Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wedding Response Card Vegetarian Option
ART MEETING (From The Meaning of Life)
Now let's say, as always, by reflection, the man seeks a logical explanation for the phenomena of nature. Mankind understands that if able to unravel the origin of the phenomena in which we are immersed, we can also handle them. Of course today to the scientific thinking has been added philosophy. The discipline gained in the soul of the great twentieth century, now lets us know what they are almost perfectly formed all things, we know the evolution of our universe to appear from the very moment of its formation, and master the various natural phenomena so that we can finish several times with all vestige of life on our planet, and we can move without any effort, heavy loads from one end to another of the Earth and even beyond the stars. Say goodbye with a kiss to the twentieth century that is remembered with admiration at the extent of human power to light that he bequeathed to the centuries to come. Literally, we can now say that we know of three types of interactions capable of creating same three types of force: the gravitational, which have their origin in the mass of bodies, the electromagnetic, corresponding to the electric charge of the bodies, and so-called "psychic" that appear only inside the atomic nucleus. The constant interaction of these forces, which depend on each other, held together particles and poses one of the most fascinating scientific deductions inherited from the twentieth century, all forces are one force, unique and unrepeatable. That we as human beings is concentrated in each of our atoms and can be accessed through what is common name "positive thinking." We are what think.
Positive thinking is our energy at full power, when expressed at a level of consciousness. Up that, scientifically, is the minimum. Atom discovered new components appeared concentrated in its nucleus, and we knew that these particles are in turn composed of sub particles in a succession of mind to a point similar to the pictures we have of black holes from outer space, absorbing all that is around to a place unknown. This simple scientific reason of location from high to low beyond words indicates that the end of the maze are actually a minotaur, or a builder of labyrinths. This logical reason and not another is sometimes given to assert that in this apparent chaos there is order: an order.
is true that all schools now conclude that this energy, tiny but pride that encourages us, we can modify. We ourselves can always be better. For example, through mental exercises. As a simple prayer or prayer, we understand as a discipline of the mind that makes heart's desire. They are also effective mental exercises and ideas statements induced (the believe that everything is fine and well and will be better). We can also help with exercise, proper breathing as simple, you know, air entering nose, pulling air through the mouth, keeping the air in our lungs as much as possible to dismiss it as gently as we can. A full year is united prayer and proper breathing, to the way it is practiced by monks of almost all religious orders, who can attend.
is everyone's responsibility to promote the health of the energy that we had in hand, individually. Positive thinking, for example, joined the practice of proper hygiene habits, is infallible in their mental and physical regeneration. Say to eliminate all negative thinking is to assume a new attitude towards life. It is said that the purpose of life is self-improvement of self. And we agree. The man is all that the creator is. We are a center of energy and life organized, a center from which all things and where all the stuff. Consciousness and the subconscious obeys commands: thus it is necessary to increase the awareness activities, reducing the unconscious. We agree if we say no to exercise repressive conditions on others. Not inhibited. Do not restrain. Do not change the natural course of things. No need to bathe every day swan to be white, because the swan is naturally white and white sunrise each morning as the color of their plumage. We do not need black dye raven wings every day because is naturally a raven black. We should not change the existence of course, it's made our bodies and the things of the same essence as the plants and the mountains, so everything matters. We are also the sea. Everything is perfect harmony of rhythms that we have, and express thoughts, emotions and creative acts and evolved. This is about having a good disposition, nothing more. Say it's tuner, get the chip as they say, then to get the chip!
We must practice an adequate exchange of movement and rest, sleep enough. Thoughts, feelings and positive actions. So each person is an end in itself, a vital expression particular and unique movement of life in this wheel of existence, here and now. We agree not to attempt to live as others think they should live, or to act in the way we should act, despite all apparent rights that we have on them. Let children grow. Live and let live. That success in this life is in power over others, but rather on self-expression as it is, and as he wants to be. That is not noble who has a title, but it is noble who behaves as such. So let us take our journey in life and let others go for yours ... that if our paths have crossed it's wonderful that this was written on the slate blue sky, not because we sought. That things are as they should be. That's all well and good will, all things are balanced. Drop us a vast ocean of intelligence that governs the formation of all physical bodies within it, an ocean that is stellar, mineral, vegetable, animal ... seeds are wind, each placed in its right place: here now.
