be paid
One trend that seems to settle now in the media is taking radical positions as a mechanism to generate audiences. Such is the case with host Bill O'Reilly on Fox News , writer Ann Coulter (author of "If Democrats had brains they would be Republicans") and many broadcasters scattered throughout the United States. His strategy is very simple, take a current issue, take a radical position on it and in an aggressive tone to criticize those who think differently. Unlike other news programs that were once a general rule, not invited to various subject matter experts with opposing views, they outlined their perspective on the matter and left the audience the tools to decide what position to take, the presenters or speakers simply state their current position and shown to be correct.
The point is that many of them are not a genuine conviction about what they think, but as a marketing strategy that guarantees them a potential audience and obviously numerous benefits. This is evidenced by the considerable number of viewers of "O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News , the level of Coulter's book sales and loyal audience that continues to allow the proliferation of aggressive broadcasters who populate American broadcasters.
then further reflection on whether this strategy is good or bad in itself, is to establish whether we are entering an era of segment information and appropriate to our positions, no shades to provide a second reading and that ultimately we gives a biased view on a topic. The truth is that as a sales strategy and audience has been a success, that if at the expense of more open information and different perspectives.
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