essential tool of non-violence is education, and this literacy. In our countries of America alone has advanced to about the last fifty years is Cuba, which has the least number of illiterates (a rate of less than four percent consists of over sixty years). Fidel Castro has written more than any other Latin American politician, has been addressed in almost all common forms and used others beyond us. A few years ago, the project officer of one of the movie studios to soil type in North America who spoke to me telling me that would communicate with me some people who wanted to hire me to write a screenplay based on the life of Alina Fernandez, Fidel Castro's rebellious daughter, who lives in Miami, and whose history had for a film projected internationally. That's how I talked, and before deciding, I asked you to send me information material they had: I did get the published version of the memoirs of Alina, published by Plaza & Janes (1997, 258 pages), and a copy of original version the author had given, which were about a thousand pages in total. I read the material and I proposed a questionnaire that they make to Alina, stating some things that were related above all to reassert historical dates and events in which he starred. A few days later, I did get about eight hours of recording answering my questions, which could see her complete willingness to respond in the fullest way possible how many references we need to write the script.
Then I visited Cuba to walk the streets that portrays Alina. I applied a few days there on my free will, to try to stop any foreign power that would take away from my only wish to visit Havana to walk more than anything else, let me be in it beyond a couple of obligations to open my eyes to portray what closely as possible a corner a place, a plaza or the Malecon. I had the great honor to meet Natalia Revuelta, one of the queen mothers of the Cuban Revolution: I talked to her once, a couple of hours, more than enough to understand why this woman has been the most steadfast love in the life of Fidel Castro. The mother of Alina Fernandez, "Naty" as they say in Cuba, is exceptional and of course never sufficiently recognized: the end his family contacts being educated aristocratic ancestry, and jewels, shaped the first revolutionary acts. Not for nothing, multilingual lawyer by profession and it was she who provided food and books sent to Fidel few times this should escape Sierra o estuvo en la cárcel. Con una mirada penetrante de sus ojos verdes muy claros, perfectamente arreglada con sus labios de rojo carmesí, “parece una fuerza de la naturaleza” como la define Alina en sus Memorias, vestida de blanco impecable, Natalia Revuelta dijo: “A mi edad, he cumplido ochenta años, puedo decir que siempre he sido algo más que la amante de Fidel y la madre de su hija Alina. Para Fidel su proyecto revolucionario siempre estuvo sobre su vida personal. Y en cierta medida, para mi también ha sido así: me lo saqué del corazón y lo puse en mi cabeza; ahora lo veo como un ser de gran dimensión al que sigo respetando. Soy cubana, por eso soy una mujer resistente, porque los cubanos we have resisted it. I have worked as I could for my country's revolution, if born again, would do the same. And, as I'm concerned if we waited more than fifty years for us to lift the international blockade, well we can wait another fifty, which has prevented us from selling the fruit of our land and our work, denying supplies to decrease monetary and real wages, "to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government", which are official words that you recite an official document of 1960.
Natalia Revuelta referred to a memorandum from the U.S. government declassified
in 1991, and describes the objective Finally the embargo or blockade against the island. In the document, the April 6, 1960, a year before the invasion organized by the United States against Cuba, the then Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, Lester DeWitt Mallory, wrote the following, discussed in a meeting chaired by then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower: "There is no effective political opposition in Cuba, so the only predictable measure we have today to alienate internal support for the Revolution is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship. Any means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the life Cuba's economy. Denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government. " It was the same tactic to destroy the functions of the government of Salvador Allende used against Chile, where, for example, food shortages and black markets emerged immediately. It is under this policy of blockading the island they were born and have lived two-thirds of the Cuban population, who have had to suffer, survive and grow under particularly difficult conditions imposed by the superpowers seeking the annihilation of the resistance and that has to be an example of strength, dignity and sovereignty of the Cuban nation, and in November 2008, a resolution condemning the blockade, which since 1992 has Cuba to the United Nations General Assembly obtained an unprecedented vote: 185 votes in favor, with votes against U.S., Israel and Palau. But the UN is a legend, not an obligation.
