In "Essay on the life and writings of Camilo Henríquez" authored by Luis Montt, is told from a child who showed Fray Camilo inclination to study, and a pensive and melancholy character, his parents took as a sign of religious vocation that is why at age 9 are admitted to study at school Karolinska Santiago. In 1784 when I was fifteen, a maternal uncle's religious order of St. Camillus, called the Good Death, managed to be sent to Lim
to: in the convent is instructed by Brother Ignacio Pinuer, theologian Chilean, who learned Latin grammar, psychology and logic. He completed his religious studies as the January 28, 1790. In a document signed by one of his teachers, Fray Luis Martínez de Morentin, this says Camilo Henríquez "had a distinguished capacity and not yield to any person in its contraction to the study. Made extraordinary progress and acquired credit and esteem for his knowledge, had given preference to political research, the examination of modern authors and the cultivation of liberal ideas. " View is reinforced by the historical reconstruction of Luis Montt, which states: "The instruction was then in the convents, as in most of the schools, was weak and poor to form a fairly enlightened man ... Geography, mathematics, history, belles-lettres, were completely unknown in the classroom convent. Such studies could therefore not be applied to satisfy the spirit and researcher as Camille, and worked hard to medicine, natural sciences and social philosophy, or rather, a political science. Doeth this latest study on the books of Jean Jacques Rousseau and other French authors who, while prohibited in the English dominions were the notions that could give more accurate and true. "
The stage starts between 1796 and 1809, is shaped by historical differences, which are due to the number of prosecutions to Camilo Henríquez is faced with the Court of the Inquisition, no clutch all agree that the reasons for the prosecution was due to have books banned and devote to his reading. Leading Chilean researcher Jose Toribio Medina, argues that the friar was tried three times, first in 1796, the second in 1802, which documented in the book "History of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in Chile", from which Fray Camilo clear that he was persecuted for a cause that ended in 1803, becoming clear that the monk was reading the "Social Contract" of Rousseau. And the last in 1809, it was observed that some day he asked a person who perhaps was a spy of the Inquisition, a play by Voltaire to read. Fray Camilo denied it, saying it was incompatible with their knowledge. This person turned him to the court stating that it was still banned book reader. Was not long before the Holy Office to send their deputies to the monk's cell, where it is found effectively excommunicated some books. The story continues: "Camilo was imprisoned and alacrity as the prosecution was not one of the virtues of this pious court, spent some time in the terrible dungeons of Lima. Finally, accessing to repeated instances of the parents of the Good Death, the inquisitor general was coming from La Paz to fray Bustamante, a doctor of some fame, to consider to Camilo Henríquez. Said Dr. Fray Camilo Bustamante was a Catholic whose orthodoxy could not be questioned, and the studio that made the heretical books that had been struck was on politics. " According to historical work of Peru, Manuel Palma Soriano called "Annals of the Inquisition" stated: "An Inquisition was established in his cell ... He found that the bed mattresses were stuffed with books Henríquez, and illustrated Chile was driven at once to the dungeons the Holy Office ... is likely that in 1810, was ordered to pass banished to Quito. "
In 1811 he returned to Chile, their return policy is launched on January 6, when it starts to move the manuscript "Quirino Lemáchez Proclamation," a document of her own, which urges you to vote for men capable of fighting for ideas independistas in elections for the formation of a National Congress. The proclamation was re-published in The English, of London, and in the Gaceta de Buenos Aires, Argentina. On April of that year, participates in the suffocation of the "Mutiny Figueroa." Then, on July 4, becomes the first National Congress, where he participates as a deputy alternate for Puchacay. At the request of the opening of Congress, Fray Camilo delivers a sermon that shocked the public and devout monarchist who attended a Te Deum in the Cathedral of Santiago and was partially recorded in the minutes of the sections of legislative bodies. In November, Congress promotes a curriculum that sought to organize public education, which is recognized as the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe creation of the National Institute.
