is true that in the animal kingdom, as far as we know, only humans laugh and cry. Crying and laughter are healthy, says science, because the tears lubricate, disinfect and nourish the body, and Laughter oxygenates the blood and serves as a whole body workout. By the way, is amusing to think that it is impossible to tickle yourself provoked, unlike other animals, that is common to see a cat, a dog or a chimpanzee super busy playing with themselves, happy. The superb writer Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) said that laughter was invented by humans and retains its exclusivity because only we suffer in this land of the most exquisite torments. The child cries at birth, six days smiles and laughs at twelve weeks, when he begins to understand the world they joined. The monopoly of laughter in line with our exclusive possession of language privileges in biological evolution appeared simultaneously, with explanation of laughter as a verbal expression of euphoria, perhaps the first secret voice broke the sound barrier and we started in the handling of words and symbols. Something that coated much value in the natural selection of species to be as common to the human race. Nothing unites more than laughter because we can understand the neighbor in a moment, opening relations with others in the society that prefers and emphasizes that individuals encouraged and optimistic tone, individually impregnating the body of a sense of well being makes illuminating heavy loads tolerable expectations. Laughter involves the whole body by the action that moves the diaphragm and chest muscles that play a bellows manner, speeding up the entry and exit of air, oxygenating blood, making it more efficient circulation, cooling, similar to the effect of voluntary exercise gym, shedding the nervous excitement triggers muscle reflexes, glandular and other fields, coming to make you cry and, at the height of the seizure, the nasal flow. Sonically, the laughter catches our attention on only comparable with tears.
is said that very few people can resume their normal duties to laugh or cry as background sound. Other mammals, under the rule of emotion, can cry and scream in pain, but no one makes a sound similar to laughter or tears or produce tears. Some say that the hyena laughs, but as the joke says, "with the life he leads" is not to laugh: his is only a grunt not related to laughter, a hallmark of the human, as it tears produce from birth and five or six weeks of life, of course, more abundant and larger drops in women, with production in both sexes reaches its peak between six and nine years later fading. The more intense the crying spells, more strongly tighten the eyelid, thus facing the pressure of deeper blood vessels of the eye: if it were not so may break, as such in the coughing, the sneezing and even yawning. Through the tears drain down the tear ducts, we prevent them from drying out the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages and respiratory tract, mucous membranes directly exposed to the environment, wind, cold or heat, germs, particles and gases, which defends us by his glands secretions form a protective sheet, which would dry up in the absence of the relief of tears, as fundamental as a stream of air. In addition to facilitating the movement of the eye to provide lubrication and nutrition proteins, salts and sugars dissolved, tears as mucous membranes have antibacterial properties that stop the growth and destroy microbes that come under one item called lysozyme, which we found in greater abundance than any other higher mammal, the wise Alexander Fleming was studying this substance when he discovered and prepared penicillin. It is obvious that laughter and tears, especially in children, improve our chances of survival.
In any case, differently from the tears that can result from a pain-revealing, there is no key or knows the origin of laughter: the Latin philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero was amazed at its power and questioned before Jesus Christ: "What There is laughter, how it arises, where is, how it exists and how it breaks that we can not restrain lust, and how at the same time takes over the lungs, mouth, veins, face ... ? "The British GK Chesterton (1874-1936), who admired the master Borges, claimed to feel that someone is laughing at us while lower and stronger than one, it's awful. The politician Winston Churchill (1874-1965) stated that the consoles imagination of what men can not be, the laughter comforts them as they are. The Dutch humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), one of the most acute and software writers of his time, author of "In Praise of Folly" held that laugh of all is proper for fools, but not to laugh at nothing is stupid. For the witty Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), as he thought his contemporary Nietzsche, the world has always laughed at its own tragedies, such as sole means of support. Pitigrilli Italian writer (1893-1975), said that making people laugh is an art: it is a science. Comedians write their best stuff when they are no longer young, when the weighting replaces the momentum. There are many kinds of humor, as the caustic of the French writer Voltaire (1694-1778): "Under the generic title of priest is appointed to every Christian who devotes the service of God and feel called to live without working at the expense of the poor people who work for a living. " There is humor skeptical critic André Maurois (1885-1967): "Laughter is a mask for tragedy. All great comedians are their own heroes and their victims. The most severe judge of good humor is the same: can not find what you want and suffering. Making Sense of humor is a spiritual being against oneself, is a mask to hide the pain and, above all, to hide the deep cynicism that life communicated to all men. " There is the mocking humor of English Jacinto Benavente (1866-1954): When someone asked why qualified "extraordinary" a certain lady very rude, said: "For the same reason that you call your clock 'extra-plane'." There is a critical humor that brought the great American Mark Twain (1835-1910), who said: "Good breeding consists in concealing how much we