the anarchist Creoles. In 1911 he made a police set that, in order to avoid the repression of anarchists, police put dynamite in a convent. Also between 1923 and 1924 there will be a wave of "discoveries" fraudulent of dynamite into the headquarters of the IWW in Iquique and Santiago, mainly, which will serve as an excuse to plunder the premises and prosecute a motion for purely political reasons. Similarly, in 1920, he made the famous "War of Don Ladislao" Ladislao Errazuriz, then Minister of War, ordered the mobilization of troops to the north and puts on a show of danger of war with Bolivia and Peru. This succeeds in creating a climate of patriotic fever that serves to distract the masses of the critical social situation, and is used to justify the mounting repression of the anarchists and the IWW, accused of being financed by the Peruvian gold. It takes time, later one of the processes more unfair and shameful in the history of the country, looting and attacks that the premises of the date, of the IWW, it destroys the anarchist press Númen was imprisoned and tortured hundreds of the most prominent anarchist of the time (many had to go underground then.) As a result of this process, torture victim dies the student Domingo Gomez Rojas. Also that same year (1920) there is fire in the premises of the FOM in Punta Arenas (as a backlash to the killing of workers in Patagonia, Argentina) where 306 workers die. This crackdown will end with the establishment of the dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo in 1927, when it is anarchism harshly repressed, inarticulate, many of its activists are imprisoned, expelled, shot, tortured and exiled.
During the first three decades of the twentieth century Chilean anarchist movement reached its highest level of visibility and influence on the labor movement, calling for mass demonstrations, general strikes and sectoral meetings and violent protests against capitalism and the bourgeois state. In 1926 came the Regional Workers Federation of Chile (Forch), affiliated to the anarchist international, Industrial Workers of the World. The influence of the libertarian movement was present in the student sector and among intellectuals and artists, particularly in the so-called generation 1920. In the 1930's, the anarchist movement came into open conflict with other ideological currents, as radicals, socialists and communists, which led to a legal unions dependent on political parties. Anarchists, by contrast, anarcho-syndicalism advocated a free, independent and state laws. The Labour Code, enacted in 1931, eventually integrating the unions the legal system to regulate labor disputes, and eventually undermine the influence of anarchism on the unions. After the dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, the anarchists were collapsed into the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), but despite the efforts made to repudiate the new partnership, they could not prevent the consolidation of legal unions. Although in 1953 participated in the creation of the Unitary Workers Central (CUT), a few years after they had lost their influence on national labor movements. After this date, remains a presence in Chile attenuated and low real organization but anyway. A presence that seems to wake up between 1970 and 1973, during the government of Salvador Allende, which is then suppressed, and increases in the final stages of the struggle against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, who at an end, in the decade of 1990 marked the possibility that anarchism emerged as a force that in the traditional Chilean left was completely forgotten. Until then be "anarchist" was synonymous with being a kind of weird. But anarchism began to look for a bit of a political current, that regardless of what one might think about it, has every right to exist. Among current
core anarcho-syndicalist Workers Solidarity can locate Concepcion, connected to the AIT, and Germinal Anarchist Group, the town of Penco. Further development groups seem to have "specified" means the Libertarian Communist Organization, the Collective Unrest Libertarian of Arica, the Libertarian Movement of Temuco Joaquin Murieta, the Frente de Estudiantes Libertarians and Man and Society magazine. But we find that the largest category is those nourished groups of counter-action, the distributor and seal Disobedience, DSOBDC Editions, the fanzine Akción Direkt, the Anarchist Punk Anti Kolectivo Valparaiso, the band misrule, the Radial also punks Therapy The Organic Anarchist Idea, the anarchist collective Maldita Cruz, poisoning, noise Libertarian Copiapo, Rebel Ñuñoa Libertarian, Anarchy and a rose, Bomber, Anarchist Collective Antofagasta Urban Project, the New End and the Subversion web. And at least two feminist groups: Creative Women and Amazon to Choke. In terms of performance typical of those nuclei whose main focus is constituted by the repressive state institutions specifically mention the Goke antiwar groups and not uniform and helmet or group of political prisoners Kamina Libre. For its part, the groups "self" as the collective Libertarian Hope in the borough of High Bridge, Black Flag of Santiago, La Serena Way Libertarian, Libertarian Organization J @!, The Libertarian Youth Coordinator, Action Kolectivo antifascist Red Anarchist Anarchist Revolution Stream South, among others.
should not call attention to the immediate realization that the model organization to build and distinctive practices is one of the main points of disagreement. In a way, we can say that this disagreement refers in the years immediately preceding the experience of the Anarchist Communist Unity Congress, a premature attempt to convergence of the current cycle ended in 2003 and of which only fragments survive their . That same year 2003 dates the separation between the Libertarian Communist Organisation (OCL) and the current Anarchist Revolution (CRA), adding in 2005 the division organized Anarchist Front (FAO) said this in a way just to name fragments which maintained a presence collective.
