OTHER GRAPHICS PIONEERS IN CHILE. Emulating Saturday, October 24, 2009
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to advance literacy Fray Camilo Henríquez, the first group of revolutionary anarchists in Chile was the Socialist Union, which was formed in 1897, but which was best expressed in the guilds especially graphics, where autonomous groups of workers so far are bastions of libertarian practices, as well as unionized workers plasterers, painters, shoemakers, bakers, stevedores, whose influence spreads to major industrial and production centers in the country. These core anarchists were a major spur to the visit to Chile's remarkable Italian anarchist Pietro Gori 1900, who gave lectures and conferences. Since then the anarchists favor the method of direct action, ie, the frontal carried out by the same workers against the employers and have as their main weapon to combat the strike, which often take a violent, given the harassment State and its repressive apparatus and employers and their powers against the demands of workers. In general, workers' protests were in response bullets police, military and bourgeois. Examples of this are emblematic killings occurred during the strike of the port of Valparaiso in 1903, which are killed fifty workers; Santiago Red Week in 1905, where the people are mobilized to protest the meat prices, falling 250 neighbors, and the infamous slaughter of Santa María de Iquique School in 1907.
By then, the anarchist Creoles see no need to establish an anarchist revolutionary political organization, and intend on the contrary, that trade unions take positions "party" characteristic of the revolutionary political organization. This conception anarcho-syndicalist, which combines the roles of the mass organization with political organization (which is not to say that mass organizations are not appropriate to assume a revolutionary role or positions such), it remains to this day, firmly rooted in the anarchist movement in Chile, which features one of its tasks has been the anti-militarist, in fact one of the first mass activities convened by the anarchists was popular protest against the establishment of compulsory military service in 1900. Played an important role in the formation in 1905 of the Federation of Chile, he faced strong resistance from the state and economic powers, but found strong support from Christian groups who, since then, and in some difficult times the country sets have acted decisively to support the people when it has been helpless. In Chile, the pioneer anarchist propaganda is starring local agitators, as Magno Espinosa, Luis Olea, Víctor Soto Román, Esteban Cavieres, Carmen Herrera, among those who left writings are studied today. However, it should include some foreign and Italian anarchists Lombardozzi, who supported the workers' organizations, and the crazed English stabbed Ramon Antonio (in 1914) to General Silva Renard, who had ordered the killing of the Santa Maria school seven years before he was murdered his half brother Mauricio Vaca, shot between the 3600 workers within the school in Iquique. One of the anarchists stabbed, forced the general to wear a patch over his eye until his death. On entering the decade of 1910, will hold a steady rise of the anarchists and their organizational activity. But most remarkable is that this time the anarchists extend their influence beyond the syndicalism. In 1914 he organized the "League of Tenants, an organization of character that will carry out protest the demands of tenants for tenements, on issues such as abusive lease payments, poor hygiene, overcrowding ... Even negative mass will be held to pay rent in protest against poor living conditions. Therefore, we consider the anarchists as a precursor not only of the union in our country but also of organizations "population." Also increase the influence of the anarchists in the student groups and by the end of this decade, the anarchist presence will be felt very strong on the date (Student Federation of Chile, an organization of college and high school students of the era, Only then will student organization at the University of Chile) as well as in organizing a number of anarchist groups of students, being perhaps one of the most important strongholds, the Faculty of Medicine, University Chile, where the group will act Lux. In turn, this time his appearance will be a number of groups that arise organically emancipation of women. Although this issue was not foreign to early-century anarchism, is at this time formed a series of "Women's Unions which are staffed by women in the struggle for equal rights with men.
