Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vending Machine Football Helmet


Selection, compilation and review of Bustamante Gerardo Bermúdez, the work "of pain and pleasure" adds the poet Elias Nandino interviews conducted between 1954 and 1993. It is a book published by the Autonomous University of Mexico City and the Ministry of Culture of the Federal District Government rescues testimony of one of the key poets of the English language, a necessary job for Elias Nandino approach in a work whose design belongs to the Mexican artist Gabriela Oliva, with great cover of Elvira Lemus Wen excellent edition Estrada and Gustavo Martinez care. I finished reading this book in my writing workshop here in Chile and was accurate judgments about their interest in reading poetry Elijah know Nandino and, likewise, explore contemporary literary group in the twentieth century was influential from Mexico to the Americas, say absolutely valid. The scholarly introduction "When you talk about poetry is born ..." Bustamante Gerardo Bermúdez, retrieves the work approaches the poet who had great writers like Sergio Magaña and Juan Cervera, critics and writers such as Teresa Castro, Lilia Martínez Aguayo, Leopoldo Ayala , Miguel Angel Morales, Bruce Swansey, Sandro Cohen, Gonzalo Valdés Medellín, Gregory Monge, Carlos A. Cruz, Gloria Velazquez Gerardo Ochoa Sandy, Salvador Encarnacion, Arturo Alcántara Flores, Ana Maria Longi, Oscar Trejo Zaragoza, Cesar Guemes, Carmen García Bermejo, Juan María Navjea and Edgar Mendoza, Gabriela Gutierrez Lopez, Santiago Espinosa de los Monteros, Eduardo Castillo and Andres Kroepfly. Also included is an interview I conducted the poet Nandino for Vogue magazine in January 1983 and a vision of him who offered me several years of often public in June 1987 on Mexico's daily Unomásuno. I say now to reread my humble testimony to the poet, whose humility made him a man of great virtue, I was excited because I took a time of my life when living in Mexico more than a few times until I crossed the high Cocula Jalisco, where the master Elijah Nandino always got me home with the doors open, as usual with those who approach him. In a reading I did in the Convento del Carmen Guadalajara presented me with rave reviews so far encouraged my work and I could see every time I went to Mexico City, where he was staying home theater director Xavier Rojas, who I also gave a warm friendship. So, go to honor the memory of friendship that has turned my heart in Mexico playing here in my testimony about the teacher who has rescued Elijah Nandino this work, "De pains and pleasures."
Waldemar Verdugo. Chilean writer


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