parody LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ *
I've been persuading, naturally, that the only ideas that I can move with some confidence, are those which have been embodied in some characters fiction I've ever interviewed in luck. People who squint at the heart human with something infinitely more complex than a lot of concepts: they do it with a mixture of ideas and passions, logic and magic, of reasons and enigmatic symbols.
It began weeks ago with news of the scandal that arose in the Academia's paper as chief guest writer Daniel López-López, during the following days, critics and scholars and to his colleagues called him a charlatan, finding unacceptable and excessive ideas about mathematics and literature: a strange hypothesis that claimed to have found a point between the numbers and words, an exact midpoint between the relative and absolute, a point that united, "said a tabloid newspaper," that dark torn medial region of the soul, the region where the most serious case of existence: love and hate, hope and dream, myth and fiction, the name of God and the noun man ... none of which would be strictly pure but a passionate and turbulent mix of ideas and blood, conscious and blind impulse. Each letter is, in turn, a number. "
"Yes, it would be interesting," said Daniel Lopez-Lopez when I asked for an interview with Vogue, here in this City of Mexico. I remembered reading that Malcolm Lowry lived in the same street where my house was interviewed in Cuernavaca. When I was in front of Lopez-Lopez, and after a break of the gardener, to whom I apologized after calling attention to be treading a rare black clover, I ask what was the house he lived the author of Under the volcano.
"Young man," he said while squinting and outlined a wry smile, "this" was the house he lived in Malcolm Lowry.
He noted indifferent round with a hand gesture with a certain weary elegance. He was tall, distinguished, fuzzy, romantic profile was straight and dyed mustache. Inquisitive gaze was cordial and attentive.
"My first book, he went on was called" A drop of eternity ", written in 1952, and embarrassed or wowed critics and readers, but not lost, no, that is!. Everything in the book seemed deliberately again, until the typographical device to give the verses, only separated by dashes, an appearance of prose clear that this provision definitely influenced Rimbaud (Arthur) and Huidobro (Vicente), and perhaps the oldest monuments of medieval poetry, Beowulf, the Nibelungenlied and the Poem of Mio Cid, who presented this way, but all believed new parody. Downright ... a writer is all the writers who were and those that will. We are parodies.
After a glass of beer that brought us the gardener, who had apparently thought about the harshness with which I had drawn attention, and while serving clubs muttering to tread unknowingly yourself silly, it was good luck, my Host added: "These parodies
me crazy. In my last book included a chapter todito the last book of Salvador Elizondo, and neither noticed the same Elizondo, surely he in turn had received it from another writer who preferred to forget. Everything happens ... life is a matter of time ... "He said, when he drank half a glass of frothy beer from a long sip, and continued talking. I think the harshest fantasy and present all the time. I have discovered six of its possibilities and I can mathematically qualify as a writer. Do you believe? I
always been determined in relation to time that a flow of the past and going forward. Also remembered a verse of José Donoso Unamuno used to cite and raised otherwise. But I dared not say. He asked,
- His simple soul has ever felt the curiosity of this maze? , And continued without waiting for an answer. Look Kid, let's take Newton and take the six points I say:
1) Past-present-future: apple fell near Newton / Newton sitting under the apple tree / in a few moments discover gravity
2) Present-past-future: Newton sitting under the apple tree / an apple fell near Newton / Newton discover within moments of gravity;
3) Future-past-present: Newton discover gravity / near an apple fell Newton / Newton sitting under the apple tree
4) Future-this-last: Newton discover gravity if he falls near an apple / Newton sitting under the apple tree / an apple fell near Newton;
5) Past-present-future: While sitting under an apple, a fruit fell near Newton / Newton sees the apple fall / Newton discover a force that is gravity;
6) Past-future-present: an apple dropped one of their fruit / Newton sitting under the tree, looks like the apple falls to the breaking of time that falls / Newton believes in gravity. Now answer
boy: Which of these six is \u200b\u200bthe actual sequence?
"I think the most interesting to know," I said, and added. Yes, I think so did not elaborate sophistry or scholastic theologians to prove the existence of the Trinity.
"The reason is obvious, young man. None of the Scholastic theologians met Newton. They say that I get carried away by imagination and stuff ... must bring your own prejudices, but what I propose is an answer and I can prove it mathematically.
Then, Daniel López-López asked me to take my glass of beer with him to an interior room of the house. There I hit a spectacular computer running covering a whole wall of the room. The man turned on all the lights that are joined to the hundreds of reflections of the screens and tiny pockets of the huge machine. I could not hide my surprise.
- Oh!
