Monday, April 30, 2007

How Do You Unblock Runescape

SAM3, introducing a. Part I / SAM3, introduction to. SAM3

  • id / identificatation :

(Photo by boat fuck / little ship's pic

(Detail of signature / detail of signature ,
Street Moon, / La Luna Street).

Sam 3:
  • Color / color:
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, agency of urban subconsciou s).

  • White / white :

  • But mostly black / black But Above All:

(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious).

  • Here / here :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Madrid).

  • Back / There :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Lisbon / Lisbon).

  • yon / faraway :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Bucharest).

(Photo catching / pic from Wooster Collective
, Bologna / Bologna ).

Sam 3:
  • A big / great dimensions :
(Photo fuck pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Murcia).

(First photo fuck / fist pic from Wooster Collective ;
second / second one from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Barcelona .)

  • not forget the small / without Forgetting the small things:
(Around / around La Latina ).

Sam 3:
  • In the first / first works :
(Photo catching / pic from Wooster Collective
, Madrid).

  • And the last thing / and Recent stuff:
(Photo catching / pic from SAM3, fotolog ).

( continues in the next post / Continues in the next post ). **

Brazilian Wax Leesburg

Part I, Introduction a. Part II / SAM3, introduction to. Part II

(Continued from previous post / eat from previous post)

SAM3, recurring themes / recurrent topics:
  • Woman / woman :
(Photo fuck / pic from Written on the wall).

(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, fotolog ).

  • head / head :

(Around / around La Latina .)

  • reinterpreted Animals / reinterpretation of animals :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious, Lisbon / Lisbon).

Sam 3:
  • On other formats / other formats:
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, fotolog ).

  • YouTube:

  • Respondent Interviewed:
( Click to view the interview in Schhh .
Click to read the interview at Schhh ).

Sam 3:
  • any big chances? / Great coincidences?:
(3 + Eltono Sam , photo taken from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious).

(SAM3 + Nano4814 , photo taken from / pic from SAM3,
agency of urban Subconscious)

Sam 3:
  • sideways / obliquely :
(photos / pics from SAM3, agency of Subconscious
urban and / and SAM3, fotolog ).

Sam 3:
  • Surreptitious advertising (Murcia is a lot of Murcia) / hidden advert (Murcia) :
(picture caught from / pic from SAM3, agency of urban Subconscious .)

  • And one way to survive (oh my shirt ... how pretty it is) / and making a living (my t-shirt .. so nice ... ):
(Photo Fuck / pic from Trestriges ). ***

I wanted, taking advantage of my new shirt Trestriges ( SAM3 ) and the pictures I had of little things to SAM3 , a brief summary of what is available online on it (without wanting to be a compendium of nothing.) To see the places I've gotten the information you just have to click on los enlaces. Además, incluyo al final una lista de las direcciones, para facilitar las cosas. Espero que guste.
I wanted to make a short summary of the Sam3 's stuff in the net, taking as a excuse my new T-shirt from Trestriges ( Sam3 ) and some pics I took. If you click in the links all over the two post, they will lead you to the places where I took the information from. Altough, I make a list with the addresses at the end of this post to make things easier. I wish you people like it.

Direcciones / addresses:

*** Dedicated to Murcia. Dedicated to that girl from Murcia. With

Written on the wall to be discovered SAM3 . Thanx to Written on the wall for Showing SAM3 me for the very fist time .

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Brent Corrigan And Brent Evveret

Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey ... callejeÁrtelo in / in Toledo.

Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, Chim Chim Cher-ee! A sweep is as lucky, as lucky dog \u200b\u200bbe. Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey, chim chim cher -oo! Good luck will rub off When I shakes' ands with you.

(The author of this template signature as Fuck Style, which I know because about Blank) .
(The author of Fuck this stencil signs like Style, Which I know thanx to about blank).

A cat - Borges

No mirrors are quieter and more stealthy
dawn adventure;
are, in the moonlight,
that panther we catch sight of from afar.
For indecipherable work
divine decree, we seek in vain;
remoter than the Ganges or the sunset,
yours is the solitude, yours the secret.
Your haunch
the lingering caress of my hand. You have accepted,
from that eternity which is already forgotten,
the love of the distrustful hand.
to another time. You own
de un ámbito cerrado como un sueño.

To a Cat - Borges

Mirrors are not more wrapt in silences
nor the arriving dawn more secretive;
you, in the moonlight, are that panther figure
which we can only spy at from a distance.
By the mysterious functioning of some
divine decree, we seek you out in vain;
remoter than the Ganges or the sunset,
yours is the solitude, yours is the secret.
Your back allows the tentative caress
my hand extends. And you have condescended,
since that forever, now oblivion,
to take love from a flattering human hand.
you live in other time, lord of your realm - a world
as Separate as closed and dream.