care about ourselves and how little we care about others", and the cynical humor of that Oscar Wilde: "It's very dangerous to have a husband care for his wife in public: it always makes people think that hits when they are alone." To the memory of illustrious Chinese sage Lyn Yutang (1895-1976), the chemical function of humor is this: change the character of our thoughts. But the truth is that nobody has explained logically why the man laughs. The English writer Jardiel Ponce (1901-1952) stated that trying to define the product of humor laughter is like trying to punch a butterfly with a telegraph pole. Some philosophers have concluded definitions for laughter as the New Zealander David Hector Monro, in his study "Theories of Humor" published in late 1970: "Fun is something that we laugh. We laughed because we've seen or heard fun. It seems that's all I can say. "And make a list of ten conditions that are fun to be human means any alteration or disruption of the usual things (eat soup with a fork), acts or actions prohibited by the rules of politeness accepted (burp in public) any indecent act (in Chile to make a "Pato Yáñez" gesture with both hands to offer the genitals to the respectable age, lol), bring to a situation which corresponds to another (many examples of great cinema buffs as Buster Keaton), any costume or behavior and what is not ( men covered with a canvas resembling a horse that never fails in a circus) puns (not the same one meter black lace ...); the absurdities or follies (the comedian asserted in the wall of a building, someone to tease you ask, are you holding up the building?, man ceases to assert, withdrawing a few steps and the building falls to the ground) Unfortunately any minor (a person slips on the banana peel), any lack of knowledge or ability (to see someone hit your thumb with a hammer), and insults or attacks ironic wit. It also provides principles that can be applied to all forms of humor, such as freshness or surprise (repeated joke goes rotten) and the folly of a situation that placed in a context that belongs to another. The absence of laughter
reveals concerns, fatigue, distress, physical or emotional grief, his presence restores some balance of man in his passage through the tight rope of life, doomed to be a product of culture, but not entirely cultural; to be a product of nature, but not completely natural. It is difficult to define a laugh with obvious words, again because we have between their lips at any time, without fear that the fish heads, when we speak here of human expressions that have to do with what we bring to forever, no way around it , and the ability to circumvent all efforts impertinent air of philosophical challenge that also aroused the curiosity of the great Aristotle, who could only conclude that the ridiculous is an element of comedy. Dr. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) argued that laughter is a relief from the strictness of the censorship setting, the father of psychoanalysis carried the basic contradiction of life in the depths of the human psyche, arguing that there the conflict between demands strong animal nature and the civilizing instructions ego and super ego, before Freud called conscious and subconscious, these conflicts emerge disguised as humor banned jokes about sex and hostility, as well, for it is life a struggle between repression imposed by the environment and the natural desires of the unconscious: we laugh to avoid getting the censor and the simple relief that causes the release of the huge pent-up energy within us. For the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), laughter is the man brave ally in the battle against the ruling strict, relentless, disruptive, which is the "reason" in an excerpt of his "Theory of Laughter" writes: "The cause of the laughable is always paradoxical subsumption or inclusion, and therefore unexpected, of something on a concept that does not apply, and laughter indicates that suddenly notice the incongruity between the concept and the thing thought, ie, between abstraction and intuition. The higher the incompatibility and most unexpected in the concept of laughing, the more violent will be the laughter. Therefore, to produce laughter always needed a concept and a single object, an object or act that could be included in it and represented by him, but under another aspect important not to enter it and differs strikingly from all what is ordinarily included in that concept. "
recognized several rules to get to laugh, but the main one: smile, even in the midst of the storm suggest a smile, which is a powerful means to irradiate the magnificence of God in man. The look, the expression of the face are nothing but our dynamic energy flows which immediately reaches those around us, because our face expresses the individual soul. The smile is a psychic energy in action. That is why a smile is infallible tool in its power to enter into the hearts of individuals. The smile is the border between friendship and rejection, and an expression that is believed to be perceived in general all animals below man, because naturally occurring energy that sprouted know a gesture of our body, and some relate to heart energy (which feeds our thoughts) is the quality that is, with the power to enter into contact with the psychic energy of other people's hearts. At last it is through the attitude of heart we express to others the quality of our thinking and mood. Through the heart is how we receive and feel what others transmit, at a meeting of hearts are contacted through the gaze, facial expression and body gestures, including the most laughter is universal: the rest comes later. Laughter is true, there is no fake laugh, because it raises a barrier immediately perceptible to the human spirit, especially in childhood and at the end of life. The man-child and the old man are never intimidated by a false smile. Magically, it said that a person who laughs at the heart's desire, may cure anyone of any wrongdoing by the simple act of presence. Because laughter displays the power of love (that is his secret).
© Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes.
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