During the Libertarian Hermeneutics Congress held at the University of Santiago de Chile (Usach) 6 and 7 December 2007, it was anarchism. In Congress there was no strictly hermeneutic but only in the sober realization spaces of the School of Journalism is an empirical Usach more confirmation of the progressive host the anarchist theme has received in academic circles in various Latin American countries. Say, without going into tedious details of enumeration, the papers covered itself with the diversity and originality of the case, much of the subject that anarchists tend to frequent in these events: the situation of the movement in the world, reread the classics, Chilean historical research, the formulation of certain theoretical problems, features, and the foundations of a self-managed economy, the recovery of the feminine contributions, reflection on communicative methods, pedagogy libertarian anarchist approaches in literature and visual arts, etcetera. Anarchists maintain an individualistic principle of freedom of association and separation, saying that as the supreme value for man's individual freedom, every man is entitled not to obey any other man, to act only as their own discretion. Which contradicts the rule that contracts must be honored, the man being an anarchist is always free to waive any social contract ... dissenting statements so far has led to different actions of those who call themselves anarchists, they can be said of anyone looking for an excuse to impose by force and violently their ideas. It is notable, moreover, noted that in practice the contemporary anarchist theory does not apply its rejection of any authority in their own organization, tightly formed with authorities require strict discipline, which usually leads to the formation of new groups separate from the common trunk. Also when you see how these groups often use irrational violence, killing innocent people who happen to come across a place liable to a pump, for example, a perfectly clear that anyone who does not respect the lives of others is because it respects its own, is say, is more than clear of any ideal of a just society can only be formed by people who respect the principle to be respected. You can not expect to reap something different from what has been sown. The successor of Bakunin, Kropotkin, saw these contradictions anarchists and added to their crop to the doctrine that statements such as the supreme law of human evolution is to come "from a less happy state happy as possible" and others as vague as their inspiration. Unlike Bakunin, rejects private property in any way, supports only the social ownership, and names his system "anarchist communism" in which the entire society puts the common products available to all, Marx rescuing the supreme law of the production and final distribution "to each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Admittedly
anarchist doctrine in a large dose of idealism. Like communism part of a rebellion against the alienation of man being his ideal human development, only possible society being constituted by free men, which has led politicians like Lenin to describe anarchism as a "revolutionary infantilism." Referring to the denial of any authority, Engels said his famous phrase: "How do you imagine these people who could run a railway or a ship without direction? This they have not ever explained. " In any case, the violence used by the extreme left or the extreme right have served only to install most oppressive regimes that fought. This has led to enact anti-anarchist laws in European countries since before 1870. In our continent, the first is the year 1902: during the "Second International American Conference, a treaty was signed extradition and anti-anarchism, signed by 16 States, North and Latin American countries except Brazil. We can say that anarchism was not historically and does not take anything any viable results. Justify a violent attack with a dubious sense of justice is irresponsible. Where is the title of legitimacy for any judge to enact violence? Can not be represented in a class without a base operated legal support for that are contracts, which, of course, should be kept away as possible from the danger of arbitrariness, because reaching a fair contract, that is rational is principal means to achieve revolutionary changes we are all determined to perform. Being essential to understand that the solution to world problems is that everyone does their job well.