For Natalia Revuelta, "in Cuba has developed the most violent ideological machinery of contemporary history, more than half a century of suffering and systematic killings of children and innocent people, by the deprivation of drugs, raw materials, technology and General conditions for international terrorism have been deployed in the territory Cuban other nations. But Cubans are the only Latin Americans who have no starving children, or living on the street, or eating from the garbage. We have about ninety-five percent of the literate population, with virtually 100 percent of children attending school, which is a Cuban achievement to the world, although my relations with the regime are not the best, with the educational revolution remain intact. I have told them that there is inability to solve problems, accept that we made mistakes. There are things that need improvement. Free education, free medicine, free housing, but how much does a Cuban national currency? Almost nothing. For example, a person with a university degree, a doctor, a specialist in treating very well prepared ... children, earns less than twenty dollars a month. It is true that the conditions in which we hope to prevent a better life. Any working person could aspire to a better life, with dedication and sacrifice, but in the hope of a better life. In fifty years of the Cuban people's revolutionary government has access to everything for free, in exchange for their work that is paid a paltry salary. No way out until we can sell and move freely with the world. Fidel told me it was a time of change, which could lift the borders and who wanted to leave or enter so, much has been done and it must recognize the world, but it would be nice to expand freedoms for private development, I told them exploit the tourism in our beautiful island, but they said they should remain faithful to his position and never doblegarían to capitalism. And he fell out with me. I had to laugh, never fear. In 1994 something happened that bothered me. As always Moncada fighter went to the acts of July 26 as such, but this year one person told me to wait in the chair while the other fighters appeared down the stairs. I asked why. "These are the instructions, mate," he said. But I had gone there to be with my mates and not just to sit in the chair, so I broke the invitation before his eyes and I was not more. I hardly go out, but I hear radio and watch TV. Still, at the bottom of my heart I feel that we fought alone, we are a people who sacrificed lives believing that the most valuable is human dignity above all things. But I also feel that our ash has to spring a possible idea for a new civilization, just and fair for everyone. "
I walked freely in the streets of Havana. I accompanied the last four days two friends who traveled from Mexico to look behind me, as I noticed when I told them the project considered not exactly an easy project to confront, and fear, then I would confess when they came to Havana, I was exposed to danger when alone. I must say that having friends is a priceless treasure, and to whom I refer are to me a gift of God on Earth. I could give them a taste of pleasure as healthy as you open wide the windows of the Hotel Ambos Mundos, for invading left early in the breeze from the bay, while climbing from the hazy silhouette of the Cathedral of Havana in the room 511 of the hotel on Obispo Street in the historic center, "that Ernest Hemingway himself had described as" a good place to write, "and then go walking around steps to El Floridita, to test the daiquiris Dad, and follow a pleasant stroll along the cobbled streets to the mojitos in La Bodeguita de Enmedio, and happy in the world out on the streets smelling of coffee and snuff, singing loudly. Nobody ever bothered us. Not a police or a neighbor approached if it was not required to answer our questions in an address or enter a site. I should note here that my affectionate disposition to the island came from before: two dear friends had taught me to love Cuba as a land of their own: the first actor Frank Moro, who made an important career in Mexico and the United States, who no longer is with us, and whose friendship I was honored, and Ninon Sevilla, which is, I believe, the highest star that brings Cuba to world cinema, and maintains a current career in telenovelas. With Ninon are friends many years ago when I came to live in Mexico hired by Vogue magazine, she found the apartment that would be my home for many years in the corners of London and Denmark in the Federal District, from the beginning was Ninon protective of my tale, and remains so until now. Then, when I visited Cuba as he trod the earth knowing they were born people whose proximity has been a blessing in my life.
confessed to friends that I complicated the writing of this script, despite I had two compelling reasons to accept: Alina Fernandez never referred evil Fidel Castro, who as far as I was concerned in the historical context was the main character of the script, and second, by itself, because I think Alina is a personality beyond being the daughter of Fidel, and rescuing the facts of his life in Cuba where he spent most of his life, his way did his best for his people, which was blocked twice: by the conditions embargoed the island and by the secret police that her father always imposed following their footsteps. But I knew I had to face my own conscience to portray to the world a critical historical period of our civilization. Following the wishes of my heart I decided to give the decision to God and put myself in His hands. It was then that agent studies in Hollywood called me quite disheartened to report that Alina Fernandez was finally ceded the rights of their reports to Artist Relations Group, a new set of films that began auditioning and public relations for film industry thanking my willingness to see the material and travel to the island, which for them meant a loss of investment and time, and for me it was a unique experience.