On January 16, 1812 is appointed by José Miguel Carrera Verdugo and the First Government Junta in Santiago, as editor of La Aurora de Chile, the first national newspaper, where he begins to work. Facing the issue the first leaflet is different versions, as the majority posits that took place on February 12, however, there is evidence of different types of print culmination, suggesting that there were at least three printings of the prospectus. The first numbered copy circulated on 13 February and the chronicler of the era Fray Melchor Martinez says: "There can be more expensive in words the joy that caused his establishment. Men ran through the streets with an Aurora in hand, and arresting those who were, read and reread its contents, giving the congratulations of so much happiness, and promising that the artwork and culture to transform Chile into a realm of sages. "
in La Aurora de Chile participated as collaborators Antonio José de Iris, Bernardo de Vera y Pintado, Manuel de Salas, also under the pseudonyms of Cayo Horacio Roque Harismenlic, Handin and Patrick Curinancu Canuto, wrote Fray Camilo Henríquez. The immediate success of the paper raises interest in meeting their makers and cooling problems Fray Camilo had the Holy Inquisition in Lima and are shredded his writings, and August 18, 1812, the Board appointed by the Chilean government through a decree, a commission "to formulate a draft regulation of the press", which Fray Camilo, interpreted as an act of censorship of their ideas, that responds to two decisions, the first was not to publish the decree, although by definition of "Ministerial and political" should have published it, and the second step was the publication in the issue of October 3, 1812, an extract of the speech himself translated the English poet, Milton, about freedom of the press. The newspaper is censored and the number following "La Aurora de Chile", two months later published official government censorship, and Milton's entire speech in bold letters, reviving the sentence was announced: "Since you are saying that we return to be slaves, at least us take advantage of the short time that remains for us to say goodbye to freedom. "
Another important works in which he participated as an editor was the "Provisional Constitution Order" of 1812, first constitution, work was commissioned by José Miguel Carrera, who always supported him. At this stage gives life to his first play, which is titled "The procession of fools." On Thursday April 1, 1813 goes out of print La Aurora de Chile and was born the "Monitor Araucano." Waterfront Event Vicuña Cifuentes writes: "He published La Aurora without notice or posthumous statement with reference to the reasons for his permanent absence, which makes any assumptions risky today on this subject. The fact that five days appeared after the same press, under the same wording and also as the official organ, The Monitor Araucano away all suspicion of disagreements between the Board and Henríquez and suggests that perhaps the Government anxious that the newspaper had hereinafter representation is not the same as had provoked so much resistance, with its bold theories in the timorous of the population, decided, according to Henriquez, suspend publication of the former and immediately found another official sharper, as in effect it was the Monitor, which, by its meager proportions, lent little further to go in it's work revolutionary propaganda in a comprehensive and verbose that Henriquez had been raised in Aurora. "
While the "Monitor Araucano" circulated on 23 June 1813 provides for the freedom of the press in Chile. The following month the idea of \u200b\u200bFray Camilo against the formation of a school, is expressed on 27 July when it created the National Institute of Chile, which comes into operation on 10 August. That same year he wrote "Catechism of the Patriots" and see another of his ambitions be realized: the creation of the National Library José Miguel Carrera writes for a decree establishing the monasteries in Chilean territory had schools for men and women. During 1812-1814, Fray Camilo also served as secretary of the Senate. Activity that involves and encourages to propose the abolition of the death penalty, proposing life imprisonment. It also proposes to implement a system of protection for indigenous peoples. Then a great change takes place both in national history, as in the personal life of Fray Camilo, because after the disaster of Rancagua, José Miguel Carrera (as well as many patriots) must migrate and Fray Camilo self exile in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This period from 1814 to late 1821, in the words of Amunátegui: "Camilo Henríquez was not the same man in 1814 than in 1810. The mighty monk, who had made his pen a sword to take down the portrait of Ferdinand VII, had declined. The individual whom I have known Peter the Hermit of independence, retained the strength of his lungs, but had lost faith in the immediate triumph of their cause. "During his stay in Argentina, thanks to his friend Diego Antonio Barros, could help in the drafting of the Gazeta de Buenos Aires, where he published in 1815 "Observations on some useful issues" that came into circulation in four copies in May and September. In 1817 the Cabildo of Buenos Aires is appointed to draft the newspaper El Censor "position in which he remained until February 1819. At this stage translates the" Outline of democracy "by Robert Bisset. Also writes his second drama "Camila or South American patriot" which portrays the violet repression