When in 1909 he founded the United Federation, which will then be known as the Foch (Federación Obrera de Chile) anarchist influence many unions involved in it, but here are manifest differences between workers of the socialist influence of libertarians. This means that many anarchists take distance of the Foch and away forever when in 1912, with the formation of POS (Partido Obrero Socialista), the Foch union is like the face of this political group. The profound differences between the political expressions of the working class, have an impact on their unions. Anarchists seek their own path to the unity of the companies in resistance. Already in 1911 the area workers had formed the FOM Magallanes (Magallanes), where socialist and anarchist tendencies coexist, but where the influence of the latter will be progressively increased over the course of the decade to become a federation features definitely libertarian. In 1913 Forch is formed to bring together companies in the libertarian resistance. By late 1919, calling a great Labor Congress in Santiago, where delegates attending multiple cities (Talca, Concepción, Valparaíso, Corral, Antofagasta, Iquique, etc ....), apart from the capital, which give birth to the Chilean section of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World, Industrial Workers of the World), with solid principles class and come on very strong in all the popular movement of the time. Its mission statement began by saying "Among the working class and the capitalist class, there is nothing in common," to finish by stating that with the industrial organization of workers formed the structure of the new society within the shell of the old. Among its explicit purposes, was the struggle against the state, capitalism, the system of wage labor and to combat religious prejudice among the masses. Control methods were direct action, sabotage and strikes. Raised the need to take the fight head-on against the capitalist system. Among its media organs will be "Direct Action" (James), "The Proletariat" (Talca), "Mar y Tierra" (Valparaiso), among other minor or guilds. Among its most prominent leaders will Armando Trivedi, the "milico" who will be their first secretary general, Juan Onofre Chamorro, a prominent leader and activist Guild port stevedores, Juan Demarchi, carpenter workers of Italian origin and instructed in the "social question" to the teenager Dr. Salvador Allende, Augusto Pinto, and students Domingo Gómez Rojas and John Gandy. Can not think of any event, the creation of this agency association, said a mechanical copying of the experience of struggle by workers elsewhere in the world, not the creation of the IWW in Chile was the result of maturation organizational experience and struggle of the working class itself since the late Chilean century through the societies in resistance. He came to crown the process of union work begun by people like Magno Espinoza and Luis Olea begun the century. In addition, this organization in Chile, representing the necessary convergence of workers throughout the world on an international basis, to confront a global system such as capitalism. Consistent with internationalism, the organization participated in 1925 in the second congress in Amsterdam, the new International Court of anarcho syndicalist Workers, founded in Berlin in 1922.
While disputes between Foch and Wobblies and anarchists, often with foundations and others by pure sectarianism (with socialism historically attacked the anarchist communism) could hinder the progress of the movement, actually in practice and in many strikes, the requirements imposed by the action itself facilitated the effective coordination between the two worker groups. Similarly, there were social spaces in which anarchists and Foch had been able to work, as the House of Food Workers (1918), a body which raised urgent questions of the popular movement, as the cost of living. The anarchists also put in place strong worker-student unity. Thus, the secretary of the Congress of 1919 notes that result in the IWW, is the Domingo Gómez Rojas student, and as for the student strikes by the University Reform in 1922, the IWW movement folds. We can also see consistently score of "sympathy" in the assemblies of the date, to the IWW and the FOM. In 1926, there is a split in the libertarian movement with the founding of the Forch, at the initiative of the workers graphics and a small group of unions not represented on the IWW. This, of greater affinity with the model of federation of unions (model followed by the FORA in Argentina), and as a result of sectarian disputes with a minimum group of anarchists "principled" that pervade the discussion and kept in pure positions, which over time, produce a departure from the anarchists of his social base.
The strikes took place during this period, but the patterns were much softer than at the beginning of the century in its treatment of workers "rebels" pioneers: in 1913 occurs in the port of Valparaiso "strike the monkey" against the obligation to train workers to be photographed, and that aim was to crack down on activists, in 1917 declaring a general strike of dockers, in 1919 began a series of strike action by the eight hours of work, the same Puerto Natales year during the strike of workers in the fridge Bories, opens fire strikers causing death (the town of Puerto Natales "), in 1920 the IWW called for a General Strike in Santiago by the eight-hour day and against the high cost of living, in 1921 killed 130 workers in the office nitrate "San Gregorio" victims of repression to the strike, in 1925, produces striking workers killing in La Coruña, south of Iquique. But as a result of this strike activity, significant progress was achieved in the living conditions of workers are matched to the eight hours, Sunday rest is achieved, is achieved employers' liability for accidents at work, regulating the night work, among other achievements, but above all is achieved strengthen the awareness of workers, it can be shown that the unity, organization and control are the keys to success and is achieved by questioning the very capitalist system in the working world.
