happily inspired Mahatma Gandhi world leaders such as black Christian pastor Martin Luther King (1929-1968), the black leader in America who successfully defended the same spirit that made possible the independence of India. The election of Barack Obama in 2008 as president of the United States largely has been possible thanks to the struggle that once held the pastor Luther King with racial equality movement, who in his book "Power of Love" states: "The whole concept of satyagraha Gandhi had deep meaning for me. To go in every time in the Gandhian philosophy, my skepticism about the power of love gradually diminished, I came to understand for the first time that the Christian doctrine love implemented by the method of Gandhi's nonviolence, is one of the most powerful weapons that can have an oppressed people in their struggle for freedom. The Bible and the teachings of Jesus have given me the meaning of passive resistance, techniques for putting them into practice has been taken from Gandhi. " The aim of his life was the liberation of blacks in American society through non-violence, much influenced policy Gandhi, whom the black pastor again cites in his book "Why We Can not Wait" stating that "the black religious tradition prepared us for nonviolent resistance similar to that of Christians primitive was a moral offense of a power so overwhelming that shook the Roman Empire. In his own century non-violent ethics of Mahatma Gandhi and his followers muzzled the guns of the British Empire and freedom from colonialism to more than three hundred fifty million people, where non-violence in the form of boycott and protest the monarchy broke British and thus prepared the platform for the further liberation of the colonies from unjust domination ". The nonviolent revolution Luther King Shepherd United States spent in sweet and sour. It was a tough road but fruitful. One of the darkest events for the black leader was he lived in 1936, when Good Friday went to the Birmingham jail, facing justify their non-violent actions against the superb Councillor Bull Connor, repressor of men of color, and black to friends fellow priests and other Christian leaders, who would have preferred more discreet, as he relates the situation in a memorable letter he wrote from prison on 16 April of that year (excerpts): "While I am detained here, I got the rating your my unskillful actions and inappropriate. There are few times when I pause to answer criticism against my work and ideas. If to answer all the criticisms, I would not stay even a moment to make a constructive task. But, as I think people fundamentally good intentions and that your criticisms are sincere, try to answer your statement with a few words ... I'm in jail in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eighth century BC left their villages and spread his divine message far from the limits of their originating cities, as well as the Apostle Paul left his village and spread the divine message of his people far more remote and I also see myself compelled to spread the gospel of Liberty, beyond the walls my hometown, I am aware of the interrelationship between all communities and states. I can not sit with folded arms in Atlanta and not be affected by what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is committed, constitutes a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in the inescapable network of mutuality, together with the same car of Fate. Anything that affects one of us directly, affects all indirectly. Anyone who lives within the borders of the United States has no right to reconsider any more alien in the territory of the nation. You deplore the demonstrations taking place here, but still is most unfortunate that the white power structure of the city did not leave the black community other way than this. All non-violent campaign has four basic phases: first, the gathering of data necessary to determine whether injustices exist, then bargaining, then self-purification, and, finally, direct action. We have been in Birmingham for all these phases. To seminars to instruct on non-violence, where we repeatedly ask: "Will you know accept blows without returning them? ... The non-violent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to deal with this problem, which can no longer ignore under any circumstances. It may seem strange that I cite the creation of a state of tension as part of the work rests with the non-violent resistance. But I'm not afraid of the word "tension." I always stop opposing violent tension, but there is classes of non-violent tension necessary for growth. Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise reliance on myths and half truths to enter the premises free of creative analysis and objective appraisal, so we have to understand need nonviolent social tension that serves creative incentive for men to overcome the dark depths of prejudice and racism, rising to the heights of understanding and brotherhood. The goal of our direct-action program is to create a critical situation which necessarily leads to a negotiated solution. We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed. For years now I have heard the word "Wait." Ringing in the ear of every black with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We have to agree with one of our distinguished jurists that "justice too long delayed is justice denied equal." I agree with St. Augustine that "an unjust law is no such law" ...