Templates in the city of Toledo, in the streets that run between the Alcázar and Plaza de San Justo. Stencils
in the town of Toledo, on the streets Between the Alcázar (citadel) and San Justo square.

*** Dedicated to Foster and his Chilean Toledo. Dedicated to the new guy in Toledo and His Girl-partner from Chile .

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cmv Virus And Kidney Transplants

Concept Artist - Concept of artist.

Artist (according to the Royal English Academy):
  1. adj. Person who studied the arts course. College.
  2. person who exercises a fine art.
  3. com. Person endowed with virtue and necessary provision for any of the fine arts.
  4. com. Person acting professionally in a theatrical, film, circus, etc.., Performing in public.
  5. com. craftsman (person holding an office).
  6. com. Person who does something with great perfection.

Artist (defined by the Royal English Academy):
  1. adj. Student of Arts.
  2. n. Someone who works in the Art and Stock of disciplines.
  3. n. Someone with NECESSARY for the virtuosity of the art disciplines and Stock.
  4. n. Professionally Someone who play a role in Any show, performing in front of the public.
  5. Craftsman. Someone who execute
  6. Something with a very high perfection.

*** Difference between this
Differentiate Between this :

And this / and this :

Hint: the key lies in a structural element, a support that defines, protects and accentuates the importance of the work.
Clue: the key element is a structural element, a framework demarcates That, protect and stress the Importance of the work.

Response / answer:

And what was before, "the chicken or the egg?
What Was Before, the chicken or the egg?

a stencil (or stencil in Castilian) that appears in a blog Argentine decision:
A stencil to found in an Argentinean blog states:

I disagree.
I disagree.

opens closed to comments. All comments


Photos. Pics :
  • -First. Fist one : Esquizopedia (the contents of the table was deleted to avoid suspicion. I erased the content of the own work to Prevent Any misunderstandings ).
  • II. Second one : Untitlednamedotcom (Keith Haring). Third
  • . Third one : Vitacura. Fourth
  • . One Fourth (estarcido. Stencil): Rescue Culture.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Titles For 21st Birthday Parties On Facebook

Hello, my name is.

We know that everything we see on the street and draws our attention there is a distinction ... Well, I do not, make them. The difference: €, or lack thereof to be exact. One of the latest mass attached was that of 'hello, my name is' ... mission impossible was to find one that was still blank ... and as they say ... unlucky in love, unlucky in everything else, so I did not find it. In return, I found Dress Appropriately tells us more about the subject. We

like Many of this things called street art , but already know that it is necessary to make a distinction ... I didn 't make it , they do it though . The difference : $, or the lack of it , to be accurate . One of the last stickers , massively scattered downtown , is ' hello , my name is '... The impossible mission was to find one empty ... as impossible that I stopped looking for . Instead , I came across with Viste Adecuadamente , that it tells us something more about this .

(Photo / Pic: Malasaña) .**

Monday, April 16, 2007

Kat Von D Black Thong

A Room with a view to - A room with a view to

The square of the Grail (Malasaña) or San Ildefonso as the street, they shot several houses, but the walls still standing waiting to be filled in small apartments out of reach of the majority. In this impasse, the interior walls have been redecorated. In Grail
square (Malasaña), San Ildefonso square as the street maps call it, There is whole block knocked down, waiting to Be built with brand new single appartment so cooliest to Be Bought for normal people. Meanwhile, inner walls has-been redecorated.

Unhandled Exception C00000005 00652f30

The reason of Being - The Reason of Being

** This blog is more about street art, graffiti, stencils and other things I see, I like and photograph. Not intended as a compendium of anything, not a reference to anyone, just trying to output a little outside of myself, expressing shared because humans as social animals we need to stop constacia of our existence. I hope that this a selfish exercise of self-expansion, someone else enjoy.

(Photo: Bear y el Graffiti. Pic: el Oso y el Graffiti
(similar to the symbol of the city of Madrid ,
but there is an arbutus, instead of a can of paint ).

This is another blog about street art, graffitis, stickers and another stuff that I take pics of when I walk around. It doesn't try to become a precise summary or a referent place for this kind of artistic expressions. I'm just trying to express myself sharing it with the rest of the world. Human beings, as social animals that we are, need leave proofs of existance. Hopefully, this selfish exercise of personal growth will please someone else.

(En / in Court).

(sabeeeeeees ... You already know that ... You ).

(found in two traffic lights from the Gran Vía .
sticked Found in Two Different traffic light at Gran Via .
The second Lord Skull /
the second one from Lord Skull

(Noise. .. Plaza del Carmen / Carmen sq. ).