estimate that within seconds after 3.32 dawn of this day February 27, 2010, entry of the full moon, my dog \u200b\u200bObama on the terrace and the old and strong dog Lucretia the front door, called my attention waking up with their barking continued their lungs, barking in a very serious tone and never heard them before, immediately, got dressed moments warned of impending danger. At 3:34 hours, came the earthquake that brought the tsunami announced in these southern seas for a long, long time that we had already learned to live waiting as if it would never happen, and was in terrible shape, destroying everything touched on its way in Chile. Leaving the small terrace to Obama hid in my legs, scared to death, calling my attention to the eerie silence that enveloped all, air, earth. Watching the sea, the expression of our strength, when the world suddenly stopped, I saw them crossing over the water a flock of night birds, gulls, owls, to seek refuge on the tops of the eucalyptus and Araucaria: From there I saw his eyes shining bright light reflected by the yellow of the full moon shining in splendor, involving the whole earth nature and the sea with a special glow. Then the earth shook in the midst of a dreadful noise of just world. My initial shock was broken by the barking of Lucretia from below the house and Obama, by me, with halftones in chains of three or four quick barks, indicating that I should do something, then the vertical movement that brought that infernal noise as railway crossing over the house. That left us faced with the elementary truths of the uncontrollable. Then, as Job trying to find a sense of experience that has not, until we think of those who took wrong, and say an Our Father on behalf of those.
An hour after the Earth rang like a bell sea died, in perfect silence withdrew from the mantle edge as they collect, discover the rock is not too deep with their bases covered with seaweed, shells and underwater beings as self-emptying same. He was then returned stronger than his old age full of youth, bucking like a wild animal, a bull horn huge white cruel and emerald eyes. It was the product of a tsunami earthquake of magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale at its greatest intensity, its epicenter 115 kilometers from Concepción, north of Valdivia, where in 1960 there was the strongest earthquake recorded on Earth, of magnitude 9.5 Richter expressed in degrees. It is said that the energy released in this mega suffering is just like the 100 thousand bombs like Hiroshima, that the energy released by the Earth equal to that produced by 56 billion kilograms of explosives planted at the same time (the cataclysm of 1994 in California released energy equivalent to almost two billion kilos of explosives): the coupling in Chile occurred 63 kilometers southwest of Cauquenes and historical terms is equal to the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa in 1988 that separated the island in an archipelago, and is the result of constant rubbing of the Nazca and South American plates, two of most active of the so-called "Pacific ring of fire", who have moved eight meters, usually moving at a rate of 6.5 centimeters per year, and whose action involves runaway when quakes in these seas of southern Chile through ocean trenches can generate tsunamis Polynesian islands such as Tahiti, Tonga, Cook Islands, Samoa, Fiji, following the earthquake in Chile in 1960, a tsunami devastated part of the archipelago of Hawaii, and now was immediately evacuated residents coastal areas were closed and flights at the airport in Hilo found on the coast, also in Honolulu residents make lines at supermarkets to buy water bottled, canned and electric batteries. It warned the islands in Micronesia and Melanesia to the Philippines to New Guinea, warned all the western coasts of the Pacific Rim, Australia, Russia, Japan and New Zealand, where precautions are taken now. In our Easter Island Rapanui fortunately there was only a minor inlet. Now, the 8.8 earthquake changed the Earth's axis, as specified by Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA's Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who in the online edition of Business Week, supported by a computer model to calculate the effects, said the day length was shortened 1.26 microseconds (Millionths of a second) moving the planet's axis 8 cm.