The anarchists of this period also made two international campaigns with deep repercussions for people of that period: the campaign to defend the Russian Revolution, which is enthusiastically greeted by Chilean anarchists. Even an owner of the "Verba Roja" goes on to say that the dictatorship of the proletariat is coming of anarchist communism. Unfortunately the subsequent course of events, will quickly dispel doubts about the bureaucratic nature who took the revolution, and how the power of the soviets, the genuine expression of the working class and the Russian peasantry, passed into the power of the Bolshevik party dictatorship over the masses. The other campaign, the release of the Italian anarchists in the U.S., Sacco and Vanzetti, which, despite widespread protests and campaigns for their freedom in the world, die in the electric chair in 1927. As it grows
anarchist influence, also began to grow repression revolutionary groups gained an increasing influence in the pop world. So in 1918 we drafted a law on residence that serves as an excuse to expel multiple agitators country's foreign-born anarchists, but of long residence in the country, like Achilles Lemire, Casimiro Barrios, etc. The same year he imprisoned the editor of the anarchist newspaper "The Red Verba, Rebosio July for refusing to do military service, which is subjected to horrific abuse and torture themselves for times of the Inquisition. We also see many raids on local workers and unfounded accusations of "bomb" to the anarchist Creoles. In 1911 he made a police set that, in order to avoid the repression of anarchists, police put dynamite in a convent. Also between 1923 and 1924 there will be a wave of "discoveries" fraudulent of dynamite into the headquarters of the IWW in Iquique and Santiago, mainly, which will serve as an excuse to plunder the premises and prosecute a motion for purely political reasons. Similarly, in 1920, he made the famous "War of Don Ladislao" Ladislao Errazuriz, then Minister of War, ordered the mobilization of troops to the north and puts on a show of danger of war with Bolivia and Peru. This succeeds in creating a climate of patriotic fever that serves to distract the masses of the critical social situation, and is used to justify the mounting repression of the anarchists and the IWW, accused of being financed by the Peruvian gold. It takes time, later one of the processes more unfair and shameful in the history of the country, looting and attacks that the premises of the date, of the IWW, it destroys the anarchist press Númen was imprisoned and tortured hundreds of the most prominent anarchist of the time (many had to go underground then.) As a result of this process, torture victim dies the student Domingo Gomez Rojas. Also that same year (1920) there is fire in the premises of the FOM in Punta Arenas (as a backlash to the killing of workers in Patagonia, Argentina) where 306 workers die. This crackdown will end with the establishment of the dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo in 1927, when it is anarchism harshly repressed, inarticulate, many of its activists are imprisoned, expelled, shot, tortured and exiled.