We can not forget: this burden of wonderful energy that moves us has been gained through some mechanism of incorporation. Therefore it is crucial all-important our breath, the way we do, because the first thing we incorporate in our body is the air we breathe. Incorporating not only breathe oxygen, but the breath of the world around us. So breathing becomes experience and time in memory. The way to play this game of life through the incorporation of breathing is saying: This is what I want I can do this, this is what I desire and achievement. This is our aspiration. In practice we breathe, and keep the air in our body for a moment: the moment when the air is within us is a perfect time for prayer, we communicate with the Creator, whatever you decide to speak, by common prayer or internal reflection in a voice that inspires our soul. Clean slow, but slowly our lungs. It is said that we throw away the oxygen when the air, so slowly we do not move a feather in front of the mouth, where we threw the air. The correct way to breathe with the practice becomes a habit for which our body is prepared naturally. Like our habits are actually conditioned reflex: our brain tells the body responds. This is harmony. If we act wisely is because there was no room for error. Mental substance is formed by ideas (images) and work with them. Our ideas of each day, then bring with emotion and behavior (action). The
negative thoughts in our bodies produce toxic substances that poison our bodies and destroy it. We talk about own negative thoughts. That if the desire of our heart rests on pure faith in the Good, nothing can harm us too. So, as such, for example in medical treatment it no longer focuses exclusively on the symptoms nor the microbes or harmful viruses. Also our body in resonance with their thinking achieved, provided that the proposed pace themselves vital health, and that manifests itself as a healing energy flow that must be cured, that fixes what needs to be fixed . The organic body is a manifestation of the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. Which should be in balance and timing with the light and life that manifests as a result of the three basic states balanced, if this balance is disrupted, we become ill. In other words, a principle of any healing begins with the desire to heal, your wish will command the brain tells the body, brings its uninterrupted flow is restored our life force that is pure idea and the highest manifestation of our intelligence : survival.
Our cells are nothing but echoes of what we live. So we managed to resist, on our enormous human power to imagine the art of which we are all teachers. That's right: we can always use this extra energy, promoting our good wishes in intensity. And almost always reactivate enough power to break, break, cancel and delete the item intruder, whether a virus or a negative thought. Maintaining a balance can be restored only through persistent practice positive habits, physical and mental habits. The physical world is no longer seen as something alien, but also participate actively in it. Our participation depends solely on the conscience of the individual who observes an integrated, there, highlighting our reason as a huge energy force vital, conscious. Therefore, everything is possible, nothing is predetermined because the issues are inevitably as the interrelationships that come into play in the incessant changes, unpredictable life, everything is changing between the viewer, one, and the observed, the world. So we understand that the physical universe around us is not at all rigid or inexorable: it is only ever changing. Everything changes because our thinking becomes constant. So the physical world as a creation of consciousness, should be considered as an inseparable part of it and constantly changing.
is true that our mind can alter the hologram of reality that surrounds us, and creating entirely new realities. The formal mechanisms of the reality of our human consciousness has no limits. Is the energy of consciousness, the desire of the imagined idea, allowing us have in our medical arsenal, for example, a vaccine immediately voids 10, 20 or thirty virus half a century ago were fatal. There are cures that give the world its illustrious men really care who the form and manner of how we are aware of us as real people who deserve to stay. This desire to be intimately relates, through our mind, the human nervous system: our internal computer, which is loaded with positive and negative discharge. The mind creates, governs the matter. For This thinking is creating, is swimming in this vast ocean of intelligence in which we live.
Specifically, what is known about the influence of mind over matter is in its infancy. However, there are very valuable contributions: here discuss only those that quote to mind in relation to our body's defenses. Because he has found a clear relationship between the nervous and immune system, through the natural process of feedback from our body. That is: we are what we think. Our state of mind determines the higher or lower level of our immune defenses, to be understood as a sixth sense of the body. It has been observed in extensive experimentation that If memory is lost is lost defenses. The aging brain no longer sends appropriate commands to the body: forget and ill. Anything that alters the workings of the mind (stress, depression, intoxication) leads to a weakening of defenses. People inclined to a positive approach to better face life circumstances to maintain its balance. Of course, this positive bias should be induced by reason. To imagine the mental visualization of the problem solved, cured of evil, has been established, the cells multiplied, our natural defenders. The thoughts of a patient are vital in their cure. We must never lose my breath. Thus our system works properly, there will be life. While not forgetting the desire to live, live. Scientifically, this factor that restores our body is known by the acronym NGF, our natural messenger orders, a chemical mediator, a factor of hormone action, very powerful, we have within us.