not suffer any damage to my home in the Caleta de San Pedro de Cartagena, 150 miles from Santiago, the capital of Chilean land where I was born and my family members are safe, protected by the High and the foothills of the Andes, which one always missed when not present in the modern American city, where I note that my family just tells me that in principle have learned that there was minor damage in areas like Yungay, Providencia, Macul, Quilicura, Maipú, but almost everything is intact, subways, roads, new buildings as the tallest tower in the continent affected but without structural damage were buildings like the National Library, the Palace of Fine Arts, Palacio Cousino, the Equestrian Club and heritage churches: the Basilica of the Savior, the National Gratitude, the church of San Francisco and Los Sacramentinos. Here where I am on the seafront in front of Santiago, located at the point where the meridian 33 with the parallel 73 south, where the earthquake intensity was grade 8: José Arellano population is more urban areas destroyed by the detachment ground structures collapsed roads, pavements and retaining walls, where the neighbors gave an example of civility to the country because there was no complaint not to publicize a problem solved by urgent circumstances. He immediately ordered homeless shelter for the House of Culture Club Deportivo Altazor and Freedom Union, mainly aimed at tourists in solitary confinement without the possibility of returning to their places of origin to the supermarket yesterday closed for lack of electricity and almost no public transportation lack of fuel. The firefighters joined their efforts to distribute water outside his headquarters, opposite the Plaza de Armas, until normalization of the reconstruction of the basic areas of operation is suspended classes in schools President Aguirre Cerda, Lo Zárate and Liceo poet Vicente Huidobro. In the neighboring port San Antonio became the tour fifteen ships at sea: there is damage to part of the slab and the pier has a slight sag in certain areas, such as 1,2,3 and 5 sites recorded on the surface unevenness, a crane fell and many containers were stacked. Customs is operational after a few hours until the new dawn of inoperability, and continues to operate with 5 sites that were serving ships with different loading and unloading, for a total of nine available to the largest terminal in the central Chile. Giving priority attention now to container ships of fruits and food in general, to support distribution to critical areas through access port for the Route 78 Autopista del Sol, fully operational. The entrance to the forecourt of the Caleta Pacheco Altamirano was damaged, the Museum of San Antonio was with damage to its roof, exterior structures, scientific library in the main hall and three tanks on the ground that damaged yet unquantified loss of archaeological material natural history, were totally lost several windows containing fish and whale rescued to start relocating temporarily. Gallardo The bridge has been misaligned. The signage installed at various points in San Antonio, Canyon, and Cartagena was Llolleo fundamental to the emergency. Personally, more than the instant myself look worse replies so far produced, some of them close to the 7 degrees of force. Only yesterday we could go back and sleep in our homes, even without light and with little water came in the morning. Light a few hours ago we came across the middle, but there are still dark and without water large areas of the south. It's eleven at night and just shake, a replica with an intensity that seems like the tremors are often felt in California. Ten minutes
retrayó the sea off the fishermen of Caleta San Pedro where I live, but in other places in a hour. Then it was who raised himself to the unpredictable colossal force: breaking in both at the same original silent flooding back as Robinson Crusoe island, facing the Caleta de San Pedro, where an hour after the earthquake the sea flooded more than three hundred meters the town of Juan Bautista, devastating 3.5 kilometers from the territory of the island , destroying almost every house, school, municipality and the public square, swallowing entire villages as it is the Constitution or a substantial part of Pichilemu; entering continuous wave several meters high in towns like Talcahuano, and legendary cities of the seas South and Conception, which was largely destroyed. In Temuco Coi Coi against the sea came over 200 meters was wiped Dichato moving their ships ways, the old bridge destroyed the Bio Bio River. In Penco Tomé and water over all the roads cleared. The sea is wine exploding with rage final water waves, as more than ten meters at five in the morning you just take the whole camping Ojos de Mar in my neighboring town of Llo-Lleo, who crossed almost home Everyday, before reaching the big wave of water came a few cracks that were made on the ground. These lines go on behalf of these my dead, numbering as many inexplicable souls returned to the distance.
The news feature in the coastal region of Maule, the landscape is bleak, devastating tsunamis successive complete areas of Chanco, Pelluhue, Ilocos, Curanipe and of course Constitution, which were detected by successive waves over 10 meters in Maule were affected in particular the historic centers of major cities, Curico, Talca, Linares and Cauquenes. In Curico, the church of San Francisco lost its nave and many buildings were unusable, such as housing the daily Press. The Talca most of the historic center is literally on the floor because most of adobe buildings centenary was also destroyed the Central Market, a national monument, and devastated the church of the Augustinians, and also the centuries-old Heart of Mary Church, the pride of Maulino heritage, has serious structural damage. The Temple of San Antonio de Padua, in Chépica, collapsed and only the tower remained standing. As we know so far, especially in areas of Maule, Bio Bio, La Araucania Region de los Rios, the destruction is enormous in terms of infrastructure, with total or partial collapse of buildings, houses, highways, bridges, airports and other buildings including those dedicated to health and education, such as hospitals and schools. Which is to harmonize the efforts of all trades and professions, in principle I've seen act brave rescue workers, firefighters, paramedics, police, armed forces, volunteers turned on each neighbor, warning of the structures at risk isolating areas of risk, helping to evacuate those in need, with the forces of the human effort maintaining order, managing the timely delivery and distribution of aid of all kinds, restoring basic services like electricity, water , gas, telecommunications. It has been officially declared state of disaster, for the two million victims, activating the National Emergency Plan Seismic systematized in 2002 by the National Emergency Office of Chile, which sets the guidelines to be followed by ministries and services, institutions and agencies dependent or related to the state: this includes the so-called Accesísmico, a methodology to develop plans prevention and response by seismic activity, which will be tested now and is sure to be perfected for risk analysis, planning and rebuilding that will review standards and construction design, the eventual relocation of settlements, and all the needs that have to cover as a country. The vitality of the coastal towns is amazing and well face the facts.