During the first three decades of the twentieth century Chilean anarchist movement reached its highest level of visibility and influence on the labor movement, calling for mass demonstrations, general strikes and sectoral meetings and violent protests against capitalism and the bourgeois state. In 1926 came the Regional Workers Federation of Chile (Forch), affiliated to the anarchist international, Industrial Workers of the World. The influence of the libertarian movement was present in the student sector and among intellectuals and artists, particularly in the so-called generation 1920. In the 1930's, the anarchist movement came into open conflict with other ideological currents, as radicals, socialists and communists, which led to a legal unions dependent on political parties. Anarchists, by contrast, anarcho-syndicalism advocated a free, independent and state laws. The Labour Code, enacted in 1931, eventually integrating the unions the legal system to regulate labor disputes, and eventually undermine the influence of anarchism on the unions. After the dictatorship of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo, the anarchists were collapsed into the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), but despite the efforts made to repudiate the new partnership, they could not prevent the consolidation of legal unions. Although in 1953 participated in the creation of the Unitary Workers Central (CUT), a few years after they had lost their influence on national labor movements. After this date, remains a presence in Chile attenuated and low real organization but anyway. A presence that seems to wake up between 1970 and 1973, during the government of Salvador Allende, which is then suppressed, and increases in the final stages of the struggle against the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, who at an end, in the decade of 1990 marked the possibility that anarchism emerged as a force that in the traditional Chilean left was completely forgotten. Until then be "anarchist" was synonymous with being a kind of weird. But anarchism began to look for a bit of a political current, that regardless of what one might think about it, has every right to exist. Among current
core anarcho-syndicalist Workers Solidarity can locate Concepcion, connected to the AIT, and Germinal Anarchist Group, the town of Penco. Further development groups seem to have "specified" means the Libertarian Communist Organization, the Collective Unrest Libertarian of Arica, the Libertarian Movement of Temuco Joaquin Murieta, the Frente de Estudiantes Libertarians and Man and Society magazine. But we find that the largest category is those nourished groups of counter-action, the distributor and seal Disobedience, DSOBDC Editions, the fanzine Akción Direkt, the Anarchist Punk Anti Kolectivo Valparaiso, the band misrule, the Radial also punks Therapy The Organic Anarchist Idea, the anarchist collective Maldita Cruz, poisoning, noise Libertarian Copiapo, Rebel Ñuñoa Libertarian, Anarchy and a rose, Bomber, Anarchist Collective Antofagasta Urban Project, the New End and the Subversion web. And at least two feminist groups: Creative Women and Amazon to Choke. In terms of performance typical of those nuclei whose main focus is constituted by the repressive state institutions specifically mention the Goke antiwar groups and not uniform and helmet or group of political prisoners Kamina Libre. For its part, the groups "self" as the collective Libertarian Hope in the borough of High Bridge, Black Flag of Santiago, La Serena Way Libertarian, Libertarian Organization J @!, The Libertarian Youth Coordinator, Action Kolectivo antifascist Red Anarchist Anarchist Revolution Stream South, among others.
should not call attention to the immediate realization that the model organization to build and distinctive practices is one of the main points of disagreement. In a way, we can say that this disagreement refers in the years immediately preceding the experience of the Anarchist Communist Unity Congress, a premature attempt to convergence of the current cycle ended in 2003 and of which only fragments survive their . That same year 2003 dates the separation between the Libertarian Communist Organisation (OCL) and the current Anarchist Revolution (CRA), adding in 2005 the division organized Anarchist Front (FAO) said this in a way just to name fragments which maintained a presence collective.
During the Libertarian Hermeneutics Congress held at the University of Santiago de Chile (Usach) 6 and 7 December 2007, it was anarchism. In Congress there was no strictly hermeneutic but only in the sober realization spaces of the School of Journalism is an empirical Usach more confirmation of the progressive host the anarchist theme has received in academic circles in various Latin American countries. Say, without going into tedious details of enumeration, the papers covered itself with the diversity and originality of the case, much of the subject that anarchists tend to frequent in these events: the situation of the movement in the world, reread the classics, Chilean historical research, the formulation of certain theoretical problems, features, and the foundations of a self-managed economy, the recovery of the feminine contributions, reflection on communicative methods, pedagogy libertarian anarchist approaches in