with which they acted realistic sectors of Quito in 1809, and was first printed in 1817. The third work of the monk was "Innocence in the asylum of virtue," which fails to see published. To Henríquez the theater should be a "school of politics", with the aspiration is that way in Argentina, the "Society of good taste of theater." His ties with Chile never cut, and by Manuel de Salas, according to a long list of book titles appropriate for the National Library. Hear of its existence in Argentina has become sad, entire squad Jose Miguel Carrera, has left the journalistic work for health reasons and alone. On November 15, 1821, being in government and Supreme Director Bernardo O'Higgins, he wrote a letter through which he was invited to return to their native land: "Although this last period of freedom of Chile saved you so quiet that neither of our soil nor me has agreed in significant productions, which are always known by the inimitable sweetness and distinguish trial, I want to be the first to renew a friendship that was so kind and can be useful to the country where both were born. Many times I wanted to write to you an invitation to return, but would not offer the that was not equivalent, or better, what you enjoyed, and still waiting for the end of the war so that neither this retrajese you to come. Now, therefore, that the freedom of Peru has assured ours, now that our republic should begin to aggrandize, is when I write this to propose that comes next to his friend, to help in the arduous task of government. Knowledge and talents are needed to Chile you and me, nothing should therefore delay their arrival when the claims of friendship .[...] Whatever comfort in that you provide, I would protest that they I will provide will not be unpleasant, and especially you should not wish for greater glory than to contribute with their lights on the direction of the republic of his birth. She did not draw the concern you or not bigotry: you must help me with skill and chance to overthrow him. "
On February 8, 1822 began its journey back to Chile, however, and in 1821, Bernardo O'Higgins, By decree states: "Attended the merits and services of the regular clergy Camilo Henríquez citizen, I hereby confer on the use of military chaplain of the General Staff, with the salary assigned by regulation." Because of this, there arose a controversy between Camillo and other religious fray, and who by reason of their position in the army, Fray Camilo since his arrival from Buenos Aires left the ecclesiastical dress and begins to wear through a military and civil, which made the others look religious and faithful as an apostate. He explained the abandonment of the robe fell, with the title of chaplain of the General Staff that he had conferred
Another vote of confidence that I hand O'Higgins, before his return, was to name him on the board that was responsible for implementing the system of Lancaster Chilean schools. Through a decree issued on April 27, 1822, was appointed librarian of the National Library. He is also responsible for drafting the "Ministerial Gazette" and the formation of a paper on statistics the country, which would be published every week or two, this second publication gave a character journal, which included original studies and translated and which he called "Mercurio of Chile," which runs from May 1822 to April 1823 . Also in June 1822 he was invited to be part of a Board of Health, whose aim was to study the necessary measures to improve the health of the population and prevent the spread of diseases, prompting the development of hospitals and the restoration of hospice for the homeless. In this same period, he was appointed secretary to draft the constitutional regulation, an activity that drives him to found the newspaper "Diario de Chile convention ", which records the minutes of meetings and official documents inserted. Its activities include work in driving the creation of the General Cemetery on the legal side thanks to their efforts is deleted whipping corporal punishment and stick in the military, visit the prisons to ensure the proper administration of justice and enforcement of the amnesty law for political reasons. Another periodical publications created in the period is "The new correspondent, also writes book "Observations church and other papers," composed of two sections, one "observer church" and another called "notice which gives the people of Chile a philosopher stale "compendium of explanations given Henríquez against earthquake November 19, 1822. This seismic activity caused the ancient inhabitants of Santiago carried out various expressions of faith, many of them bloody penance, thus began a lengthy debate through the press of the time between Fray Camilo, and other clergy as the Dominican priest Tadeo Silva. Fray Camilo, citing scientific, prison disapproved attitudes of some Christians, appealing to the natural origin phenomena such as earthquakes, "which felt unnecessary to provide such a disgusting spectacle." In 1823 he was elected alternate member of Chiloé and Copiapo, his health and was delicate, however, in November of that year the government appointed him as senior officer of the Department of Foreign Affairs, a position which failed to exercise due to deteriorating health becomes irreversible until his death on March 16, 1825, leaving the Chilean collective memory as one of its great minds, and among anarchists as an advance, as it quoted him today.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009
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