is said that the lectures at the University of Santiago in 2007 had more flavor to the Latin American revolutionary left of the 60 and 70 than anything else. Things like repeated conceive of themselves as a "party" that is among its tasks "political literacy of the social bases around the understanding of the whole", with a mission to "guide, lead and educate," which role is "irreplaceable in the current order of things" and that "should aim at raising the levels stage development of awareness for the implementation of people's power is real. " For more in common with the left seventies, the "party" also raises "the banner of popular sovereignty and the struggle of liberation against imperialism and its allies." Affirmation latter tweaked a few days after referring in this case to "fight popular sovereignty and liberation against our common enemy, imperialism and the state, "although no one said, specifically at the theoretical and following the establishment of a relationship of equality, if the Chilean government is perceived as an" ally "of" imperialism " or is also considered an agency of domination statute. There were questions unanswered or not answered we knew interpret. How Does the theory or action? Does the formation of ideas or propaganda by deeds? So far there seems to be about a latent difference but still fraternal, for example between those who are more inclined to reflection and theoretical elaboration and those who favor immediate agitation and confrontation. A common expression is the work between the library and library Emma Goldman and those seeking to revitalize the Institute for Anarchist Studies, who have produced work of historical recreation and caring attention to the problems of the Mapuche people, experiences in the field of counter-information and counter-actions in the field, as those who write graffiti on the walls of the city center where it says: "Lee Bakunin." Neither historical writing or in spoken or written there is an anarchist ideology defined the way they think to give the "power" once conquered, because their concepts of final ideal society are so vague that it can withstand analysis. From Bakunin and Kropotkin crawl qualified political analysts concepts of "simplistic" reject any authority therefore preach need for the immediate destruction of the current state, whatever, including the possible state after the anarchist revolution, up to a classless society, the last phase without any transition. Believe that once brought down the ruling class, the workers will be able to manage their businesses themselves and the whole social economy, without direction from a central authority, which was one of the causes of radical opposition to them expressed by Marx and Engels . For Bakunin the supreme law of social life is the evolutionary progress of mankind, a law so vague that principle is accepted by all. To achieve this "evolutionary progress" Bakunin proposed to reject the State and the Positive law because the state would correspond to a lower stage of human evolution (and would also be a product of religion). He states that the State should cease to make way for a social life, whose only legal rule is that "contracts must be honored," something also so logical that it is commonplace, as well as preaching to his social philosophy only in society (or "social life") the man can achieve the realization of human essence, that the standards accepted by the "general will" must be applied if necessary by force (without claiming Bakunin or any other ) what would such a force, in the absence of state power or any authority. Anarchist society would be based on associations and federations increasingly broad, ranging from unions to the municipalities, provinces, countries, regions to the global human society, something that Bakunin undoubtedly shows visionary if we consider the virtual network of the Internet that are weaving all, no matter where we live, that even in the future from the stars beyond weaving. Which might suggest that in future the role of authority is less important, but, considering the further development requires a division of labor increasing, not can operate without some central direction, but think of the total self without authority is a perfect utopia. It is true that today, with current technology and instant communication for the first time ever the conditions are to deliver all the benefits of civilization and culture. But structural changes are necessary, economic, social and political, which is only beginning to see, but I am convinced that the changes we need to do is not at all necessary to use violence of any kind and any doctrine that claims otherwise is an abuse and outdated.
An Anarchist Summit was held in Santiago between Monday 16 and Monday, November 23, 2009, authorized by the authorities, particularly in developing very civilized. As part of the events on Wednesday 18, a group of no more than forty people, symbolically, rushed into the jail concession of Santiago with stones and scratched, affirming their rejection of the principle of penance in jail that destroys the family, and the implementation of punishment in education and work for the community, aspiring to that, first of all, all families have access to work that provides basic needs of food, housing and clothing. Demanding immediate release of all young people continue to live in this prison, in exchange for compulsory education in schools as a political gesture from the authorities. The police guarding the former Penitentiary warned firing into the air just a couple of times, while a group of police arrived with shields and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators, should not suffer any attack. It was all very normal: the anarchists made their symbolic act, threw stones, scratched a couple of walls, and threw his pamphlets into the air, the gendarmes watching everything from windows and high alertness, the police also prepared to intervene launched a pair of jets of water into the air, but in an instant, everything was scattered and what each has done what he should do, no one arrested or injured. On Friday 20, an anonymous caller alerted the Metro subway bomb a busy station, where they formed a jam, so that the end was a box with protruding wires that dramatic a pamphlet conteníía alluding to the anarchist cause in letters cut where is read, the more or less: "This could be a real bomb." On Sunday 22, before the final closing session on Monday, focusing mainly on studies like all anarchist Santiago Summit in 2009, was held a silent march through downtown Santiago, without the presence of security forces. Was incident and any dissolved exposing the protesters ended their views between groups living conversationalists in the first block of Ahumada, and others joined the chess players next to the pergola Copper Square. Among the studies, as that was the point of reflection on the meeting held at the University of Santiago de Chile in 2007, it was concluded that ultra priority was to find a solution that involves criminal groups using the old violence, be attributed of them pulling the end of their anarchist pamphlets false crimes.