right. We began by citing the existence of an extra force, and said it would border a crucible of comments about the use of that extra strength. Now define specific situations to follow. From this moment I am not speaking, I'm just the hand that writes this and suggests ideas precise. In principle, remove all unnecessary worries. Do not assume things. The assumption is sterile situations. Do not put grudges. Let's forgive, forgive starting with ourselves. We feel that we live by breathing in the pure breath be balanced: we believe that when we have the original spirit sheds its extra energy in all cells that form us. Our memory, then, is one idea that runs throughout our body and mind. And this restorative power flows through every particle ours. We also help choosing vital nutrients for proper nutrition, clean water, fruits and vegetables of the season, soft or white meat, fish and seeds. Breathe fully, consciously. We affirm that the creative intelligence while living transmuted things our whim. If we are logical when we are awake, we can make our lives a true creation in the image and likeness of our dreams.
live firmly attached to the balance of the universe, and have learned to express ourselves with our everyday external action, with all the love put into everything we do. We are not asleep. We have already raised, then. And we know that there are ways that neither suspect, new, different and unexpected: all the roads are solutions and cross from before us life. This is nothing more, to take the right path to each. The right path is one that serves you take to solve what they want to solve. No other. We have learned to delete with positive affirmations all the negative things of life that occurred so far. Or else you would still not reading, your reader will my reflection, having come this far together we have saved the lives of both, because this reading is a path you have decided to find something, and challenges me to stay alive beyond to be dead, if I give you what you need to find.
Here we are new creatures, we live in and really feel like we stated in their daily existence. That our motivation for living is love. Love always. Loving a human being, a few friends, to all mankind, to love an animal, a plant, to things, an idea, a project in mind, the memories of the past, a future project, love The day our daily task. Here is love, not love us, that he really loves is loved. Love enough to quickly exit the dark side of life: love the custom of someone or something breaks down any selfish thought. Such violent acts which disappear with the sole desire of the heart that is inclined to love. And we understand that as it changes our way of thinking, change our body. Walk now with a new vision in mind, and no laziness, neglect or apathy. We have become disciplined and maintain a constant effort: the rhythm of God ... Now we keep our decision with profound faith. That faith is not known until it lives only in faith.
Life is the art of meeting: now we have found you and I, reader, because this is the right action at the right time. In line with other, sharing life. What if we have nothing to give, sometimes a few words are sufficient. Suddenly the world does not need more than a smile and a cheerful word. It is true that there is hunger and disease on Earth and poorly distributed wealth and laws passed to take: all the injustices they face, first with the disposition of the heart. We can not teach without knowing planting to harvest. There is much to do in the meantime we are active, always involved new, alerts. We are the master of our thoughts and reactions, if not at times. If decided at once, at the bottom of our hearts and there is not a single destructive thought: why do not know failure, and we can rise again and again until it is a habit of being awake.
We, as individuals, the sum of bio electrical charges that make us unique and indivisible force. Our thoughts, ideas, are electromagnetic sparks are pure energy. This natural energy is through what we think we attract incredible forces of the universe: we are receiving anti forces universe, that is, as people can be positive or negative in both states develop ourselves, therefore, according to ourselves, we load our body either positively or negatively. In life you have to choose. And, I think, the way is the light and not darkness. To enter a positive way, just with the intention of the heart. That the desire of the heart has power and work capacity. The logical force according to their nature to act is the light, so we are continually radiating electrons in tiny light quanta. Physical beings we are continually charging our batteries: scientifically, we are a magnet for the head absorbs the positive forces, the cosmic energy (positive power), and through our feet absorb the negative energy of the Earth ( negative electric): both poles make us an electromagnetic field, we feel in the form of heat and energy that we are able to direct to the site we want in our bodies, as is usual in any method of self healing. Also this electromagnetism peculiar to living beings, humans can steer out of body, through our conscious mind (who knows if the other living things have this particular building). Indeed, through each of us express all the forces of the universe, who suggest that if we eat good ideas, we will have positive results. We must speak out, then, without any inhibition, usually in our daily life, with a perfectly definite meaning enriched our natural electromagnetism led. In our body, the motor nervous system, and works via electrical impulses sent to you in thought. Forward when our idea is positive, ie, is supported by faith in a good result. Retreat, on the contrary, when we think negatively. In the first sense, positive thinking is what concerns us, nothing can harm us. This is an idea, but it is a burst of energy that carries good forces all the cells of our body.
© Waldemar Verdugo Fuentes. Chilean writer
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