Monday, April 30, 2007

Brazilian Wax Leesburg

Part I, Introduction a. Part II / SAM3, introduction to. Part II

(Continued from previous post / eat from previous post)

SAM3, recurring themes / recurrent topics:
  • Woman / woman :
(Photo fuck / pic from Written on the wall).

(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, fotolog ).

  • head / head :

(Around / around La Latina .)

  • reinterpreted Animals / reinterpretation of animals :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Lisbon / Lisbon).

Sam 3:
  • On other formats / other formats:
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, fotolog ).

  • YouTube:

  • Respondent Interviewed:
( Click to view the interview in Schhh .
Click to read the interview at Schhh ).

Sam 3:
  • any big chances? / Great coincidences?:
(3 + Eltono Sam , photo taken from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious).

(SAM3 + Nano4814 , photo taken from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious)

Sam 3:
  • sideways / obliquely :
(photos / pics from SAM3, agency of Subconscious
urban and / and SAM3, fotolog ).

Sam 3:
  • Surreptitious advertising (Murcia is a lot of Murcia) / hidden advert (Murcia) :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, agency of urban Subconscious .)

  • And one way to survive (oh my shirt ... how pretty it is) / and making a living (my t-shirt .. so nice ... ):
(Photo Fuck / pic from Trestriges ). ***

I wanted, taking advantage of my new shirt Trestriges ( SAM3 ) and the pictures I had of little things to SAM3 , a brief summary of what is available online on it (without wanting to be a compendium of nothing.) To see the places I've gotten the information you just have to click on los enlaces. Además, incluyo al final una lista de las direcciones, para facilitar las cosas. Espero que guste.
I wanted to make a short summary of the Sam3 's stuff in the net, taking as a excuse my new T-shirt from Trestriges ( Sam3 ) and some pics I took. If you click in the links all over the two post, they will lead you to the places where I took the information from. Altough, I make a list with the addresses at the end of this post to make things easier. I wish you people like it.

Direcciones / addresses:

*** Dedicated to Murcia. Dedicated to that girl from Murcia. With

Written on the wall to be discovered SAM3 . Thanx to Written on the wall for Showing SAM3 me for the very fist time .


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