literature and visual arts, etcetera. Anarchists maintain an individualistic principle of freedom of association and separation, saying that as the supreme value for man's individual freedom, every man is entitled not to obey any other man, to act only as their own discretion. Which contradicts the rule that contracts must be honored, the man being an anarchist is always free to waive any social contract ... dissenting statements so far has led to different actions of those who call themselves anarchists, they can be said of anyone looking for an excuse to impose by force and violently their ideas. It is notable, moreover, noted that in practice the contemporary anarchist theory does not apply its rejection of any authority in their own organization, tightly formed with authorities require strict discipline, which usually leads to the formation of new groups separate from the common trunk. Also when you see how these groups often use irrational violence, killing innocent people who happen to come across a place liable to a pump, for example, a perfectly clear that anyone who does not respect the lives of others is because it respects its own, is say, is more than clear of any ideal of a just society can only be formed by people who respect the principle to be respected. You can not expect to reap something different from what has been sown. The successor of Bakunin, Kropotkin, saw these contradictions anarchists and added to their crop to the doctrine that statements such as the supreme law of human evolution is to come "from a less happy state happy as possible" and others as vague as their inspiration. Unlike Bakunin, rejects private property in any way, supports only the social ownership, and names his system "anarchist communism" in which the entire society puts the common products available to all, Marx rescuing the supreme law of the production and final distribution "to each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Admittedly
anarchist doctrine in a large dose of idealism. Like communism part of a rebellion against the alienation of man being his ideal human development, only possible society being constituted by free men, which has led politicians like Lenin to describe anarchism as a "revolutionary infantilism." Referring to the denial of any authority, Engels said his famous phrase: "How do you imagine these people who could run a railway or a ship without direction? This they have not ever explained. " In any case, the violence used by the extreme left or the extreme right have served only to install most oppressive regimes that fought. This has led to enact anti-anarchist laws in European countries since before 1870. In our continent, the first is the year 1902: during the "Second International American Conference, a treaty was signed extradition and anti-anarchism, signed by 16 States, North and Latin American countries except Brazil. We can say that anarchism was not historically and does not take anything any viable results. Justify a violent attack with a dubious sense of justice is irresponsible. Where is the title of legitimacy for any judge to enact violence? Can not be represented in a class without a base operated legal support for that are contracts, which, of course, should be kept away as possible from the danger of arbitrariness, because reaching a fair contract, that is rational is principal means to achieve revolutionary changes we are all determined to perform. Being essential to understand that the solution to world problems is that everyone does their job well.
is said that the lectures at the University of Santiago in 2007 had more flavor to the Latin American revolutionary left of the 60 and 70 than anything else. Things like repeated conceive of themselves as a "party" that is among its tasks "political literacy of the social bases around the understanding of the whole", with a mission to "guide, lead and educate," which role is "irreplaceable in the current order of things" and that "should aim at raising the levels stage development of awareness for the implementation of people's power is real. " For more in common with the left seventies, the "party" also raises "the banner of popular sovereignty and the struggle of liberation against imperialism and its allies." Affirmation latter tweaked a few days after referring in this case to "fight popular sovereignty and liberation against our common enemy, imperialism and the state, "although no one said, specifically at the theoretical and following the establishment of a relationship of equality, if the Chilean government is perceived as an" ally "of" imperialism " or is also considered an agency of domination statute. There were questions unanswered or not answered we knew interpret. How Does the theory or action? Does the formation of ideas or propaganda by deeds? So far there seems to be about a latent difference but still fraternal, for example between those who are more inclined to reflection and theoretical elaboration and those who favor immediate agitation and confrontation. A common expression is the work between the library and library Emma Goldman and those seeking to revitalize the Institute for Anarchist Studies, who have produced work of historical recreation and caring attention to the problems of the Mapuche people, experiences in the field of counter-information and