As I write these lines, the Lucrecia and Obama are communicated between the first and second floor with long and short barking sound announcing their presence, socializing from the distances and reaffirming its territory, alert to lie down after a sigh is sound without sadness, rather like announcing that they are satisfied, that will take a while, in the end their work is satisfactory and well deserve to have eaten hot and now a good nap to imagine that everything has been a dream and nothing more, if not, tomorrow is a lot of work. Just think. In Chile, if not ourselves, nature tends to remind us that life is a very fragile, and the only thing we have to deal with the catastrophes that produce or come upon us is ourselves, our spirit body, our resilience , our force that Chile is what it is now when we built almost entirely a new country settled in the hope that this pain and defiance gain some sense of unity to a country. A situation that requires any nation, its authorities and citizens an unprecedented dose of organization and generosity, the immediate focus on support to those most affected and then reconstruction. . Internet
realize the solidarity of people from all over the world with Chile in these sad times that are less painful sheltered by social networks. Here in San Pedro de Cartagena Cove neighbors we spent two nights around a warm bonfire of eucalyptus and pine forests, which enlivened with dry straw and branches of the banks of the cliffs. Neighboring prepared tea, coffee, chocolate milk and food, roast chicken and homemade bread, while the radio of a car we were aware, certainly protected on the heights of these rocks and in the warmth of human brotherhood. In 1985 I found myself in an earthquake in Mexico City with 8.1 degrees of intensity on the Richter scale, I lived in my apartment in Washington Square, near the epicenter of the disaster, in a four-story building stone remained intact, where my friends came and spent two days doing vigil, on the advice of the wise Guadalupe Pita Amor, who was there with us, who told us that everyone did his, we worked on something that while there was someone at work, there was no force may want to end the human being, and taking his notebook and started writing brought her poetry, among the replicas that were if anything more intense than those felt now, and it did: I took a small notebook and around the fire, lit by the fire and the moon began to write, and I swear, more light and day I wanted. Now trace these lines fast elapsed between replicas restless. The radio has in neighboring Valparaíso, the tower of the church San Francisco, construction given the nickname "Pancho" to the country's main port, is the most affected, with some of historic buildings like the Palace and the Palace Subercaseaux Polanco, traditional schools as school Juana Ross Edwards and the Liceo Eduardo de la Barra have also been damaged and to rebuild their structures, such as hospitals such as Eduardo Pereira the Carlos van Buren, where it flooded the emergency room and there was structural damage to the bridge connecting two buildings of the complex. The port area reveals subsidence of up to 40 inches in one sector, the legendary Prat Pier was badly damaged. The Chapel of The Putaendo Vicuña, historical monument, completely collapsed. Within minutes of the quake about ten thousand cars took to the streets Viña del Mar, in the direction of Route 68 and flee to the mountains, while people who were evacuated in the coastal flood areas demarcated for tsunami and ran toward the eastern sector of the city, focusing on Sporting Club and the Palacio Vergara, in a move hampered by traffic lights, lampposts and chunks of concrete falling to the street, between cars honking their horns to prevent abuses and bringing to light their bulbs in the middle of the darkness was total. Several palaces and museums, national monuments declared Viña del Mar, have been affected, the most damaged its Museum of Fine Arts, which operates in the Palacio Vergara, and the Municipal Theatre, where there is structural damage and broke all the marble sculptures.
The honorable President Michelle Bachelet, after a heavy international agenda, was coming from Buenos Aires after the one o'clock, rested two hours before the quake, centered in his home in Las Condes his family, that its membership has 84 year old mother, Angela Jeria the legendary fighter, and few minutes after four o'clock was in the National Emergency Office, from where he spoke on radio and television, reporting the incident by calling for calm and giving post traumatic immediate medical advice the population, and immediately suggesting that in some places, coastal areas of strong aftershocks, people come to the highlands. And it has not stopped working, concentrated in its two main tasks: medical and Head of State at the Palacio de La Moneda, with his cabinet, where he arrived after flying by helicopter, first all Santiago, and then flown affected areas , turning night into the country informed of what he has seen and measures being taken. The elected President Sebastian Pinera, the Chilean government assumed this March 11, made available to La Moneda his cabinet, with whom he has also been flying over areas affected and Onemi meeting to prepare their work immediately. In difficult times has been the immediate solidarity around the world. Among the leaders who immediately contacted the La Moneda was the president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and the King of Spain Juan Carlos II, who did get away with 7 aircraft, 5 tons of humanitarian aid and a team of 63 people, including firefighters and health. Cuba sent a brigade of 27 doctors, as well as field hospitals and medical instruments. Japan sent rescue teams specializing in debris and trained dogs for such disasters. Also, the president of Mexico, Felipe Calderón, sent a plane with rescuers, doctors and sniffer dogs. Without officers, arrived on Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who was in Montevideo in the change of command in Uruguay, who instead of returning to his country came to Chile in support of what might, arrived on a plane Hercules carrying a field hospital, and other items to assess the situation with their eyes and take care measures that Brazil can take to help. United States President Barack Obama: "We are ready to help with rescue and recovery efforts, and we positioned for deployment of resources if the government of Chile asks for our assistance, "the prime minister coming Hillary Clinton bringing greetings and satellite telephones, hospitals with surgical operations teams and first aid, self-dialysis systems, generation equipment electricity, tents and water purification equipment salt. Peru's President Alan Garcia, said his country is put "in service to Chile" for what we need, and wine for three hours bringing a team of 21 doctors accompanied by his Health Minister Oscar Ugarte, and a hospital campaign, then sent two cargo planes with tents, awnings and a team of 34 from the Volunteer Fire Department of Peru. In Mexico, President Felipe Calderon sent his men "Topos Tlatelolco Rescue Brigade, which was born during the events of the 1985 earthquake, who include rescue, hazardous materials technicians, structural engineers, doctors and trained dogs in the people search, provided their teams with greater autonomy for eight days of work. President Alvaro Uribe also sent from Colombia rescue personnel. Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez called on President Bachelet and offered "all necessary assistance," immediately sent six aircraft with a relocatable military hospital with 55 doctors, three water treatment plants and four power plants, indicating their willingness to raise up to six times the natural gas shipments to the Chilean product, to expand the requirements diesel power sector, which began making cash immediately.