Anyway, I should say here that in any country I have met in classrooms with more communist academic in the United States. I have come to believe that if sometime in the future communism is reborn as a government system, perfected, including its Christian roots, that country is America, where today there are at least the most important thinkers in this regard. Of course more people are graded utopia possible classless society. But some people really believe it is possible a state of affairs and a means to live where there is no domination or exploitation or any form of violence, a society in which everyone is free to search and choose the full development of the person inspired by mutual respect . Of course, saying "violence is the motor of human history is a Marxist idea obsolete and could not reach the final state of non-violence desired by Marx, as his thesis of class struggle. It is clear that the current systems that rely on Marx and closely correspond to their own desires. Because the ultimate goal of Marx and Engels was non-violence as the only solution designed to achieve full development, a goal that excuse the violence to reach a state of non-violence which is the ultimate idea of \u200b\u200bman as the end of history This has always been a vague idea for those who have followed what inspired books like "The Communist Manifesto" and "The Capital", and now fighting a new dimension in the international level, by the opposition of "developing", considered to be exploited by the international capitalist bourgeoisie "developed."
In the nearest future that far, thanks to the global connectivity network which has enabled the Internet, without a doubt to be flourishing more strongly the ideal of a classless society, in the sense that, in the words of Engels, is to develop the productive forces "at its best" to make it possible to involve all members of human society in the production benefits of civilization and culture, with equal opportunities for all and adequate participation and fair to all in the social product and the direction (in the economic and political), which is not noble who inherits a title but he behaves as such. Led by what Marx explained as a state agency in a classless society, fully subordinated to all human society and its service and its common good. Something, of course, now more than ever, at least technically, we are prepared to understand when we are notified by the virtual network.
If the error of Marx and Engels was supporting violence if necessary to reach non-violence, so instead of bringing them closer to their desires away, it is said by Jesus that "he who uses the sword, dies by the sword " others are frankly violence as a means of action, citing, for example, anarchism, which is a group with a strict internal organization that proclaims itself to be an anarchist, and other groups considered revolutionary left or right as gentrified. " Thus, not lack of a public identity that have been posted to be anarchists almost all the revolutionary groups, left or right, who use violence to achieve their goals .. With previous thinkers and activists such as William Godwin and Gustavo de Molinari,
anarchism developed in the nineteenth century, first with the work of Pierre-Joseph Proudon, then reaching the expanded and strengthened Initial discussions at the First Communist International, especially with the militancy and the thought of Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921). The latter was a theorist who advocated a communist-style social organization, but no statewide organization. The inspiring true consideration of anarchism is Bakunin, who was later excluded from the Communist International by Marx himself, as opposed to violent action anarchist radicalism that has spread a little everywhere. In the Americas
anarchism has native precursors such as Henry David Thoreau (1817-1852) and others,
that form a market-individualist tradition will then contact European ideas, then and migration-related European socialist anarchist event in North America gives pioneer of May 1, 1886, which until now celebrated as Labor Day. Henry David Thoreau raises in 1848 in his "Civil Disobedience" a thesis that will take you to jail for inciting civil disobedience in an impassioned plea for individual rights against state power, arguing that "those who disapprove character and procedures of a government and yet they pay their membership and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious support and therefore the most serious obstacle to any reform. " Maintains a certain sense even in becoming imprisoned for challenging injustice: "there must be to stop the runaway slave, the Mexican prisoner on parole, and the Indian who comes to denounce abuses committed against his race and will be confined in a more free and honorable, where the state makes those who are not with him in jail is the only resort in a slave state where a free man can preserve his honor. If anyone thinks that their influence would be lost there and that his voice would not reach to reach the ears of the State or would not be considered an enemy within its walls, it is because there will come to see how far the truth is stronger than error, nor how much more capable of fighting injustice is one that has suffered in his own person. We must not settle to cast a ballot in the ballot box: we have to reinforce what we want with all our conviction. A minority is made to matter when the majority opinion (which is not even a minority), but it is irresistible when it loads all his weight on the scale. If you put the state in the dilemma of incarcerating all men of integrity, or give up war and slavery, the State will not hesitate which to prefer. "