counter-actions in the field, as those who write graffiti on the walls of the city center where it says: "Lee Bakunin." Neither historical writing or in spoken or written there is an anarchist ideology defined the way they think to give the "power" once conquered, because their concepts of final ideal society are so vague that it can withstand analysis. From Bakunin and Kropotkin crawl qualified political analysts concepts of "simplistic" reject any authority therefore preach need for the immediate destruction of the current state, whatever, including the possible state after the anarchist revolution, up to a classless society, the last phase without any transition. Believe that once brought down the ruling class, the workers will be able to manage their businesses themselves and the whole social economy, without direction from a central authority, which was one of the causes of radical opposition to them expressed by Marx and Engels . For Bakunin the supreme law of social life is the evolutionary progress of mankind, a law so vague that principle is accepted by all. To achieve this "evolutionary progress" Bakunin proposed to reject the State and the Positive law because the state would correspond to a lower stage of human evolution (and would also be a product of religion). He states that the State should cease to make way for a social life, whose only legal rule is that "contracts must be honored," something also so logical that it is commonplace, as well as preaching to his social philosophy only in society (or "social life") the man can achieve the realization of human essence, that the standards accepted by the "general will" must be applied if necessary by force (without claiming Bakunin or any other ) what would such a force, in the absence of state power or any authority. Anarchist society would be based on associations and federations increasingly broad, ranging from unions to the municipalities, provinces, countries, regions to the global human society, something that Bakunin undoubtedly shows visionary if we consider the virtual network of the Internet that are weaving all, no matter where we live, that even in the future from the stars beyond weaving. Which might suggest that in future the role of authority is less important, but, considering the further development requires a division of labor increasing, not can operate without some central direction, but think of the total self without authority is a perfect utopia. It is true that today, with current technology and instant communication for the first time ever the conditions are to deliver all the benefits of civilization and culture. But structural changes are necessary, economic, social and political, which is only beginning to see, but I am convinced that the changes we need to do is not at all necessary to use violence of any kind and any doctrine that claims otherwise is an abuse and outdated.
An Anarchist Summit was held in Santiago between Monday 16 and Monday, November 23, 2009, authorized by the authorities, particularly in developing very civilized. As part of the events on Wednesday 18, a group of no more than forty people, symbolically, rushed into the jail concession of Santiago with stones and scratched, affirming their rejection of the principle of penance in jail that destroys the family, and the implementation of punishment in education and work for the community, aspiring to that, first of all, all families have access to work that provides basic needs of food, housing and clothing. Demanding immediate release of all young people continue to live in this prison, in exchange for compulsory education in schools as a political gesture from the authorities. The police guarding the former Penitentiary warned firing into the air just a couple of times, while a group of police arrived with shields and water cannons to disperse the demonstrators, should not suffer any attack. It was all very normal: the anarchists made their symbolic act, threw stones, scratched a couple of walls, and threw his pamphlets into the air, the gendarmes watching everything from windows and high alertness, the police also prepared to intervene launched a pair of jets of water into the air, but in an instant, everything was scattered and what each has done what he should do, no one arrested or injured. On Friday 20, an anonymous caller alerted the Metro subway bomb a busy station, where they formed a jam, so that the end was a box with protruding wires that dramatic a pamphlet conteníía alluding to the anarchist cause in letters cut where is read, the more or less: "This could be a real bomb." On Sunday 22, before the final closing session on Monday, focusing mainly on studies like all anarchist Santiago Summit in 2009, was held a silent march through downtown Santiago, without the presence of security forces. Was incident and any dissolved exposing the protesters ended their views between groups living conversationalists in the first block of Ahumada, and others joined the chess players next to the pergola Copper Square. Among the studies, as that was the point of reflection on the meeting held at the University of Santiago de Chile in 2007, it was concluded that ultra priority was to find a solution that involves criminal groups using the old violence, be attributed of them pulling the end of their anarchist pamphlets false crimes.
