He had been on time with these pictures of shadows on the computer, wanting to hang, but it was never the point. I took in the neighborhood of Lavapies in May. The first is my favorite (the two figures hugging.)
(This, though different from the others, I'm pretty sure he did / ieron / s itself / s person / s / This one, Though Different from the Others, I am pretty sure That It Was Done By The Same Person / people ).
I Have Been Trying to post pics of These shadows for a while, But i have not found the moment Until now. I Took Them in May in Lavapiés (Madrid). My favorite is the one with the two Hugged shadows. ***
As always, know his / s author / en / ace. As usual, I DO NOT know the author / s.
together by chance (or not) / Together by chance (or not)
Nearly two months after the last entry. Soon, many books, several courses and a couple of projects later, I return with some stickers which happen (or not), I saw for the first time together, then separately, where one of them was not sticker but template / stencil / stencil. They are the face of a girl (?) And a wave-shaped sticker that I can not describe. Authors: no idea. Here is .
(In the park next to Deep club - if they are still calling well - in the Ronda de Toledo / On the park close to the club Deep -or whatever is call now - Toledo av. )
(Calle Hermosilla between Alcalá and Conde de Peñalver / Hermosilla st. , entre Alcala st. and Count Penalver st. )
Two months after the last post. Short of time, many books, a few courses and a couple of projects, I come back with a post dedicated to a stickers that firstly saw together, by chance (or not). Later on, I found them separately in different places, and one of them it was not a sticker anymore but a stencil. They are the face of a girl (?) and something that I am not able to describe. Authors: no idea. Here you have.
Subsequent note: Brocco William and I have clarified who the stickers rolling. Those responsible: ties in the city. only remains to know the names of the authors of the face of the girl (?). Later
remark: and Brocco William Have Told Me That the authors of the wavy sticker Ties Are in the city. Who is the responsible of the girl's face (?)? It is still unknown for me.
Miau! ... Pepita is Dead / Meow! ... Pepita is Dead. Votagra
Argumosa Down to the Reina Sofía (Madrid) climbed Doctor Fourquet (for which for years did not happen) and found this SAM3 cat-faced person, about Shop Pepita is Dead, despite not checked, I assume is still there. In this shop - full of surprises setentoide find the clothes you saw in photos of your parents and you've always wanted. They have it, and new. Not too expensive but not for everyday.
Walking down street Argumosa (Madrid, Spain) towards the Reina Sofia Museum , I went up Doctor Fourquet st. (where I hadn’t been for a log time) when I found this cat of Sam3 , whose face remind me that of a person. In this street there is a vintage shop, Pepita is Dead ; if you have always been looking at your parent’s pics with envy that’s your place. It has a complete brand new collection of 70ish clothes. Not an everyday store, but good prices for a special occasion.
Entrada dedicada a Brocco Lee . Hechad también un vistazo a sus fotos en Flickr ... geniales. Post dedicated to Brocco Lee . Look at his / her pics at Flickr as well ... brilliant.
for residents powerless and dissatisfied / Votagra, Citizens for Impotent and unsatisfied.
Funny Votagra poster advertising, a blog that invites you to vote in the upcoming elections (Spain), with a basic philosophy (which I fully support): If you do not vote, do not complain. From here a grain of sand against the general apathy, recover the contract between governments and citizens and make them accountable for their actions.
Funny poster glued found on a container. It is Announcing Votagra (playing with two words, "voting" (voting) and 'viagra) Requests That blog on us to vote in the next elections (for English Every council and for the regional assembly in Madrid as well). I totally Agree and support ITS philosophy: if you Do not Vote, Do not complain. I'd like to do my bit from here with this post. We Have to get back Our contract with Politicians, making responsible Them of Their acts.
Photo taken on the street Argumosa in Lavapiés (Madrid), compared to the partner of the UNED, yes, the library has a sunny, perfect to study. Pic taken in Argumosa st., Lavapiés ( Madrid ), In fron of the UNED center (the equivalent to the Open University - distance learning university -), the one with the sunny library, really nice to study.
Indeed, exposure of TGLQV? in Room Ladinamo be inaugurated on Tuesday May 15, becoming the permanent exhibition of the cultural site. Nice site, collected, good music and natural light, halfway between the cultural café, a pub storyteller and cultural center. For more information click here . By the way, the exhibition of the collective TGLQV?, In the cultural center Ladinamo , Will Be inaugurate next Wednesday (15th of May). It Will Be STI permanent exhibition. Nice place, comfortable, cozy, good music ... Something cultural entre a cafe and cultural center of ventional. More information here .
Everybody is the enemy ... You Like What You See? / Everyone is the enemy ... Like what you see? Tile
you like what you see? Madrid collective of artists dedicated a. .. well, about the possibility of things wrong, I better shut up. Here let one of its political stickers, some of what little I've managed to see them with my own eyes. But there is this group orgy information on the Internet. Include things Facilitándoos links: contraindications (November) , contraindications (December) , consume to death, writing on the wall , etc. . also allegedly Ladinamo (a cultural center in Lavapies) has recently opened a sample from you (when I went over to see it with my own eyes will establish exposure) where there would be templates / stencils / stencil, anti-ads and other works.
(Photo taken in the square The Royal Barefoot, Madrid). (Pic taken in The Royal Barefoot sq., Madrid ).
you like what you see? (Do you like seeing What You Are?) A collective of artists based in Madrid, Whose main activity is ... well, better Things Not to mess up. I'm Letting here one of Their Political stickers, Some Of The Few Thing That I Could see with my eyes. However, There is an orgy informative about this collective in the net. I tried to Make Things Easier and I Gathered Some links people Where You Can Get more information if you like: contrindicaciones (November) , contraindications (December) , consume to death, writing on the wall , etcetera. Beside, It Seems That Ladinamo (a cultural nook in Lavapies) have organized an exhibition with the work of this collective, with part of Their stencils, anti-adverts and so on. I'll confirm this event When I go there.
for decorative tiles. At first fashion. Later on: antiquated and embarrassing. Ten years: you can try to be objective.
Beautiful? Poorly formulated question.
Useful? Who cares.
Why? I bring back memories y están muy asociados a una estética que siempre me ha parecido muy atractiva, incómoda pero atractiva.
Tiles as a decorative element. At the beginning, trendy. Later on: outmoded and embarrassing. After ten years more: possibly, it is enough time to be objective.
Beautiful? Wrong question.
Useful? Who cares.
Why to stop to take a picture? They bring me lots of good memories and are associated with a very specific aesthetic, which I always though it was very charming, inconvenient though charming.
Tiles on the facade of a bar on Valencia Street in Lavapies. tiles in the facade of a pub, in Valencia st. , Lavapiés.
I wanted, taking advantage of my new shirt Trestriges ( SAM3 ) and the pictures I had of little things to SAM3 , a brief summary of what is available online on it (without wanting to be a compendium of nothing.) To see the places I've gotten the information you just have to click on los enlaces. Además, incluyo al final una lista de las direcciones, para facilitar las cosas. Espero que guste. I wanted to make a short summary of the Sam3 's stuff in the net, taking as a excuse my new T-shirt from Trestriges ( Sam3 ) and some pics I took. If you click in the links all over the two post, they will lead you to the places where I took the information from. Altough, I make a list with the addresses at the end of this post to make things easier. I wish you people like it.