The Summit was particularly significant that Mapuche organizations based in Santiago struggling with the same momentum in the south, but with more ideas, education and without shock. Manuel Calfiu (27), leader of the autonomous organization Meli wixan Mapu, struggle daily from Santiago for the same reasons as the rest of the Mapuche: the restitution of lands for millennia, they say, they have belonged, respect rights human and collective autonomy and ultimate purpose, self-determination, ie, as an indigenous people they take care of their conflicts and problems without simultaneously be removed from the Chilean government, essentially retaining only its own national roots springing from the depths of the country, and that instead of being cut, it must preserve at all costs exalting their difference, which is not something that should prevent migration to the capital, if they wish, without them it means losing their land down south, and to be shared as much of the Chilean , take the metro and visit La Moneda and sell their crafts without being treated as migrants who come from Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia and neighboring countries. "In the end one is Chilean as anyone," says Manuel Calfiu, who had migrated to Santiago is not by choice: "My parents came from the south not by choice. They came proceeds of plunder the country for the military invasion in the peace process, as called him, apologizing to cast off by arguing that we take up arms when we had no weapons. For a Mapuche from their land is like an exile, you see. " However, he acknowledges that in his case, which for its biggest pain has been a long, for he has been an opportunity to study and fight for his people: "Santiago is a great platform because it is a scenario that helps us express our demands for an intelligent and organized, using Chilean law in the hope that they will be satisfied if it is the truth. Of course, the Mapuche organizations that call to arms in the south are now far from being respected by all of us, even more so that unites us than divides us, some we have them as reference, which does not make us indifferent, what happens is that now we are struggling with the same weapons used by the Chilean law, when faced with ears policy deaf and trigger-happy, it's becoming more obsolete, and we trust and act thinking it so. "Mapu wixan Meli Group has its own form of struggle. Using cinema courses Mapudungun Mapuche and attempt to bring culture to people, because they believe that the main reason for the discrimination that exists against them, is the ignorance that Chilean citizens have about their customs. Are certain that this is where you have to work. In addition, call for media and ordinary citizens to its activities through its website, as they did on Oct. 12 at Plaza Italia, to express the rejection of "Race Day" event to which came hundreds of people. Manuel says: "To say that the Mapuche movement is armed is a mistake, because it is a social movement and mass, which should be committed to all the people."
Another group of young Mapuche Anarchist Summit recognized as an example of civilization are the group Wechekeche Ñi trawün, who from Santiago, and, for example, through music, with infectious rhythms and lyrics, looking to expand awareness of Chileans to understand the Mapuche cause. Gloria says Pulkillanka (21), a member of Wechekeche: "We inform music, call to youth to be recognized as the Mapuche and realize the reality that our people live united by blood worthy Mapuche. Before we were lazy, alcoholic and now then call us terrorists. Stigmatize us to justify the theft of our lands and traditions, "he says, alluding to the treatment they receive from the national media. Through gigs and selling CDs they produce, this group of Mapuche music broadcasts its message to let people know what's happening in southern Chile with his people and aware of what appears in no issued share. Says: "We do not share the idea of \u200b\u200boccupying the weapons to be heard," recognizing that a fundamental part of their struggle is to raise awareness of legal and practical help needed by families and communities living in precarious conditions, especially in the IX Region, Chile this situation is critical. Since this way of drawing attention to Santiago through the music, a valid way to fight, because as one of his songs, "for a Mapuche defeat is not the only keep fighting." They are men and women committed to the struggle for a better and fairer world, which is not manifested through fighting but by culture and your best tool: education.
The Summit Anarchist, as performed in USACH 2007, a new element was composed of presentations geared to leave raised some points of convergence with anarchist thought from the human and Christian vision, which stated that although throughout history many Christians and anarchists have fought each other, if we observe the anarchist theory and practice of early Christians can be found obvious communicating vessels. The differences between the two political movements are clear. First, the part of preaching Christianity in the existence of God and denies anarchism. Second, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth century, members of the two sides fought furiously. Suffice tragic example the case of the English Civil War. However, it is questionable whether these clashes have nothing to do with strategic institutional positions rather than essential ideological differences. More specifically with the process that leads to religious organizations to identify with the prevailing social and political order of the day (which is medieval feudal system paradigm) and, therefore, to oppose any emancipating human movement as it undoubtedly is anarchism. But increasingly, the line between human beings is constituted by the proclamation explicit the existence of God or denial but by adherence to or rejection of certain fundamental human values. Or as the English Catholic writer GK Chesterton with fine irony: "The problem is not with those who believe in nothing but those who believe everything."
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009