Funny Votagra poster advertising, a blog that invites you to vote in the upcoming elections (Spain), with a basic philosophy (which I fully support): If you do not vote, do not complain. From here a grain of sand against the general apathy, recover the contract between governments and citizens and make them accountable for their actions.
Funny poster glued found on a container. It is Announcing Votagra (playing with two words, "voting" (voting) and 'viagra) Requests That blog on us to vote in the next elections (for English Every council and for the regional assembly in Madrid as well). I totally Agree and support ITS philosophy: if you Do not Vote, Do not complain. I'd like to do my bit from here with this post. We Have to get back Our contract with Politicians, making responsible Them of Their acts.
Photo taken on the street Argumosa in Lavapiés (Madrid), compared to the partner of the UNED, yes, the library has a sunny, perfect to study. Pic taken in
Argumosa st., Lavapiés ( Madrid ), In fron of the UNED center (the equivalent to the Open University - distance learning university -), the one with the sunny library, really nice to study.
Indeed, exposure of TGLQV? in Room Ladinamo be inaugurated on Tuesday May 15, becoming the permanent exhibition of the cultural site. Nice site, collected, good music and natural light, halfway between the cultural café, a pub storyteller and cultural center. For more information click here .
By the way, the exhibition of the collective TGLQV?, In the cultural center Ladinamo , Will Be inaugurate next Wednesday (15th of May). It Will Be STI permanent exhibition. Nice place, comfortable, cozy, good music ... Something cultural entre a cafe and cultural center of ventional. More information here .
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