The Summit was particularly significant that Mapuche organizations based in Santiago struggling with the same momentum in the south, but with more ideas, education and without shock. Manuel Calfiu (27), leader of the autonomous organization Meli wixan Mapu, struggle daily from Santiago for the same reasons as the rest of the Mapuche: the restitution of lands for millennia, they say, they have belonged, respect rights human and collective autonomy and ultimate purpose, self-determination, ie, as an indigenous people they take care of their conflicts and problems without simultaneously be removed from the Chilean government, essentially retaining only its own national roots springing from the depths of the country, and that instead of being cut, it must preserve at all costs exalting their difference, which is not something that should prevent migration to the capital, if they wish, without them it means losing their land down south, and to be shared as much of the Chilean , take the metro and visit La Moneda and sell their crafts without being treated as migrants who come from Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia and neighboring countries. "In the end one is Chilean as anyone," says Manuel Calfiu, who had migrated to Santiago is not by choice: "My parents came from the south not by choice. They came proceeds of plunder the country for the military invasion in the peace process, as called him, apologizing to cast off by arguing that we take up arms when we had no weapons. For a Mapuche from their land is like an exile, you see. " However, he acknowledges that in his case, which for its biggest pain has been a long, for he has been an opportunity to study and fight for his people: "Santiago is a great platform because it is a scenario that helps us express our demands for an intelligent and organized, using Chilean law in the hope that they will be satisfied if it is the truth. Of course, the Mapuche organizations that call to arms in the south are now far from being respected by all of us, even more so that unites us than divides us, some we have them as reference, which does not make us indifferent, what happens is that now we are struggling with the same weapons used by the Chilean law, when faced with ears policy deaf and trigger-happy, it's becoming more obsolete, and we trust and act thinking it so. "Mapu wixan Meli Group has its own form of struggle. Using cinema courses Mapudungun Mapuche and attempt to bring culture to people, because they believe that the main reason for the discrimination that exists against them, is the ignorance that Chilean citizens have about their customs. Are certain that this is where you have to work. In addition, call for media and ordinary citizens to its activities through its website, as they did on Oct. 12 at Plaza Italia, to express the rejection of "Race Day" event to which came hundreds of people. Manuel says: "To say that the Mapuche movement is armed is a mistake, because it is a social movement and mass, which should be committed to all the people."
Another group of young Mapuche Anarchist Summit recognized as an example of civilization are the group Wechekeche Ñi trawün, who from Santiago, and, for example, through music, with infectious rhythms and lyrics, looking to expand awareness of Chileans to understand the Mapuche cause. Gloria says Pulkillanka (21), a member of Wechekeche: "We inform music, call to youth to be recognized as the Mapuche and realize the reality that our people live united by blood worthy Mapuche. Before we were lazy, alcoholic and now then call us terrorists. Stigmatize us to justify the theft of our lands and traditions, "he says, alluding to the treatment they receive from the national media. Through gigs and selling CDs they produce, this group of Mapuche music broadcasts its message to let people know what's happening in southern Chile with his people and aware of what appears in no issued share. Says: "We do not share the idea of \u200b\u200boccupying the weapons to be heard," recognizing that a fundamental part of their struggle is to raise awareness of legal and practical help needed by families and communities living in precarious conditions, especially in the IX Region, Chile this situation is critical. Since this way of drawing attention to Santiago through the music, a valid way to fight, because as one of his songs, "for a Mapuche defeat is not the only keep fighting." They are men and women committed to the struggle for a better and fairer world, which is not manifested through fighting but by culture and your best tool: education.
The Summit Anarchist, as performed in USACH 2007, a new element was composed of presentations geared to leave raised some points of convergence with anarchist thought from the human and Christian vision, which stated that although throughout history many Christians and anarchists have fought each other, if we observe the anarchist theory and practice of early Christians can be found obvious communicating vessels. The differences between the two political movements are clear. First, the part of preaching Christianity in the existence of God and denies anarchism. Second, especially during the nineteenth and twentieth century, members of the two sides fought furiously. Suffice tragic example the case of the English Civil War. However, it is questionable whether these clashes have nothing to do with strategic institutional positions rather than essential ideological differences. More specifically with the process that leads to religious organizations to identify with the prevailing social and political order of the day (which is medieval feudal system paradigm) and, therefore, to oppose any emancipating human movement as it undoubtedly is anarchism. But increasingly, the line between human beings is constituted by the proclamation explicit the existence of God or denial but by adherence to or rejection of certain fundamental human values. Or as the English Catholic writer GK Chesterton with fine irony: "The problem is not with those who believe in nothing but those who believe everything."
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009
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