Anarchists have a strong influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau (1713-1788), when he says that the individual is good for nature and society (or the state and its institutions) who destroys his happiness. States that occur in society, the man begins to lose freedom and inequalities begin to gain ground in establishing the property right and authority to safeguard it. In that society is a hoax, supposedly men unite to defend the weak but in reality what they do, is to defend the interests of the wealthy. States that the first step is the transformation of the individual through education. He preaches a new kind of social contract to return to man his 'natural' state without implying cease to belong to a community social contract based on the establishment of "a form (...) partnership whereby each to join everyone, not follow, however, only himself and remains as free as before. " It is a covenant community with the individual and the individual and the community. Each partner is attached to everybody and nobody in particular. This agreement creates the "general will" that is neither arbitrary nor one with the sum of the selfish desires of the individual wills of individuals. Then comes the concept of sovereignty, which embodies the general will, which is inalienable, never delegated, and the government is merely an enforcer of law emanating from the general will, and can always be replaced. Rousseau understood to establish this same way, popular sovereignty and individual liberty. Because, when you contract with the community, each individual is also carrying out a contract with yourself, while bowing to the "general will" is following his own will. Rousseau was the most influential illustrated the ideals that ignited the French Revolution of 1789, and nineteenth-century communists and the anarchists who rescued him his belief that the greatest achievement of humanity is the individual's freedom to to speak and act without being able to prevent any form, whether earthly or supernatural, so call abate any type of government, fight against all organized religion or sect, as they represent the contempt for the autonomy of men and economic slavery. They point out that fighting the state as an entity that represses the real economic and personal freedom of all citizens becomes an immediate need and the disappearance of any government is considered a revolutionary goal in the short term. Original anarchist doctrine imposed to limit its action only forgotten by the self-proclaimed anarchist groups: the prohibition on causing harm to other human beings, and this limitation comes another basic ideological assumption is forgotten in the groups using the name of anarchists : if anyone tries to harm human others, all well-meaning individuals have the right to organize against him.
In South America Anarchism spread by European immigrants arrived in Buenos Aires, among those highlighted EricC Malatesta and Pietro Gori. In 1890, the English immigrant Manuel Chinchilla created the first anarchist organizations among the workers typographers of Valparaiso and Santiago de Chile. Initially the organization was not conceived as a mere tool in the fight against the bosses, but also as true people's university, where they studied, practiced and solidarity which prefigured the world we wanted to live. In Chile, in Santiago had an immediate apprehension, joining anarchists teachers speaking loudly talking with neighbors in the Plaza de Armas, located in the opposite direction occupied by chess players, customs hitherto kept extended to the first street to the corner Ahumada Orphans . In this context of organization and agitation, the first born anarchist activity centers, that encourage popular universities such as the Center of Studies 'Rebellion', the first Chilean newspaper editors openly anarchist, "The Rebel" in 1898, which begins publication Anarchist news pioneer, as the anarchist, The Campaign, Agitation, The Torch, The Dawn ... In 1908, in Antofagasta, is grouped Center Social Studies "Luz y Vida", which will publish its information with the same name until 1917. In 1911 appears the other half of anarchist influence in Valparaiso, called "The Battle." Later it appears "The Verba Roja" (1918), and countless newspapers anarchist influence unions, which some explain as being the pioneer printers guild anarchists in Chile, from the very influence of Friar Camilo Henríquez, editor of "The Aurora de Chile ", whose writings so far are historical readings anarchists.
(Excerpt from "Perspectives of Non-Violence")
(c) Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes, 2009
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