also did the Head of State of Bolivia Evo Morales, who said: "We will share what little they have with the Chilean people, sending half his salary, as well as some of his ministers that joined, and by reaching 40 tons of bottled water, and announcing a blood donation campaign to Chile. Canada made a contribution of 150 shelters campaign. China, like Japan and Australia, namely a contribution of $ 1 million and sent a mobile hospital, a water purification plant and field tents. South Korea sent a plane with medical personnel and food. The European Union Commission also made available immediately as being in need in Chile through its spokesman Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, making an immediate contribution of $ 4 million. And especially French President Nicolas Sarkozy (who immediately offered 70 rescuers and 12 tracking dogs), Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain and the Queen Elizabeth II. The secretary of the Organization of American States Jose Miguel Insulza, said that Chile "has the full cooperation" that this organization can provide. Likewise, the government of Israel immediately became available to advanced hospitals, water purification equipment, bridges, mechanical and civil engineers. Germany sent rescue specialists, doctors and an expert in coordinating assistance. The secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon arrived in the country, saying, first of all, deepest condolences, and bringing $ 10 million, satellite phones, generators and other objects, expressing their desire to support humanitarian and technical, with agencies having the UN. Russia sent two transport aircraft IL-76, with more than 50 tons of humanitarian cargo, consisting of blankets, tents for tens of people, generators, rescue tools, water pumps and purifiers. International aid and has been achieved immediately gather in the same country with a telethon in the name of helping Chile Chile hosted by Mario Kreutzberger (which brought together some of what is needed), achieved partly offset losses the catastrophe initially estimated at about 30 billion dollars.
will come the time to make assessments criticism, it is now necessary to address the urgency, but it is necessary to note that the internal computer systems and digital communication buzzed crucial services. Cell phones were virtually nil in the areas of disaster: only several hours after work began allowing first contact fixed telephone networks, the explanation is simple: radio stations and cellular base station antennas, electric powered; to fail electricity, the scheme provides a mechanism to support the operation of battery banks, which in reality must have a fixed period of time, but was a minimum or almost collapsed immediately. Also it was found that the wireless Internet network was instrumental in the early hours, when, by the infallible radiotelecomunicación, SMS messaging and remained active, were the only way to learn what was happening beyond the immediate impact we experienced every one where we were. The prominence of the virtual network has enabled the V Congress of the English Language held in Chile in those days, marking the beginning of the cultural year, becomes historically the first congress held in virtual form. Chile was at the head of the English Royal Academy, Victor Garcia de la Concha, who agreed to suspend classroom activities of the meeting scheduled with the organizers in Chile, and Carmen Caffarel, director of Instituto Cervantes, uploading to the web all plenary sessions, in addition to the publications: the dictionary of Americanisms designed to present the commemorative editions of Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda ... It begins to come to the net all the work done so that the records are disclosed and public access to the netizen, from now. Clearly something we learned from this great earthquake of 2010 is to promote digital solidarity, releasing the Wi-Fi in difficult times when not in use then common to all. Here in Chile immediately spread the initiative to release the access to key routers, wireless internet sharing with those who are disconnected, suggesting recommendations for rational use of the web at the critical moment, because the networks are also in a significant vulnerability, and it is the resources are available as possible, avoiding the traffic of large files and avoid possible access the Internet with cell phones, to avoid network congestion, particularly where the signal is still weak and where the apparent best way to communicate If you can not voice, is through text messages.
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