Pastor Luther King asks: How do you know if a law is just or not? And he says, from the Birmingham jail that "a just law is a mandate given by the man, that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a rule in conflict with the moral law. In the words of St. Thomas Aquinas: "An unjust law is a human law not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just; Any law that degrades human personality is unfair. " Segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality given to it secretes a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority also. Segregation people just relegated to the status of things. So segregation is both inadequate policy, economically and sociologically, morally wrong ... Sometimes a law is just on its face and unjust in its application. For example, I was arrested for demonstrating without permission. Now, there is nothing wrong in having an ordinance requiring a permit to demonstrate. But this rule becomes unjust when it is used to of segregation, because they just do not let blacks manifest, denying all citizens the right of assembly and peaceful protest ... Under no circumstances advocate the disobedience or defiance of the law, which would lead to anarchy. He who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and willing to accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who breaks an unjust law to his conscience, and willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment as to raise awareness of injustice in the community that suffers, is in fact expressing the highest respect for the law . Of course there is nothing new in this kind of civil disobedience ... practiced, so superb early Christians who were willing to face hungry lions and the excruciating pain of torture rather than submit to certain unjust laws of the Roman Empire ... I have to confess two things honestly, my Christian and Jewish brothers, I have to confess, first, that in recent years have been deeply disappointed the white moderate. I've almost come to the sad condition of the wheel that has tied the black and hindering their passage to freedom, not of a member of White Citizens Council, or the Ku Klux Klan, but the white moderate who puts the "order" to justice, who prefers a negative peace which is no of tension to a positive peace which implies the presence of justice who always says: "I agree with the goal you are trying, but I can not approve their methods of direct action", he thinks he can fix a deadline to freedom of others ... It is much more bewildering lukewarm acceptance to rejection without limits ... Moreover, those who follow the path of nonviolent action are not who we stress. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that was dormant much earlier. Bring it to the light, because so it can see and act accordingly. " The struggles inspired by the black pastor began with negligible boycotts of stores that people treated rudely black neighbors who came to buy, but the first effort of the black pastor was to lead its members to "examine and honing basic weapons: his heart, his conscience, courage and their sense of justice. We can get ourselves free. " The first day of December 1955, the black employee Rosa Parks refuses to relinquish the seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery. Is arrested. The black rebel with fury, but Luther King convinces them to start a movement of passive resistance to injustice: the boycott of buses. Blacks began to get to work on foot or in cars of other blacks, who transport free. Authorities believe that the fact alone is a protest, but the fifty days of resistance, the buses run through empty streets and the company suffers losses in the millions. Thus, the authorities decide to act against Luther King, accused of driving the vehicle at 50 k / h on a street where the speed limit was 40 mph, was arrested and taken to jail, where he writes: "Never had trouble with the police, knew they wanted from me. When I stopped and quickly left the police van, I began to pray, knew they could take out of town and leaving me half dead on the edge of a road. Recovered mood when I saw the neon sign of the Prison of the city. Thank goodness. The prison does not scare me. " The news of his arrest roused blacks who were placed outside the prison, covering the surrounding streets, quiet but menacing, forcing the warden to release him. Authorities in Montgomery, then make use of a compliant judge, who stated that the transportation in private vehicles made by blacks in this campaign, is illegal. Quoted Luther King, who appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, which declared unconstitutional the racial segregation on buses, and in December 1956 the final decision takes effect: in the first integrated bus up the black pastor Luther King, a white pastor, and Rosa Parks, marking a notable non-violent action between that mark the beginning of the end of racial segregation in America. In 1962, in Alabama, the black pastor encouraged not to buy in the stores bearing emblems segregationist, and some business sales fell by forty percent.
In 1963, shocked the world free black. In the United States continued segregation despite being the centenary year of the termination of slavery in the country, signed by the legendary President Abraham Lincoln. But the reality was that segregation had reached a breaking point, the income of blacks was half of whites in the same job, the American black seen in other continents had black States reached political independence, United Nations and statesmen of color gave their vote on issues that had influence throughout the world while they still had no right to vote in many cities of the country, were excluded from many restaurants, transport lines, entertainment centers, universities were still segregated and humiliated them and that's when Martin Luther King stands as one of the strongest World leaders to symbolize the pure indignation of his race who understands that "the enemy that faced the black no longer the individual he had been holding to oppression, to become the flawed system that allowed this attitude of the individual. " Stifling other leaders of color who advocated violence because he was still clinging to the idea that violence can not be stopped with violence. So no doubt the action proposed, but not an action that is a copy of the action of dominant materialism, but an action inspired by the non-violence of love, the only possible to break the cycle of human violence. He said: "Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, a weapon is unparalleled in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles those who wields it. It is the sword that heals. Moral response practice while the black demand for justice, the non-violent direct action proved to win victories without losing wars. "
On 22 November 1963 the free world and especially the United States received with sadness the news of the assassination of President JF Kennedy in Dallas. The black pastor himself had received the most support in their struggle to end racial segregation, which would influence beyond: in early 1964 the U.S. Congress approved the "civil rights law" as a tribute to the memory of Kennedy. Also that year Martin Luther King receives the Nobel Peace Prize "for having consistently maintained and continuously beginning non-violence ", and receives strong support to their cause of Pope Paul VI, who committed since then as a position supported by all Catholics to the cause of ending racial segregation in the world, a fact that is still far from end, and makes these pioneering figures inspiring force. At a time when racial segregation is much that one begins to think that only one race where we find (or find us) alien beings and then move on to "us and them." .