- Why that exclamation? He asked.
I did not know that I interested in this machine.
- Today a writer without a computer is better than suicide. I have several, this works with the most complete mathematical analysis program that exists, is the same that took man to the moon. "I did not think
interested in math, is not usual for a writer ... "I added sheepishly.
"Everything has to do with literature," all "my young friend," I reassured expression. I am now able to prove mathematically that the literary work of one author is sufficient to unravel the mystery of the soul and discover what the true name of God, that's right: I am able to unravel the mystery that maddens the Kabbalists - drank here in one gulp the rest of his beer, which the gardener does not take long to come to meet, only to disappear quickly. You see, the noun "man", for example, is full of time: the man who was in the belly, the man who was a child, adolescent, young, old, man who died. And so, every word, value. My last thirty years I have dedicated to bringing together the complete works of authors ranging from Lao-Tzse to Thomas Merton, Virgil, Homer and Borges, Dante, Cervantes, Selma Langerloff, Gabriela Mistral, literary schools intact. With this information, I have fed my computer, looking for a complete and perfect model of literary work that contains all the words that the author dreamed, that constitutes the precise amount of sounds that allow the coexistence and total of three times, past, present and future at the same time, that all who ran Boethius announcing his Aeternitas est vitae interminabilis et tota perfect possessions.
- And did it? - I asked.
"Yes and no," he said taking a sip of his beer long and I did the same, finishing mine, what the waiter came and refilled my glass of liquid-smooth and frothy. You see young man. Always gave me this complex mathematical results totaling past-present, or present-future, or present-present, or past-past or future-future: I worked first with the work of Juan Rulfo, thinking that, being small, it would be easy to capture everything he wrote, but was not, I tried Bombal, but nothing took many authors, the complete works of several of them, but not was always a missing data, insufficient information was provided that betrayed him to the computer, and you know why? Because this data should be a text unknown to the rest of the world, a secret writing, so to speak, is known only from the author and God, and it looks like all writers have a way to publish immediately what they write here He paused as calmly stroked a finger Index dyed his mustache, then continued: "I needed to feed the computer with an unfamiliar text of a writer who had past and present, making the future the unpublished text, the text was not yet in the memory of men ...
-A task almost impossible, "I interrupted.
"Not as young friend, not so much ... Malcolm Lowry thinks he past and present, he lived and still live in those who read it.
- Is that why you came to live in what was his home?
- That's right! I came to this house, hoping to find somewhere a text Lowry forgotten or lost, perhaps through the media recorded on a ledge of a window, a written leaf fall accidentally dropped between the cracks of the planks, boards or trapped between the wallpaper.
-Y ... Did you find what you wanted? -...
was the manuscript between the pages of a worn copy of the first edition of "Under the Volcano", forgotten in a dusty dark corner of the library, hidden in some books abandoned.
watched Daniel López-López and thought about what would be the answer to the question of what unknown unveiled linking the past with the present and the future. I thought that this would be less painful as to what would soon be yesterday, because I was always waiting for tomorrow. Everything, if it was true that man said, because it was not anything, here it comes ...
name of God - Just! He said, and I was shocked because I thought it was safe to think and speak loudly, or not credible that he knew what I was thinking. It attempts to unravel the mystery of God's name! What is hidden behind the letters and numbers, is to discover the exact point that connects to the truth and lies, where they meet the reality and dream. Is same bare life with mathematical precision through the power of words. At the moment I feed the computer with the text untouched Lowry, which will add all your work, then, history will become a disorderly mob random event, a last one corresponds to a present three, one passed two to a future one, a present one to the past three, a future two to a present two, and so ... will be like the Hiroshima bomb exploded at the same moment is greeted by Cortés Moctezuma and Democritus hurts your eyes while someone shoots the arrow that killed Achilles and Juan ejaculates in Mary ... at the Academy have not believed my approach and should be tested. But would feed the computer with only one line of text virgin, because I do not know how much power will activate. Saturday morning will come from the Academia to see me, I will make a test for them and convince them of the need to lose all fear of the computer.
On Sunday, when I awoke, I heard the first news of the death of Daniel Lopez-Lopez along with other eminent men of letters due to an explosion of tremendous power, but mysteriously low in the house we were meeting in Cuernavaca. The news said the explosion apparently resulted from a failure of a cable connection to activate a power generator that used the host.
In speeches today to dismiss the dead writers, no one, not one, named Malcolm Lowry ... or the gardener who had brought us beer.
(*) "The parody of Lopez-Lopez," Waldemar Verdugo story published in Vogue magazine, Mexico. Chilean writer
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