The truth is that the structured application of violence in human history has led, inevitably, a backlash. Using terms political violence has led to reactionary revolutionary violence. The revolt of slaves against their masters is before Christ, when he came into the world with his message captured many of the violent anti-Roman rule, in the Middle Ages, peasant revolts against the masters or servants, are what they represent in the contemporary history of social revolutions against oppressive regimes or ruling classes, which arise as a reaction to some type of violence. History has taught us that violence begets more violence that cost thousands of lives so far, often covered by a misinterpretation of ideologies, as with the Marxist Communist ideologies or that make violence the primary means of action, such as anarchism.
"The history of all hitherto existing societies today is the history of class struggle, is one of the first sentences of the Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels published in 1848) and contains the main thesis of Marxist about class differences, one of the essential aspects of this social philosophy, which, although it has now obsolete formulations (such as that human societies are always divided into two classes: the oppressors, or ruling class, and of the oppressed, or dominated class, which is considered simplistic and overtaken by social and technological developments) also rescues perfect formulations (some twinned with Christianity, not because nothing was called communism in its infancy "new Christianity") as it states that the oppressed, the proletariat, has a messianic mission in a sense: the to achieve through their own emancipation, the ultimate freedom of the whole society around class antagonism. Unfortunately it has implemented this intention to use violence to accomplish what could be a final revolution to destroy the ruling class, to establish a new state and thus prepare the advent of a classless society. That is, those who have used Marxism immemorial the way politics have used the people as cannon fodder in several aspects, such as directly in the war or unprepared for the oppressed and demanding immediate results face an action for which there is the knowledge that others took years achieve.
At issue is a landmark case that we live in Chile since 1970, when he took office and Dr. Salvador Allende nationalized many industries left in the hands of the workers ended up broken because the worker was not prepared to take over the production, had no cultural training to assume the responsibility of owning the product of their work. What is left to abandonment their jobs, for both sides to attend the daily demonstrations that sparked the chaos of all basic supply, raising the black market, favoritism, sabotage, and culminated in 1973 when he took power Gen. Augusto Pinochet's military junta and government, using violence as rarely seen in the twentieth century. Those who live in that September 11 could not believe that nobody could leave their homes while being bombed the Palacio de La Moneda. Of course the failure of Marxism in Chile involving dark powers intervened, and after we have the knowledge, governments and foreign interests, their own private interests in the country, other ideologies and extremist, but it is true that if workers had been prepared to assume the historical moment that meant the rise to power as a landmark of a Marxist president elected by popular vote, if we had been prepared, perhaps today would be remembered this time as the most painful in our history.
not in Russia or China (considering the most important examples), there was a proletariat as Marx had predicted. Simply because, even today, there is no necessary and inevitable development of owning the revolutionary force that could carry out the communist revolutionary act. Then came what we have seen, Lenin, first, then Mao Tse Tung changed the original theory Communist Party and Lenin in giving the party leaders, to be replaced in some way to "the forces of production together and realize" necessary that there was in tsarist Russia, and Mao Tse Tung, in a country where the industrial proletariat was almost non-existent, and the peasant passive and highly dispersed, then replaced without even the proletariat, Marxist (the result of an economic process) by military force the Chinese People's Army, formed and led by political commissars, who play the role of revolutionary agents. This has happened in all communist countries, where has not been or is the proletariat which led or directed by revolution or Marxist state, but party leaders who arrogate to themselves (more or less force) representation of all workers. We must distinguish the philosophy of Marx and Engels of the practice that has been given, be it Marxism-Leninism, Mao militarism preached that "Marxism save China," Contemporary Castro or communism.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009. Chilean writer
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